But We Work Together...


After pulling an all-nighter for an important assignment, Hoseok is worn out beyond belief. Add in his crumbling family life, and it's no wonder Hyungwon stumbles upon him crying in the break room at one in the morning. Just how can Hyungwon comfort the older?


My second submission for the AO3 HWH Bingo Challenge here


“Appa! Are you on your way home? Did your boss let you leave early?” His cheerful, innocent voice brings a smile to Hoseok’s face, one that quickly falls as he thinks of the news he has to deliver.

“I’m sorry, Kukkungie,” he begins, and he can almost hear the shift in the child’s mood, “but I can’t come and get you tonight. My boss gave me this really important task, and he wants it done tonight… But I’ll make it up to you this weekend, okay? I promise, we’ll go see as many movies as you want, play all the games you want… It’ll be two days of anything you want to do, my little Kukkungie.”


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