Run, Hide, Tell


run, hide, tell

When the silence isn't quiet
and it feels like it's getting hard to breathe.

I know you feel like dying,
but I promise we'll take the world to its feet
and move mountains. 

andra day - rise up
She's coming. 

The seven of them looked at each other, giving blank stares. A moment later, there's a chorus of laughter, a melody of broken hearts and regret. The youngest of the seven choked on her laughter, tears welling.

"We'll die, won't we?" 

There's silence because none of them can really answer her. There is a slim chance that she'll lay off them. Their bodies are already depleted and mentally, they're not prepared for the verbal abuse that'll come with herShe's coming and there's nothing they can do.
i'm currently in camp, so a new update will only be posted possibly on fri!!


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i'm loving the teasers so far!! i didn't think it was possible to be even more hyped than b4 lol. i'll be waiting patiently, take all the time u need <3 <3
Chapter 3: Congrats~ and now that is the end of the unknown roles XD
She seems like she's going to be interesting to hear from, if she tells stories while they're on the run haha I like the time skip that leaves us wondering at what point she's freaking out at. A good group needs a burglar anyway, right?
Chapter 3: ohh poor girl. D:
was going to live her life and do lots of things...
didn't think 3 years from them something was gonna happen to her. D;
teasers or so nice, but would love put names to these characters. XD
Chapter 3: Not gonna lie, I did a little dance standing on a very crowded station when I read this and recognised my character. Thank you so much for writing about her ❤
Chapter 3: it's sephy aaaAAAaaa
i like this teaser, very much, very very much :D
currently shaking from happiness bc you updated hehehe
you have a hectic life, dont get sick honey okayz
Chapter 1: I am so sorry for my late comment!! I've been out of town and didn't really have much time to be on. But let me just say that I love the way your write. Honestly, you're phenomenal! You never cease to impress me. Both teasers were amazing!!
I really love the drama with Yeonji and how she's literally so psychotic that she's willing to murder a bunch of innocent trainees to get what she wants. God, your writing is beautiful, I can't say that enough! The first teaser was so dark compared to the second but it really was necessary. I love how you're going back and forth between a very somber and horrifying reality to these little moments of happiness in between. It's so satisfying and gives us a bit of relief. I think that was brilliant to add in a the poor little dying girl and her dead friend.... that's so morbid but really grabbed everyone's attention. It kind of shows us just how serious their fear is and the terrible situation. So are they under the sea? Or does Yeonji just have a tank put in under the floor haha? I'm so curious to find out! It would make sense because of her ability but it was make things so much more difficult on the seven. Bless their hearts!!

The second teaser was so cute though!! I'm literally dying at how precious the two cousins were. I have no idea if it's the girl or guy that was accepted? But I can't wait to find out! I love the dynamic between the two though. You have this somewhat closed off and hardened guy who clearly isn't as tough as he seems because of this sweet little girl that just wants to put up her lights so she isn't scared of the dark. Ahhhh too much adorableness!!! You're killing us, I swear!!
I honestly cannot wait for another teaser, I'm so hyped for this! Please update soon author-nim, we'll all be looking forward to it! :)
Suau147 #7
Chapter 2: OMG!!!!!! I really liked these two teasers ^.^
Very nice way to start the story!!
Can't wait for more!!!!
keep up the good work and fighting!!!
Chapter 2: omg im babashewk *temporarily possessed*

lemme talk about the first chapter
human, i cried, it felt so surreal your writing is so beautiful
yeonji is truly a psychopath, she literally killed her own creation m8 wot
and ohmygod what a nice touch, they're in the middle of the sea, a place where yeonji is the most powerful,
it got me thinking how are the sevens gonna run away aah the thrill

i literally went through everyone's app to see who's actually the person on this chapter (damn son my dedication)
i was like is the guy the chosen character? or the girl?
i am confusion
and i found who is it and got babashewk again (not gonna tell who tho, gotta keep the suspense fresh)
you're so good making me feel like this
super excited for the next teaser <3
Chapter 2: I really liked the amount of emotion and impact in the first teaser. The "Jane" named by the detective was Yul or Haemi... so sad. But is the water pit still there?

In other news, congrats to the lucky lady with the name that shall not be known! Her cousin is wrapped around her finger despite all his protests XD Can't wait to see how these two will clash in the future. I'm excited for the next teaser!
Chapter 2: dunno who she is, but poor girl who is afraid of the dark and such a good cousin.
wonder why they're living with one another.
anyways, wonder which # she is and who she is. lol
good job so far!!
can't wait for more!