A Storm Awakens

Up and down and down and up

“Omomo..” Taeyeon gasped. It in part is what earned her the nickname Ajummataeng. A fresh youthful face, healthy and active body, with a mouth that is 20 years her senior. “Waa~~ aedeul-ah, pali!” Taeyeon called our for her roommates and wanted them to hurry.

“Mwo-ya? What’s going on?” Yoona asked, dragging her feet as she entered the room. Her long, baggy sweat pants slid across the floor with her feet. Her arms were crossed, hands resting in the warmth of her armpits. It was a bit chilly in the dorm, but not to the point that anything more than a t-shirt was needed. She observed Taeyeon sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop open. She was in something similar but wearing a oversized sweater. Her pretty bare face had a smile and her nose was a little pink. She was just getting over a recent cold. The excited expression on Taeyeon’s face made Yoona happy. It was in complete contrast to the past week where it was very hard for her.

“Ya, where is everyone?” Taeyeon asked with slight concern.

“Pany-unnie and Hyoyeon-unnie went out a little while ago.” Yoona covered to let out a yawn before continuing. She walked up behind Taeyeon, so she could see what Taeyeon was looking at. “Sunny is playing a game in her room, should I get her?”

“Ani..I just saw that a new restaurant opened up, I wanted to know if everyone wanted to go out and eat or get an order to take home.” Taeyeon’s excitement left her face and a frown began to form. “How could they just leave without saying anything?”

“You were in your room, I’m sure they just didn’t want to disturb you. What’s the restaurant called? I can grab Sunny unnie and I’m sure when Tiffany and Hyoyeon get back they’d love to…” Taeyeon hardly paid attention to what Yoona was saying. With her back turned to Yoona facing her laptop screen, Yoona couldn’t see the frustration that covered her face. Her mind was deep in thought over the girls just leaving, not just without saying anything, but without asking if she’d like to go. Maybe they just assumed she’d say no, but that wasn’t a fair thought was it. It’s still polite to ask. These thoughts raced through her mind and the more she thought, the further away from the present she was. This wasn’t the first time in recent times Hyoyeon left without saying anything and Taeyeon had talked to her about it. Lately it seemed Tiffany was being influenced by manner of going out. Taeyeon didn’t believe they had to report to her on where they were going all the time, she wasn’t their mother, but she’d like to know if it was somewhere she’d enjoy going too. Taeyeon mentally told herself she wasn’t jealous, she was just annoyed. That’s all it was…right?

“Taeyeon unnie…” A faint voice called. “Tae…?” It called again.

Tae jumped from the feeling of a hand being placed on her shoulder. She spun around as if she forgot that Yoona was even there behind her.

“Taeyeon, what’s the matter?” Yoona asked softly, her eyebrows narrowed, showing concern.

Taeyeon realized she didn’t want to share the thoughts that filled her mind just then. She relaxed her face and partially smiled, “Oh nothing, sorry. Um..It looked like a really good menu…I was uh, trying to figure out if it was something we’d have enjoyed anyways hehe.”

Yoona could tell Taeyeon was lying but didn’t want rehash whatever was bothering her. Instead, she wanted her to feel happy, so she had an idea of what they could do until the others got back. “Want to take Ginger, Prince, and Barbara for a walk? They probably need one, before the house is covered in poop.” Taeyeon gave Yoona an eye smile and nodded. “I’ll go tell Sunny unnie.” Yoona said before scurrying away to the Sunny’s bedroom.

Taeyeon let the smile drop from her face and felt a little upset with herself for probably overreacting. The girls likely didn’t mean any harm, but she would talk to them about it later on. She got up from her chair and stretched. “Aigoo” She uttered. Once again revealing her inner ahjumma. She closed the laptop and went off to her room to change into something comfy and warm, but also fashionable.

