You're going to be what?

No Exit
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It's been a hectic morning in 2min household since they will be welcoming Key and his girlfriend today.  Minho is busy in the kitchen cooking for their foods while Taemin is busily cleaning their house with a little Tae Joon following him around like a little duckling. Taemin lifted Tae Joon from the ground and tickle his round belly, which cause a happy giggling from the boy. 

" Tae you want to watch some cartoon?" 

" Pororo?" He asked

" Sure, let sit here and watch your pororo while papa clean the house okay?" 

Tae Joon just nodded and climbs the couch and sit comfortably while watching his favorite cartoon.  Taemin continue to clean their living room and spray some lemon air freshener just to keep the environment clean and fresh. 

" Baby? Are you done cleaning?" Minho asked from the kitchen. 

" Yes, I just finished.  Why? Do you need some help?" Taemin asked back 

" Please come here and try this soup." 

Taemin looked at the chicken soup and it smells really good.  He really adored how Minho can cooked really well, way better than him actually.  Taemin took the spoon from the kitchen counter and sip the soup slowly while looking at Minho who is waiting for his reaction.  

" How is it? Good? Should I add more salt?" Minho asked while stirring the boiling soup.

" It's perfect honey, the potato and carrot are cooked perfectly and the seasoning is perfect.  You're really an amazing cooked!" Taemin said 

" I hope Key and his girlfriend will enjoy this meal too."

" Oh, don't worry, they will." Taemin said 


After finishing setting up their dining table, Taemin heard their doorbell and he's sure Key already arrived.  He quickly goes to the door and saw key is smiling at their house camera. 


" Hyung... come in, where's your girlfriend?" Taemin asked

" She's here, but I asked her to wait in the car for a while."

" What????whyyyyy? I'm excited to meet her you know! How old is he? Is she pretty? I never know you liked girls hyung." 

" You're talking too fast Tae, let me have a seat first please." Key said in his usual diva tone. 


Kibum takes his seat on the couch while looking around the house, he's happy when he saw how adorable Tae Joon is in Minho's arm, and how happy Taemin's life is right now.  He believes they will live happily for a very long time. His eyes sparkled when he saw Tae Joon is running happily towards him, how he miss this boy so much. 


" Kiki samchoooooooon!!!!!" Tae Joon scream while hopping into Key's lap. 

Minho and Taemin just laughed to see how key react with Tae Joon's excited act. 

" Hey boy, miss me?" 

Tae Joon flash his adorable smile and keep on hugging key and give him a peck on his cheek.


Kibum knows he need to explain more abou

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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 5: Sweet little stories !!
Chapter 5: Perfect story 💖 Especially, I just love how they accepted each other's past 🤗
Chapter 3: When I read Jong Mi, I actually lmao reading it because of Knowing Bros. Actually first I thought it was during School of Rock Jong Mi but nope. Lol I remembered his back muscle and shoulders. I'm still sad everytime I think about him but now I thought about him with fondness
Chapter 5: PERFECT ... thank you so much for these 2 amazing stories ... can't wait for your new ideas ..
Ahhh~~ I'll miss this story, in of my favss
Chapter 5: nice story .....i'll really miss this story because its really cute...:)
JilyminmiN #7
Chapter 4: Finally jongin comeeee.... I am happy for that. I want know how reaction minho to jongin. Now i know how minho loves taemin.
Chapter 4: Yess!! Update hn...!! This is really nice...:)
Chapter 4: Thank you so much... this was an awesome storyline I love it ^^
Chapter 3: I really wish for the next chapter to show how Tae joon and Minho love Taemin and missing him .... Sth like that ... because all the previous chapters only from Taemin side