UNIQORN ENTERTAINMENT | Looking for extra admins | Opening at 5 reservations


uniqorn entertainment
Uniqorn entertainment
uniqorn entertainment
now playing: adele - hello
facebook based
all ualities
all povs & semi-literate
about us
Uniqorn Entertainment was founded by its current CEO: Mr. Kim also known as Uniqorn PD. Along with its excellent vocal coaches, acting teachers, choreographers, other staff and of course its talented trainees, Uniqorn Entertainment is a fast growing company that is ready to take over the whole k-pop scene and k-drama world.

Do you dream of loads of fans coming to your concerts or do you think you can make everyone stay home just to watch your latest drama on television? Well why not take your chance? Audition now and who knows, maybe you will be the next hot item.
rules and how to join
001 // Subsribing is a must, upvoting is very much appreciated
002 // This a closed semi literate AU roleplay
003 // There is a dating ban of 1 week. No marriages. No pregnancies. All kinds of love are allowed.
004 // Always inform the admins when going on hiatus or leaving
005 // Be active, in order to debut, we have to see you're active
006 // You can change your character after 2 weeks, TTC are allowed for 3 days. All kind of asian face claims are allowed. For now we don't allow internationals
007 // IC drama is okay, but know your limits. Stricktly no ooc drama
008 // No facechanging, OTP chasing or godmodding. p-w is your favorite animal. Be at least a bit respectful to everyone
009 // is only allowed in the group or PM
010 // Have fun

001 // Comment with the form below
002 //  Once accepted you have 48 hours to make your account
003 // Set your alt name as "UQ + your character's name"
004 // Add the base and wait till you get announced before you add others
FACE CLAIM: (name + group/actor/etc)
IC Birthday:
Group, soloist or actor:
Main position: (vocal/Rap/dance/actor)
Other: (other specialties)
Personality: (just a short description is enough)
group: (yes or no)


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