Sunny was in the living room watching a generic tv broadcast when Hyoyeon and Tiffany came in through the door. Hyoyeon was carrying a big box that had a mouth-watering aroma coming from it. “We’re baaa~ck” Tiffany sang as she shut the door behind her. She was carrying to big white plastic bags on her arms. Sunny sat up on the couch and replied, “You’re here!”

“Mm. Hyoyeon saw a new restaurant that opened up online and thought it’d be cool to grab some food for us all to try out! It smells sooooo good.”

“So good?” Sunny mimicked in a high pitched voice.

“So good.” Tiffany responded.

“So goooood?” Sunny’s pitch went higher and she started wiggling her body, showing her aegyo.

“Ya…” Hyoyeon uttered, causing everyone to burst out laughing. 

“Haha, Taeyeon and Yoona went out to walk the dogs, they should be back soon.” An hour had passed before they left. Sunny realized it had been that long, because her broadcast started an hour ago. “What place opened up?”

“It’s called ‘Bulgogi-to-Go-gogi’. ” Hyoyeon said, making the girls laugh again. Tiffany placed down the bags and playfully pushed Hyoyeon’s shoulder.

“It’s actually called Gangnam Bulgogi.” Tiffany spoke as she started removing utensils and napkins from the white bags. “We got a bunch of beef, salads, vegetables and side dishes.”

“Daebak,” Sunny exclaimed as she stood up. “I’ll help set up!” She walked over to the kitchen cupboards and started removing plates to put on the table. “You know, I think Taeyeon was actually looking at that place earlier. She was curious about it and wanted to go. She’ll be so happy to know you guys went there!”

“Oh yeah?” Hyoyeon asked. “She’s gets home before the meat gets cold. She can probably smell it a mile away and ran back home.”

As if Hyoyeon’s sub-conscience was psychic, the door started unlocked and before it fully opened Barbara and Prince ran in towards their mommies. Hyoyeon picked up Barbara and nuzzled her. Tiffany crouched down to get kisses from her Prince. “Oh did my Prince miss me? That’s my good boy, did you enjoy your walk?” Tiffany baby talked him, and his tail wagging at lightening speed.

“Omona, what smells so good?!” Yoona wondered as she walked through the door. Taeyeon close behind her, swinging the door shut once she was through. Her eyebrows raised at the smell of cooked food. Her face was no longer twisted as it was earlier and she seemed at ease.

“Hey guys,” Tiffany said. “Hyoyeon and I went to a new restaurant and brought a bunch of food. The owners even gave us a huge discount for a picture.”

“Yeah, ahjusshi was very happy to meet ‘pany-pany-Tippany’” Hyoyeon teased as she put Barbara down. “Come sit, we’re just setting up the table now.

“Where did you guys go?” Taeyeon asked as she took off her shoes before walking to the kitchen. “It smells really good.”

“A new place called Gangnam Bulgogi, Hyo found it online!” Tiffany responded, praising Hyoyeon for her awesome find. “Jin…jja?” Taeyeon said slowly. The name causing her to slow down her movement. She examined the boxes and bags as she walked over. Gangnam Bolgogi was plastered all over them. The logo big and visible in between each placement of the name. The name she was looking at over an hour ago with such excitement. The name she wanted to introduce to her friends. The name that will be attached to Hyoyeon and hailed as her magic find. A part of Taeyeon hoped the food would be mediocre at best. “Sounds great. Would have been nice to see the place..” She passive aggressively added.

“Eh, it’ll aways be there. We can go next time!” Hyoyeon said as she opened the boxes and started placing the main course in the center of the table. Taeyeon had the urge to yell, but didn’t know exactly what to yell about. All she knew was that this annoyed her. She bit her tongue and started helping set up the table.


The food was spectacular. The girls were picking off the remaining bits of meat and happily praising the food they just consumed. “Komawoyo unnie,” Yoona said to Hyoyeon before placing a piece of meat into with her chopsticks before continuing. “(muffled from food being in ) This was soooo delicious.” Sunny took a sip of her beer and agreed. “My stomach agrees with Yoona.” Sunny patted her tummy and smiled. 

