This Love

This Love

Request: Can you do a somixyou the two of you are already a couple and are happy together the only problem is somi's friend hate you and your friends hate somi so they group up to try and break you up only to see it's impossible so they go to each of your parents only to hear why yours and somi's parents approve of the relationship


The first time Eunji and Somi met seemed so long ago. It had been only three days since Eunji transferred. Somi couldn’t ignore the whispers surrounding the girl and her dark aura didn’t help that. So when she’d come across her she’d already had a few predisposed feelings about her.


Somi had been trudging along the school’s library, stopping when she spotted Eunji. She wasn’t supposed to be there, but neither was Somi. Somi squinted as she peeked at the girl. Her eyes were half lidded and her head was tilted back, she could only assume she’d been asleep. Somi creeped closer slowly not trying to startle her


Eunji’s hand grabbed Somi’s just as it was about to touch her shoulder. Her eyes snapped open, turning towards Somi.


“What are you doing?”


Somi snatched her hand away. “I thought you were asleep; I was trying to tell you that we both have to leave before school security comes.” Eunji nodded as she stood, saying nothing as she made her way out of the room.


Somi trailed behind her slowly not wanting to get too close. She froze as the sound of jingling keys. Eunji rolled her eyes as she pulled the Somi into the closet earby. So much for not getting too close.


Somi shrieked as her phone began to buzz. She quickly fumbled around, pulling it from her bag pressing the decline button. She looked up coming face to face with Eunji.


“Stop looking at me like that.” Eunji said annoyance clear in her voice.


“Like what?”


Like I’m going  to hurt you or something.”


Somi said nothing only turning her eyes away from her.


“There not true you know,” Somi stared at Eunji again “The rumors.”


Somi crossed her arms. “Then why were you really transferred to our school then?”


“Flooding incident the whole school needs to be renovated,” Eunji explained with a sigh. “I don’t expect you to believe me though, like everyone else in this school.” Eunji pressed her ear to the door. She pushed the door open, Somi exited first. Her movements slow, feeling guilty for possibly misjudging. She sighed as she stepped outside the school. Rain poured from the grey clouds making her wish she’d brought an umbrella. Seconds later she felt something warm cover her head stopping the rain. She looked up noticing a now jacket less Eunji.


Somi sighed. “Hey!”


Eunji turned. “I’m not like everyone else at the school!”


A smile grazed Eunji’s lips. “Prove it!”



So she did. She’d tried so hard to prove she was different, which confused her and Eunji’s friends. Though nothing confused them more than when they announced that they were dating.  Her friends wondered if she was being blackmailed. Eunji’s friends had wondered if she was playing a joke on Somi.


Months had passed and the whole school had grown accustomed to the “Romeo and Juliet’ couple. Everyone but their friends. They’d tried so hard to ruin the relationship, not knowing they’d only made it stronger.


Lately their antics had seemed slow. Eunji and Somi had thought it was because they’d finally given up. They couldn’t have been farther from the truth.




In the kitchen of Somi’s residence sat both of their friend groups. The sat in front both of their parents. Eunji’s mother spoke first.


“So you said there was something you wanted to speak to us about?”


They all nodded looking round to see who would speak first.


“Um yes we would to talk to you about Somi and Eunji’s relationship.”


Somi and Eunji’s parents eyes locked for a moment before the released low chuckles. Their friends looked at each other confused.


“Yes we are very aware of their relationship.” Somi’s dad spoke.


Their friends looked at ech other confused. “And you’re okay with it?” One of the friends asked.


The parents chuckled. “Why wouldn’t we be? Their relationship is very healthy and they make each other h0ppy, if you were good friends you would see that.”


A pang of guilt hit the group of friends as they hung their head lowly.




The next day their friends planned to apologize for being such bad friends.


“Aren’t you a little worried?” Somi asked as she walked closer to their mixed friend group.


“Well they’re all still alive so not much could be wrong.”Eunji joked just as they stopped in front of their friends.


A moment of silence passed before all of their friends dropped to their knees with their heads hung low. “We’re sorry for being such bad friends.”


“Yeah if you guys want to be together we won’t try to stop you anymore.”


Eunji and Somi’s eyes locked for a moment before the fell into laughter.


Their friends lifted their heads to look at each other. “Do you forgive us?”


The couple nodded making their friend sigh in relief. “Though,” Eunji started making their friends nervous. “We totally saw you cars yesterday.”


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