" Happy birthday baby ,you thought that I'm not coming right ? " I turned around and I saw my precious man JUNG YOUNG HWA . I didn't know what to say , but I just start crying cause he came back to me again , I said " yes stupid I thought that you won't make " he caressed my cheeks and said " how can I do that ? you are my shin hye and its your birthday means its a blessed day , without this day I wouldn't be able to meet you " I was so touched for his words and huged him so tight , young hwa said " you missed me that much " I said " even words can't describe it " he laughted and said " let me see then " he get close to me and start roaming his hands on my back , it felt so good , then he started to kiss me in my neck , my lips it was so warm I felt safe . 

Ya park shin hye wake up , wake uuuuuup dam it , come on you are late its 10 Am , there is a lot of things has to be done for your birthday " . I opened my eyes and i saw my Mother beside me trying ti wake me up , she said " good morning honey , happy birthday wish you all the healthy life that you deserve " and kissed my forehand . I  know it that it was just a dream , a beautiful with my man , but I felt so sad . 

I went down to my parents for breakfast , I saw a big table with all the kinds of food I tried to smile in front of them to not to make them see my sadness . 

My father said " happy birthday my beautiful daughter , wish you all the happiness in your life " and gives me a hug 

I said " ckomawo ouma , appa I really feel so warm for your words love you ,and ouma thanks for the breakfast " . I started eating and get my phone to see if there is any message from young hwa but nothing . my parents saw that and my father said " shin hye ,young hwa is not coming for your birthday party tonight ? " and when I heard that it was like a knife trought to my my heart and I said " aniyo appa , young hwa is not coming cause of his work in new york " .


He said " okay then , but his band is coming for sure right ? They are your friends as well " I said " yeah of course ,I called Jung hyun and he tolled me that they are coming " . a while from now my phone rings when saw who was it and I saw Jung hwa 's number , he sent to me a message he said " good morning my baby girl ,happy birthday wish you all the love and all your dreams come true , I'm sorry for not calling you earlier cause I'm stuck with this work , I really wanted to attend to your birthday part but I couldn't and I promised you when I arrive from my trip I will making up to you , I will take a few day only to spend it with , how is the preparation for the party ? I have called Jung hyun to come and help and if you need anything you can just call him okay ? I know you must be angry and sad but you know that i love you ,i tried to come but no chance and you know I love right ? Anyways I should go now and baby happy birthday onece again ,love you ,take care " .

When I was reading his message I started crying I totally forget about my parents that thrry are beside me ,I was really hoping that he would tell me that he will come and celebrate with me .

My parents didn't say anything they just stood up and left me by myself . 


Now is 2 Am and mom and I went to buy a dress for my birthday party but I wasn't in mood to have a shopping or choose a dress so let my mom chose one for me it was a mini blue dress with dentals it was beautiful . and when I arrived home I just wanted to have a nap or maybe stay alone far from anyone . while I was getting to sleep I heard someone calling my name and knocking on my bed room door " shin hye its me Jung hyun ,are there ? " I have to wake up and opene the doostarted en I opened the door He said and slapped softly in the face and said " good morning and happy birthday NY sister in low "   I said " its really a bad time to come now ,I'm not in mood to chat or to listen " , he stood up and said " I know that cause hyong is not here right ? Don't worry life is full of surprises " I was confused when he said that , I said " what do you mean about that " , he laughted like he wants to change to topic but I didn't care .

He said " any ways let's do what should we do ,where should I get started " I looked at him and said " why are you asking me that ? I didn't want this party from the beginning ,so if you want to do or prepare or say anything about this go to my mom okay ? 

He looked at me in shocking face and said " dam it girl your are going crazy cause of young hwa you should relax "  then I said to him " Jung hyun please I'm about to cry now if you will keep saying his name " I stated crying seriously ,when he saw me like that he huged me and said " shin hye maybe everything is going to be okay at your party no one knows " he still talking with puzzles , then he said " I will go down to help your mother and cnblue band " 

I said " the band is here also ? Then I should go down with " . we went down and tried not to show them my sad face but one of them said " ta park shin hye you look horrible without hyong ,you really miss him that much ? " and when I turned around it was kang min hyuk ,he is a lively boy ,he is like my young brother . I smiled and huged him so tight and said " his are min hyuk long time ,if I didn't call should call me boy " and he said " yeah you right Nona but you how is our work , concerts and festivals , new albums ,photo shooting and no Ned to continue you all the things " I said " hahaha are you about to cry now ? But I'm just joking I'm know how much you are busy " then someone said " stop complaining baby boy its your work what do you expect you should be thankful " he was Lee jung shin ,still like always taking selfies for everything ,I said " you should say hi to me stupid " the he said " yeah sorry sorry I will say hi and take a selfie with you ,i want put your birthday photo on my instagram " I said " you should pay to me first I'm park shin hye after all " and all who was there laughed . 