Taeyeon hated to admit it but it was really good. It was also fortunate that they arrived when they did so they got to eat it hot. In the end it turned out to be a great find and she couldn’t be mad at Hyoyeon for taking the initiative with only one member, but she would still mention it.

“Yeah, Pany-ya was awake so I just asked her. Wish you guys would have come to see the place, daebak!” Hyoyeon said before stuffing a lettuce wrap in .

“Well, you didn’t ask all of us..” Taeyeon uttered silently, but loud enough to be heard. She didn’t even look up. She just stirred meat with her chopsticks in some sauce.

The air around the table grew a little heavy as sounds of enjoyment died down to process the response Taeyeon gave. Hyoyeon was busy making a lettuce wrap, so she didn’t see the sullen look on Taeyeon’s face. She shot back with a playful tone, “It’s not like you’d leave your room anyways House Fairy.” The comment lifted the air again and chuckles left the girls mouths. All except Taeyeon who was know staring at Hyoyeon with a blank face. No one noticed the look she had and continued joking with each other.

“Ya…” she said. Apparently too soft because no one looked over at her or stopped talking. “YA!” she shouted slamming down her chopsticks. The girls paused and looked at her wide eyed, worried and confused. Taeyeon clenched her fists on the table and clenched her jaw. She relaxed it to speak again. “Museun soriya, What do you mean I wouldn’t go? Can you read my mind? Huh? Did you know that I was going to ask to go earlier before you and Tiffany just left without asking?”

“Taeyeon-ah..” Tiffany tried to diffuse Taeyeon’s anger.

“Do you think I’m unable to go out in public? House Fairy? Tsk, I’m growing really sick of this Hyoyeon. You always just leave without saying anything. Without asking everyone. Do you think that’s okay? Do you think that’s respectful? Huh?”

Hyoyeon’s face was slightly pinker and and her hands clenched in tight fists. Her chopsticks dug into her palm, as she didn’t put them down, but she barely felt it. “Mwoya?! What is your problem?”

“YOU! You are my problem right now Hyoyeon. Your attitude and way of doing things and carrying it over to our roommates is upsetting.” Taeyeon scolded her.

Hyoyeon’s expression now matched Taeyeon’s. “Are you serious?! How many times have we asked you to go somewhere and you turned us down? Uh? D-do you think someone would keeping axing-asking if you continually say no?” Hyoyeon tripped over her words as she usually did when her mood gained adrenaline. The other girls looked at each other, at Hyoyeon, at each other again and at Taeyeon. None of them knew what to say exactly, but Tiffany chimed in, “Taeyeon-ah, Hyoyeon did this for us. She wanted us to enjoy-”

Taeyeon cut her off, “Are you trying to make it seem like I’m being irrational? Wae? Wae are you so blinded by this behavior?”

What behavior Taeyeon?” Tiffany pressed looking for a real answer.

“She just leaves. Without saying anything. Then she comes back and talks about her adventures and says things like ‘aedeul-ah,  you should have come to this amazing place’, but never even asks us! She comes and leaves as she pleases, sometimes going before walking Barbara causing one of us to walk her. It’s not okay, It’s not okay at all.”

Hyoyeon was so shocked by Taeyeon’s words she couldn’t formulate a response to defend herself. She was visibly shaking and upset. She stood up from her chair and stormed towards her room. She picked up Barbara who was following her.

“Tsk…jeong~mal, leave your mess behind for-“ Hyoyeon went into her room and slammed the door. “US TO CLEAN!” Taeyeon shouted in the hopes she would hear her through the shut door. 

Tiffany was fuming. Yonna sat there in shock. Every time she was about to open to speak the two girls would shoot words back at each other. Sunny chiming in to scold Taeyeon’s choice of words as well.

