Second Wheel

A Wheel of Love


Second Wheel

He smiled, how could he not smile? The presentation was finally done! It took him three straight nights to finish and he felt quite satisfied with it. Still smiling, he got out from his car as it stopped. Then, suddenly something hit him; his ‘special place’ was discovered by Park Yoochun few days ago.

Sneaking around, he peeked from each window. After sure there was no Park Yoochun there, he got it and ordered the usual. He sat on his favorite spot as he read his presentation again. He laughed softly to himself but then he stopped. 

He was completely forgot about his another problem! No way would he be able to speak fluently with his current state! He still had his phobia. He looked around and spotted a park near the café. There’re about five to six children there. He needed to practice.

Trembling a little, he went out to the park. He tried his best to maintain his coolness but his palms were already sweating so much. Jaejoong looked around and there’s no adult there, he felt relief.

“Um, everyone, can I have your attention, please?” Jaejoong asked in trembling voice but that managed to make kids stopped playing and stared at him. Damn, the stares were killing him…


“Are you sure he’s here?’ Yoochun asked to his driver,” I can’t seem to find him inside the café…”

“Yes,” the driver spoke,” Oh! Look at there! It’s clearly Director Kim’s car!”

Yoochun looked and he spotted the black car. Yes, it was Jaejoong’s car. Deciding not to give up, Yoochun walked around, searching till he reached a park. He spotted Jaejoong stood like statue in front of some children. It was quite awkward situation and Yoochun decided to observe more.

“What’s it ajusshi?” a boy asked but Jaejoong still froze.

“Is there anything wrong?” this time a girl asked,” Ajusshi’s face seems a bit pale…”

“Are you sick, ajusshi?” another boy asked.

Then, there’s only silence. Yoochun was about to approach but stopped when suddenly a loud voice startled him.

“AAAAAAAAAAAARGGGG!!!” Jaejoong shouted desperately,” I’m completely a helpless coward! I can’t even speak in front of few children!”

The children ran away, afraid of the desperate man. Yoochun could only look at Jaejoong and somehow he felt guilty. He knew about Jaejoong’s phobia; that’s why he always teased Jaejoong to speak in front of many people. The man used to speak just fine but something must change it, Yoochun told himself. Maybe he just wanted Jaejoong to overcome his phobia, he wasn’t sure himself.

Walking toward Jaejoong, Yoochun thought few things, such as how Jaejoong changed so much after he left the man to pursue his study abroad, also that he didn’t really care who became the successor of the company; he just liked to tease Jaejoong.

“Jae,” he called as he kneeled down, next to the man who hid his face behind his knees,” Are you okay?”

“I’m not!!!” Jaejoong shouted as he showed his tears; Yoochun was shocked of course,” It’s your entire freaking fault! You dumped me, leaving nothing but pain, fear, and sorrow. You left me without a word! You made me lost all my confidence by thinking something were definitely wrong with me but I was just fine! The problem was that you’re a bastard, Yoochun ah…I tried to believe that but I couldn’t!”


“Shut up! I’m not finish yet!” Jaejoong continued,” You’re the one who turned me into hopeless and helpless human being! Did you see? I couldn’t even speak in front of five children!”

Yoochun didn’t know why but his chest felt immense pain as Jaejoong broke down. He tried his best to control his feelings but he couldn’t.

“Not…only giving me incurable phobia…” Jaejoong cried,” You also kept teasing me after you came back…You always made me a joke in front of many people… You’re so mean, do you know that?”

“I…I’m sorry,” Yoochun was shocked, terrified the fact he was the one who changed Jaejoong; he was at fault,” I don’t…know…”

“Are you satisfied now?” Jaejoong asked in sarcasm tone as he got up and wiped his tears. He left Yoochun and went into his car. Meanwhile, the other man almost…died of feeling guilty.


Time kept flowing and the presentation was just the day after tomorrow, Jaejoong didn’t have any idea how he could do it at all. Sighing, he looked around. He was in a café but not his usual place because Park Yoochun had discovered it and no way had he wanted to see the man right now. So, this was his new spot, located in the city and had fancy meals.

Switching his sight to the untouched beefsteak, he played with his fork as he took the first bite. He chewed it a few times till he heard his name was being called. He looked up and choked.

“Jae! Calm down, I’m not here to tease or make fun of you,” the person spoke as he gave Jaejoong his drink. Jaejoong drank slowly until he was sure the beefsteak was safe and sound inside his stomach.

“How can you find me? I’m sure I’ve changed my spot,” Jaejoong asked,” What do you want, Yoochun?”

“I want to redeem myself and help you overcome your phobia,” Yoochun answered as he sat next to Jaejoong.

“You’re got to be kidding,” Jaejoong responded,” Besides, I don’t need your help…”

“Are you sure about that?” Yoochun asked,” There’s not much time left and judging from this new spot you found…This café isn’t that crowded, just like the other café on the hill…I don’t think you have dealt with your problem well, Jaejoong ah…”

Jaejoong gulped, he hated he was busted but he didn’t have any excuse left. He decided he would just eat his meal for now, ignoring Yoochun’s sentence.