When we where having our lunch min hyuk asked me " Nona where are going to celebrate ? I kept eating and said " I don't know you should ask mom " then Jung shin said "you don't know ? But it is your birthday you should be interested " then Jung hyun said " we should do it here " but Jung shin refuse and said " here ? Why ? We should do it at disco there will be music and dancing all the fun " then Jung hyun slapped him on his back and said " how about here parents ? How can we do that ? Think before you speak " few seconds mom heard them and said " its okay you can do it where ever you want ,I want you to have fun " and I said " ouma its okay I .." But my mom stoped me from talking and said " honey you always celebrating with us ,now you are a big girl you should have your own life and celebrates with your friends " but min hyuk said to mom " hajiman omonim its your daughter' birthday you have the right to celebrate with her " then she said " I have no problem now she needs you guys more ,your her close friends you  are young and active you should have fun ,and I don't want more discussions about this matter " all of us was disbelieved what my mother just said but at least one of us loved the idea i mean Jung shin if course .


At the evening I was getting ready for the party I get dressed and fixed my hair .putted simple makeup ,a pink lipstick when I was about to go out of my room someone knocking on my door it was Jung hyun ,when he saw me he looked surprised and said " now I can understand why hyong always want you to stay away from other guys ,you look breath taking " I blushed and said " and now I can understand why he always want me to stay away from you cause you are trying to flirt me now " he said " really ? He is jealous from me ? Hahaha I didn't expect that ,any wsys its 8 am now we should go everyone is waiting for you " .

When we arrived I saw everyone is having fun dancing and singing but when we get to the VIP room which is the room that I'm going to celebrate my birthday in everyone shouted and start singing sayniri choka hamida , sayniri choka hamida , saraghanin ouri shin hye sayniri choka hamida woooooooooooo , sayniri chokahai shin hye , yeahhhhhh happy birthday shin hye " all of Jung shin  and Jung huyn min hyuk and my other friends wishing me a happy birthday and huging me , i felt touched and thankful to them , min hyuk said " Nona come and cut the cake " then Jung shin added " yes shin hye please hurry up it looks so delicious " I laughed and I did what want me to do ,even all of this I feel like empty in this day . specially when I saw a two couples kissing each other ,all the memories between me ang young hwa came back .

I took a bottle of wine and a cup and went to the roof for some fresh air or maybe cause I wanted to be alone , after few minutes I felt better when I was about to leave someone said " you shouldn't stay here alone while you are wearing this mini dress at least its your birthday you must be with your friends " before I turned around I felt a pair of strong arms hugging me from behind ,i friend to release my self but it was to strong ,that person started to kiss and my neck and whispered in my ear " I missed you baby girl ,god I just want to stay like this forever " , this voice is so familiar its looks like oh my god he is young hwa oppa , I turned around and faced him with a teary eyes and smiling at the same time ,I caressed his face to make sure that he is really him not a dream ,then I said " is it really you oppa ? But how ? You tolled me that you won't make it to come " then he said " yes I thought that so but I worked very hard for you to come and wish you a happy birthday "

I didn't know what say , but he was fast and pushed me closer to him a hold me tight ,he started to kiss me ,cause I mixed him I felt like this kiss was the first one , the kiss was so hot he kissed me so passionelly our tongues danced around each other inside my mouth I felt so weak I was heavily that made him go so far he started to and bite my lips while his hands roaming over my body touching me everywhere ,we kept kissing each other until we needed to breath ,then he said " god I really didn't want to stop but you need to breath ,you don't know how much I missed baby "

my eyes still closed and my lips so swollen ,i tried to open them and said "I missed you too oppa " when said that he carried me and pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me once again but this time we should stop before someone see us I said " oppa let's stop now maybe someone will see us and don't forget no one knows that we are dating " the he said while kissing my neck " I don't care anymore and one more thing I will tell everyone about us there no need hid " I said " are you sure about this ? I don't want to make troubles he said " don't say that you are my girl and no one right to tell me what to do ,and one more thing happy birthday honey wish you all happiness of course with me your present " it was a diamond ring d a big boquet of  red flowers and he said  " this a just simple thing I hop that you like " then I said  it ? I love its so beautiful thank you honey I love you ,but you know what ?  You are special present today ,Thanks for coming " then he said with a devil smile if you want to thank me let's go to my place and there have all the night to thank me " I said " okay then let's go but how about the others here  ? "

then he laughed and said " you are so innocent do you know ? They know that im here with you and know that im coming from the beginning I tolled them not to tell you cause i wanted to give you a surprise  " now I know what Jung hyun meant when he said life is full of surprises and maybe everything will be okay tonight ,then I said " okay then that was a good trick but I love it ,aren't we going to your place ? " he smiled and said are really dying to thank me that much ? Okay let's go we will have fun tonight till the morning love you baby girl " then added " love you too oppa " 


This is it my dear reader I hope that you will like it tried to write about cnblue it is a gift from me to cnblue fans. see you next time 😘😘💙💙











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