“That wasn’t right Taeyeon,” Tiffany scolded. “I don’t understand you sometimes!” Tiffany stood up and started dumping the disposable utensils in the bag. Sunny and Yoona started helping. She started packing any excess food in containers as she continued speaking, “Hyoyeon had no ill will, she wasn’t leaving you out,”

“Why does she even live with us? She’s hardly here…” Taeyeon said to herself. In her anger, she believed she said that in her head, but it was loud and clear enough for all of the girls to stop cleaning and look at her with shocked expressions. Guilt instantly covered her face.

“That’s going too far,” Sunny said. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but it needs to stop. I don’t want anyone leaving, but we can’t have these random fights anymore. You need to go talk to her.”

Taeyeon knew that now wasn’t the time for talking. Both girls were fired up and all that would be slung were bitter words. “Not now..” She goes up and starts to help clean up.

“We’ll finish this,” Sunny said without looking at Taeyeon. That was a sign that she needed to leave. Sunny wasn’t angry with Taeyeon, but mad at the situation and how it unveiled. Taeyeon took her laptop and went to her room. She slammed the door shut and sat down on her bed. Tears welled in her eyes as she wondered what was going on with her. She was a reasonable and calm person. The name Taeyeon couldn’t fit her more, but when things built up inside here, when it came out it was a wrathful storm. It truly upset her and she wasn’t sure why the girls couldn’t see what she saw. Maybe they did and just didn’t mind it. Maybe they didn’t care. She figured at least Tiffany would understand. They lived together for a huge majority of their life. She was her best friend. Then again everyone is Tiffany’s best friend. She’s a social person and as is Hyoyeon. Which is probably why they’ve been spending more and more time together now that schedules were on break. TTS would be promoting again in a couple of weeks, so maybe that would give her some time away from the house and a chance to really gauge if she and Tiffany were growing apart or if it was just in her head.

She heard knocking but it wasn’t at her door. Hyoyeon’s room was next to hers. A voice called out, “Hyoyeon-unnie..Gwen-cha-na?” It was Tiffany. Taeyeon was saddened that she didn’t come to her room. When a knock rang on her door. She got up and opened it. Sunny and Yoona stood there with sunken faces, worried about their unnie. Taeyeon told them, “I think I’m just going to take a nap. I’m still feeling pretty ill.” The girls nodded and walked down the hall, back to the living room. Taeyeon peaked out of her room and saw Tiffany’s foot disappearing into Hyoyeon’s room. Taeyeon sunk back into her room and walked over to her bed and sat down. Tears freely fell from her eyes as her head hung low, eyes fixed at her hands in her lap.

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Fire_trek 343 streak #1
Chapter 3: This was getting good! Man, I wish you would finish this but atlas, it’s just not in the cards.. thank you for the story so far author nim
Fire_trek 343 streak #2
Chapter 2: See, I knew that Tae was jealous! But for what reason? Is it because she thinks she’s losing Tiffany or is it because she likes Hyo?!
Fire_trek 343 streak #3
Chapter 1: Taeyeon is me when I’m trying to get my cousin in trouble for no apparent reason lol 😂 but let’s be real, she is jealous of Tiffany and Hyoyeon’s relationship
Jelty6 #4
Chapter 3: it's really interesting story..
please update soon...
misakikobayashi #5
Chapter 3: 아이고, This cliffhanger is deadly
skip5beat #6
Haven't been reading Hyotae fanfic for a while so I really missed it.
Really like the story.
anicetable #7
Chapter 3: i laughed at the tyts part not gna lie
holy shet that cliffhanger tho update soon !! go make hyoyeon save taeyeon or smth
Chapter 2: Well the title itself was enough for me so subscribe but the story is even great. Love drama +hyotae and getting both in one is just perfect. Thanks for this story hope you'll update more soon.
darklighter152 #9
Chapter 2: Troubles in paradise. I'm interested.