“Waiter,” Yoochun called,” I’ll older the same one with him…”

“What are you doing?” Jaejoong asked,” Just go away, I don’t need---“

“Jae, I’m trying to repair my past mistake here. So just go along with me and I’ll help you cure your phobia,” Yoochun spoke,” Trust me…”

How could I trust you? Jaejoong wanted to shout out loud but he kept his tongue busy with his steak. Well, there’s no way he could deal with his problem alone. At least, he would let Yoochun tried to help him; he didn’t hope much though. No, he didn’t dare to hope much.


“Are you nuts?!” Jaejoong shouted as loud as he could in front of Yoochun, too bad a glass separated them or he swore he would be spitting on Yoochun’s face,” No way I’m doing this!!!”

“Jae…You need to or your phobia won’t be cured,” Yoochun stated the fact as he continued behind the glass door,” Besides, they’re not in position to talk back to you, all you need to do is to make a little speech in front of eight babies…”

Jaejoong gulped as he stared at the innocent faces that stared back to him. He was trapped in the room with eight freaking babies; five girls and three boys. Taking a deep breath, Jaejoong began to open his mouth.

“Okay, so listen up, everyone. Today, I want to tell you a story,” Jaejoong spoke as he got a story book from a shelf. He opened the first page and a castle popped up from the book. The babies smiled and laughed at it. It was strange but Jaejoong could feel his heart beat and breathing were still fine.

“So, long time ago, there was a princess,” Jaejoong opened the next page as a princess picture popped up, causing laughter of babies in the room. Jaejoong smiled at the innocence smile and how a baby girl tried to crawl toward him to touch the book.

“You want to touch it?” Jaejoong asked he let the baby felt it with her finger. It was like miracle how every words and sentences came out from his mouth perfectly. And so on, Kim Jaejoong managed to finish telling the story to the babies.

“You did well,” Yoochun entered the room as he smiled.

“Umm…Thank you,” Jaejoong shuttered.

“Okay, it’s time for our next lesson!” Yoochun declared as Jaejoong somehow could feel himself shivered. His hunch was right, he let Yoochun took him to another place. This time it was the park from last time on the hill. There’re some children there.

“Go talk to them; tell them anything you want…” Yoochun commanded as he pushed Jaejong forward.

“It’s the ajusshi from few days ago!” one boy pointed to Jaejoong,” What’s wrong, ajusshi?”

“Well, the truth is,” Jaejoong spoke,” You see an ajusshi back there? He used to be ajusshi’s boyfriend…”

“Wow, that’s cute!” a girl spoke up,” You two looks so good together, why did you break up?”

“Well, he’s kind of dumped me…and went to another country to pursue his dream,” Jaejoong said in sad tone,” He’s helping me…with my problem now though…”

“You should forgive him, ajusshi,” another girl spoke,” You know, my mom always says that we’re not perfect and we make mistakes. It’s a natural thing and that’s why we should forgive each other. Our life is too short for hate and grudge…”

Jaejoong blinked in amusement. That girl was about ten or something but she could say such a word. Somehow, Jaejoong smiled and patted the girl’s hair.

“Thank you…” Jaejoong smiled,” I think that’s all I want to ask you guys for now. You can go back playing…”

Jaejoong waved to the children as he went back to Yoochun’s side. Meanwhile, the other man was wondering how Jaejoong could smile to him like that; it’s tender and sincerely, not like the recent irritated smiles he always got.

“So, what’s our next lesson?” Jaejoong asked in excited tone that he didn’t realize.

“Well, since it’s getting late,” Yoochun could feel his heart shuddered,” I think that’s all for today. We’ll continue tomorrow…”

“So, you’re just going to leave me here?” Jaejoong pouted.

“Of course not,” Yoochun answered instantly,” Well, I’m thinking to ask you out for dinner but…that’s if you want to…”

“I want to…” Jaejoong answered with another bright smile.

“Um, okay. Let’s get into the car then…” Yoochun leaded the way as he searched for any possible reason Jaejoong’s attitude changed toward him. It was suddenly warm and kind from cold and grumpy. Maybe the world just stopped rotating or not? Yoochun wondered.

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Chapter 5: awww~ great ending! and this is such an adorable story! <3
Chapter 4: oooh~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ! I'm happy for them both. lol. XD haha
Chapter 1: this is the first time I read a JaeChun/ChunJae story XD And, I must admit that I kind of ship them. lol. ㅋㅋㅋ
alexian #4
Chapter 5: Awesome "The busy puking pregnant couple"....
Nice ending...
I really liked it...
Chapter 5: it is beautiful and yay two kids i like that a lot :)
maedeh #6
Chapter 5: hi
it was cute and a bit like protect the boss of jae!!! but it was much more fun that movie!!!!
kyouya3 #7
@YunJaeFan awww thx u >,<M
ThisLonerLovesEunhae #8
Kyaa! I loved it! ^^ kekeke what a cute family ^^ *clicks the subscribe button* kekeke
kyouya3 #9
@BlackBrownPearl thx u for reading^^