Final Words

final two cents
I know this is probably the weirdest way someone has ever celebrated an anniversary, but I wanted this to be my last hurrah before I officially say goodbye. Unlike past collections, I won't talk about each of the layouts in this collection and my feelings towards them (if you want that as well, I'd be happy to add it in a new chapter!); rather, I'll be writing my final words on Syncratic Designs. Don't worry, there's no obligation to read any of the word vomit below! c:

It's been four years since I started Syncratic, and a lot of things have changed significantly since June 13, 2013. I'm not the same pudgy-faced, kpop-loving, middle school girl I once was; I've changed dramatically as a consumer, as a creator, and as a person. Admittedly, SD has consequently taken a hard hit from all these changes, and I'm so, so sorry for that. But I can say with confidence that Syncratic has helped me grow in ways that I could never imgine, and I know that this gallery will always have a special place in my heart—one giant treasure chest of nostalgia, old friends, and experimental creativity.

Even now, I'm hesitant as to whether or not I want to release this collection or my official goodbye to AFF and this four-year platform, but I know that it's time. I'm heading off to college next fall, and I think I'm finally comfortable with letting this go. It's been a long time coming, let's be honest here haha. Thank you to everyone who made this possible for me, who supported me through the ups and downs of this shop and encouraged me to keep going for all these years now. You all built confidence in me that I did not have before SD, and I cannot stress how much y'all mean to me.

As always, I hoped you enjoyed this final collection. I've poured in a lot of love and hours into this little gift, and I hope that you liked the layouts here as much as I do. Please let me know what you all think! I'll still be around occasionally, so don't get too excited just yet haha.
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