The new house

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After the auction I wait pensively to be picked up by my new master. All around me girls are being collected by their master's or their master's man servant, several of them feeling them up there in the theater.

"Park Jimin?" says a gravely voice, and I turn to face a short, stubby man in servant's clothes. "I was instructed by Master Jeon to collect you.. after a thorough inspection." his hand skims the neckline of my dress and he grins. I curl my lip disdainfully. Some of the man servants are as thirsty as their employers.

"Sure he did" I say, winding my arm up for a slap.

"Yes. Chris" says a silky voice from a small distance away.
A young man with white skin and dark brown curls emerges from a cluster of vampires, smiling in amusement. "I do not recall instructing you to ually harass him in public, now back away" he makes a shooing motion with a cat-like grace that is unsettling to watch.
His red eyes flicker in my direction, his amused smile profound now.

He is so beautiful it takes my breath away. His features are so elegant they migh be considered feminine if they weren't so strong, his shaped jawline and his eyes so percing. His red tinted irises seem to glow as they watch me, his eyes framed a thick fringe of black eyelashes sweeping against his cheek.
It occurs to me that he just said something and I flush in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, what?" 
He arches his eyebrows; his eyes seem to laugh at me.

"I asked if you were ready."

I don't have any actual belongings, so a suitcase is just a waste of money and energy. "Yes, Master. I am.." as I speak I catch Jenny's eye. She is with a young vampire who is gripping her arm harshly, dragging her after him. She locks eyes with me, tears aready forming.

"Bye J.." I murmur sadly, my gaze weeping to the floor.

"You are easy distracted." his voice is so close that I can feel elite icy breath against my collarbone. I jerk my head up, gasping slightly as his cool fingers latch around my wrist. He moved to silently I didn't even know he had come to stand so close.

"Come with me." he instructs, pulling me along behind him, though not as harshly as I expected, though.
A sleek black car is waiting for us when we exit the theater, the driver clad in a fancy uniform.
The man servant, Chris, opens the door for us and my new master pushes me into the backseat before following. I'm trembling as I reach for my seatbelt, hesitating as l debate whether or not to actually use it. I've heard of masters beginnng the abuse on the car ride home and since I'm a slave of a Jeon, I don't put it past him to do something like that.

Chris gets into the passenger seat and we begin driving, inching slowly through the heavy traffic as other expensive cars try to exit the theater parking lot.

"Put on your seatbelt." Master instructs me not looking directly at me and then, as if guessing what I'm thinking, he adds "Jumping out of a speeding car is foolish anyway" I flush, yanking at my seatbelt though for some reason it refuses to come down. "Not Ike that." he leans over and grabs the clip from my hand; his cool fingers sending an electric jolt through my hand as he pulls away and buckets it for me. "Get some sleep, it's a good four-hour drive back"

"Yes Master." I say weekly, thoug

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Chapter 2: i cant wait for your second chapter, i'm loving your story ^^
deathboyandsunshine #2
Chapter 2: Ohhh I'm getting more curious about this. Can't wait for your next update.