just for a rough gauge, how many of you would be interested to try this concept out? comment, maybe? (initial stage / lasts for a week)


a/n: because it's something i've never tried before, this roleplay may last only for a week unless there are requests for it to be a long-term thing.


jumping straight to the point, , what i had in mind was:

- a semi-au or an au roleplay (undecided)

- with two distinct roles: one who has the ability to storytell, the other controlled by their words (storyteller, character)

[i'll give you an example. to ensure that both characters are aware of the sentence made, the storyteller will either mention or dm the base. if the sentence is "baekhyun gives wonho a hug.", the two characters will have to carry out the action. here's where it gets a bit more interesting.

because there's no definite ending to that sentence, the receiver has the rights to respond in whatever way they want to. in this case, baekhyun will give wonho a hug but wonho could possibly push baekhyun away.]

- no specific setting (general)

- mature content in moderation (undecided)


don't worry, although i said the characters are controlled by the storyteller's words, the characters can still live their own lives. they're not under full control of the storytellers - only their words.

since it may last for only a week in its initial stage, i hope people would give this a chance because i'm curious to know how it's going to be. if you're interesting, please pm me! 


thank you!


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