Her Letter

The Light of My life

Dear Jin Woo,

Here’s Jisoo. Alright I’ll just stop the formality as you know I don’t take much a liking to them.

I don’t want to talk about the present right now. Just let me let go of reality for once, okay jagiya?

How did I met you… it was actually one day, having lunch in college. You were with WINNER and you somehow pulled my gaze towards yourself. I know I sound like a stupid schoolgirl with a crush but that’s how I met you.

And when Rose introduced you to me as her boyfriend’s hyung, I accidentally took a liking to you and how you acted around me.

You were so different unlike the other boys. You never made a move without my permission and you always made me felt so happy, so comfortable.

Running a company isn’t easy, especially when I have to make all the choices and keep a perfect image for the sake of the company. I had to be the top and the best at everything, and it tired me.

How could a mere human, a normal guy like you, Kim Jin Woo, make my heart run a hundred miles and made my mind fuzzy?

At first I was hestitant. Should I accept you? Although I know your liking towards me, although Rose, Jennie and Lisa always nudge me towards you, I was afraid.

I was afraid I became your burden. I was afraid that one day, when you are sick of me, when you decided to let go of me, I was too in love with you. You, Kim Jin Woo, is the reason why I can’t sleep at nights.

But when you appeared before me, fighting Rocky for me, all those words you said.

You became my one and only.

Jin Woo oppa.

Don’t think I forgot about our first date at the ball. Turns out you were a failure at waltzing with me huh? Nah, don’t deny. It was because you kept staring at me and losing focus, duh! You said I was extra gorgeous that night. If I had the chance, I would gladly be like that forever because I know it made you happy.

Oppa, do you know? When I was younger, I made a wish. I would jump from a plane with the guy I love and that would signify my everlasting love to him. And that wish came true. We jumped down together. Although you did not know the importance of it to me, it actually bonded me to you.

I am glad my first kiss was given to you. The same goes to the nights I was drunk. The time spent with you.

But then my happily ever after disappeared. Without a sound and a trace.

I suffer from depression, oppa. All those nights I was drunk, I just wanted to be happy. To be free, like the eagles in the sky, soaring through clouds.

What a fantasy.

Suddenly all the business of my company were cut off and soon, most of them were bought away by another huge company who was far richer and far powerful

I didn’t know what to do when suddenly, I got news from my relatives that my eomma wasn’t dead. All these years I thought she was, and then she wasn’t. She was breathing, heart thumping in someplace in the world. I was happy beyond imagination.

Then my call with her ruined everything. She wasn’t my true mother at all. In fact, she adopted me from the orphanage.

I felt like reality was slowly slipping out of my hands when I knew my true parents were dead. They killed themselves when their company was bankrupt.

And my company was the main reason why their company bankrupted.

My world shattered into a thousand pieces.

Without intending to so.

I killed my parents, oppa.

How can I continue to live on, continue to breath knowing the fact that I’m a murderer?

I’m sorry oppa, for being selfish. I wanted to end my life.

I knew I would regret for my actions, yet I decided to do it.

Because you, Jin Woo does not deserves to have a murderer, a crime commiter as his girlfriend.

The man who has such shy smiles, such a tender heart, and yet protects me. My knight in shining armor, you would say.

I believe Rose, Jennie and Lisa would be safe and happy in the hands of your dongsaengs.

Find some other nice girl, who is pretty and smart, and who loves you as much as I do. 

I cannot stay by your side anymore, and I apologize once more.

You know, there's a saying that goes like this.

There are darknesses in life, and there are lights.

And you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.

I love you, Kim Jin Woo.

Even in the next life.

Your beloved,

Kim Ji Soo.

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