Part 4: Finale

The Dark Past, A Brighter Today

     “Careful,” Momo said as she helped Mina at the door entrance. Mina was discharged an hour ago after three days staying at the ward, and Momo brought her back to her apartment. “Sit here. I will take you water.” Momo said before went to the kitchen.

     A moment later, she came back with a glass of water in her hand. “Here, drink this.” Mina received the glass and took a sip of the water. “Thanks.” Momo took the glass and put it on the small coffee table in front of them.

They fell in silence.

     “Ah, right. You should take a rest. Let’s go to the room.” Momo stood up and ready to help Mina but the latter hold her hand to stop her action. “Why? Do you need something?”

Mina didn’t reply but she giggled, enough to make Momo confused.

     “You change so fast.” Mina said, still giggled. Momo sighed and sat beside Mina, closer this time. She took Mina’s hand in hers, holding it tightly.

     “Mina, I told you already. I want to start it all over, right? I want to forget the bitter past, and only making sweet memories with you. Let’s do it together, eh?”

     Mina didn’t reply that make Momo panicked. Did she say something that made her mad? Momo caressed Mina’s hand with her thumb gently. She called out, “Mina?” Turned out that the latter was touched by Momo’s sincerity, so she leaned into Momo’s chest and wrapped her arms around Momo.

“Let’s do it.”


     Momo was sitting on the bed with her back leaning on the bedrest, and Mina snuggled on her chest. She had her arms wrapped securely around the latter, giving much warmth to keep her comfortable. Mina had her hand on Momo’s abdomen, her fingers were playing with the hem of Momo’s pyjama.

     They were in comfortable silent until Mina spoke up. “We never being in this position, right?” Momo nodded. “You like it?”

“Very.” Mina replied. Momo smiled as she planted a soft kiss on Mina’s silky hair.

     “I want to pay for every bad thing I’ve done to you. Glad that you like it.” Momo said. Mina tightened her hand around Momo’s waist.

     “You know you don’t have to do that. I’m part of your bitter past. I’m the cause of it.” Mina said. Momo quickly frowned. “That’s true but I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

They fell in another comfortable silent.



“Can I ask you something?”


     Mina was hesitated but Momo told her to not. “When did you realise that you fell in love… with me?”

     Momo thought for a while. “Well, I always know. But I denied it every time I thought about it. At that time, I want to hate you for ruining me.” Momo said. “Actually, I fell in love with you since we’re in school. When you helped me from those bullies.”

Mina gasped. “That’s a long time.”

     “I know, right? That was part of the reason why I tell you my secret.” Momo said again. Mina nodded in understanding. “How about you?”

“What about me?”

“How did you fell in love with me?”

     “Ah,” she smiled. “I realised it the moment you left without notice. You just go, and then I started to regret of my mistake, and the stupid bet I made with my friends.”

“Do you still contact with them?”

     “No.” Mina sighed. “They left me when my father’s business started to fall apart.” Momo caressed Mina’s head.

“I knew it. I can tell that they are unfaithful right from the start.” Momo replied. “Are you okay?”

     “Of course. They were not incompetent anyway.” Mina said. “You know what, Momo?”


“All the time we spent back then, I admit that my heart fluttered when I saw you.”

     Momo released the hug and Mina whined. “Really?” Mina nodded. Momo hugged her back. “I knew it! That’s why I think I keep getting mixed signal!”

“You knew?” Mina asked. Momo shook her head. “Not entirely. But I can feel it.”

     Mina smiled. “Didn’t know that we’re supposed to be soulmates.” Momo nodded. “I’m glad that I found you again.” Momo replied. “And now we had commitment.” Momo put her hand on Mina’s stomach, knowing that there is growing human in there. Her own child.

     Mina snuggled closer into Momo’s chest. “But I’m afraid.” Mina said so suddenly. “This whole thing are new for me.”

“So does for me.” Momo fell into silent. “Oh, right!”

     “Wha—What? What happened?” Mina was startled by Momo’s sudden exclaimation. She snuggled out of Momo and looked at the latter worriedly.

     Momo put both of her palm on Mina’s cheek. “I know this is not the suitable time but before I forget, better we talk about this.”


“Marriage. I want to marry you.”

Mina widen her eyes immediately upon hearing Momo’s statement. “R-Right now?”

     “I know this is not romantic but… I already messaged Jeongyeon to take the marriage registration form from the court, and if we sign it, we will become a legal married couple.” Momo explained. “You… want to marry with me… right?”

“I— I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless.” Mina replied.

     “This is for the better us. And our child. I want to give a proper family for him when he birth.” Momo said. “You’re pregnant now.”

“O-Okay.” Mina answered shortly.

     “Great!” Momo jumped on the bed and Mina bursted out laughing when Momo started to running all over the room. Momo came back and hold both of Mina’s cheek again. “This is such unromantic proposal but I love you sooooo much!” Momo said again and kissed Mina.

     Mina replied the kiss with the same momentum, slow and gently. Just like what they wanted. Mina s her arms around Momo while deepening the kiss. Momo Mina’s bottom lips as she asked her permission to open . Mina relented, and the kiss started to be passionate. A moment later, Momo pulled out because lack of oxygen.

     “I hate that we need to breath,” Momo said while their forehead still glued to each other. Mina giggled. Momo pulled off and caressed Mina’s cheek.

