Well played, Mr. Role Player


I need BTS in my life. Who doesn't right? This roleplayer satisfied me -but he is not Jimin- but he sufficed, at some point. 


He didn't promise anything and maybe that's why I was free to assume that at least, after all the things we shared with each other, after all the late night talks and the exchange of I love you's - it was fair to assume, at the very least, that he meant that 'I love you more' he sends to me.

After countless 'Fck, I miss you so damn much' and words meant to make you fall in love more, this hypocrite world tells you to follow only one rule - 

Don't fall in love.

He's not even my bias. He is not even close to portraying him because if he is, the hurting part should not be included. My bias is my world and this portrayer played me into delving deeper in that world. Now, I can't escape; I am deeply wounded 'cause I fell, real hard. 


/chuckles softly as I remember everything/

Well played, Mr. Role Player.

A/N: This story plot that inspired me to write, or at least try, a true to life story of countless girls I've talked to and shared the same story. Cheers to you strong souls. Here's to us and more of us in the future.


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