     “If you’re okay with it, I will call Jeongyeon to bring the form tomorrow.” Mina frowned. “Wait, you’re not going to work tomorrow?”

“I take my leave for a week.” Momo said. “I want to spend my time with you. I leave my work at her and Nabongs.”

Mina smiled. “Is that so?”

Momo nodded. “Aren’t I romantic?” She said and earned a playful hit on her chest. They laughed.


     Momo put the pen down as she finished signing the last paper. She is at the café near her apartment. Mina was sitting beside her. In front of them were Jeongyeon and Nayeon, who eyed them seriously, like they had done something wrong at them. Mostly Jeongyeon.

“What are you looking at?” Momo asked. Jeongyeon sighed.

     “As your best friend, I demand an explanation. What’s all of this? Why so sudden?” Jeongyeon asked seriously.

“Well, I love her so I want to marry her. Is that wrong? Why you use that look on me?” Momo freaked out.

“Because I think there is another reason than that.” Said Jeongyeon.

Momo sighed. “Mina is pregnant.”



And there goes crow’s voice.

Ark! Ark!

     Jeongyeon squinted her eyes at Momo. “And pigs can fly.” Hearing the latter’s respond, Momo leaned in and knocked her head. “I’m saying the truth you, butthead. Mina is pregnant with my child.”

“You wha—How can? Oh, never mind. I got it.” Nayeon finally spoke. Meanwhile, Jeongyeon was sat frozen beside her.

“So, that’s the reason.” She finally said after the awkward silence.

     “Hmm.” Momo replied as she looked at Mina lovingly. She slid her hand in Mina’s, gripping it tightly. “So, Jeongyeon. You can help me with all this papers, right?”

     “Hell no. Do it yourself.” Jeongyeon said cockily and leaned her back on the chair, hands crossing to her chest.

Momo smirked.

“Okay,” Momo turned to face Nayeon. “Nayeon-ssi?”


     Momo eyed at Jeongyeon once again, still wearing the same smirk. Jeongyeon felt uneasy about this, she predicted that Momo would say something that—

“Jeongyeon likes you.”

“YAH!” Jeongyeon shouted, as her hand slammed on the table.

     “Oopsie!” Momo teased. “Mina, let’s go.” Momo pulled Mina and they left without trance. Jeongyeon still frozen at her seat, silently cursing the blonde while calming herself. She can feel Nayeon’s stare burning on her skin.

“So, Jeongyeon-ssi,”

Oh, I’m dead…

“…do I heard it right? That you… likes me?”

Jeongyeon can only grin.



     “Where are you bringing me?” Mina couldn’t help but to keep asking Momo to where they will going. Momo have been drive for an hour already, so Mina was curious. The latter also didn’t answer any of her question, making the latter pouted.

Momo saw this and her lips curved into a small smile. “Aww, are you upset with me?”

“Hmph!” Mina crossed her arms and looked outside the window. Momo chuckled at Mina’s childish behaviour.

“I wonder how can a 28 years old pregnant woman can be this cute.” Momo said out loud. Mina didn’t response.

     “Come on, babe. Stop sulking. We’re here.” Momo reached for Mina’s hand. Mina turned her face towards Momo and furrowed her eyebrows.

“We’re here?”

     “Hmm. Wait here.” Momo unbuckled her seatbelt and got off from the car. Mina saw Momo ran towards her side and opened the door on her side. Mina smiled. Through three months of their days of being official married couple, Momo never fail to act sweet towards her. Mina felt like she was the luckiest woman to have Hirai Momo.

     “Careful, babe.” Momo helped Mina to get off the car, also closing the door. She held Mina’s hand and they walked towards the hill.

“Where is this?”

“Just wait and see,”

     They continued to climb the not-so-high hill. Actually, Momo considered to just carry Mina in her arms because Mina is pregnant, and she can’t make she tired. But considering Mina didn’t want to burden her (though Momo didn’t care), she would just make sure Mina’s alright.

     Mina had no idea where they were. All she can see was the green scenery, hills and a big shady tree at the top of the hill. Momo still keeping the place’s name secret, wanting Mina to discover it herself.

Suddenly, Momo stopped in her track.

“Why? What happened? Why do you stop?” Mina asked immediately. Momo just smiled.

“We need to stop here.” She said. “Close your eyes.”

     Mina frowned. “If I close my eyes, how can I walk?”

     “Don’t worry, I’m here. Now, close your eyes.” Mina complied with what Momo had told her. Momo leaned in and pecked her lips. “What a good wife.” Mina smiled.

     Momo stood behind Mina and put her hands on Mina’s closed eyes. “No peeking.” Mina nodded. She led Mina to step forward, reminding to watch her steps and whispered sweet things in her ear. “Okay, now stop.”

Momo moved beside her. “Open your eyes.”

“Momoring…” Mina was speechless. Totally speechless. She don’t know what to say right now.

     They were standing under the big shady tree, and in front of her was a very beautiful scenery. A beach. Momo brought her to a beach. She can feel Momo’s hand slipped into hers, secure it tightly. Mina turned to see Momo’s face.

     Tears started to form in her eyes. Momo was panicked, she thought Mina didn’t like it. “Wha—Why are you crying?! You don’t like it?”

Mina launched herself into Momo’s embrace. She’s sobbing hard. “I love you so much!”

     Momo let a sigh of relieve. “Phew, I thought you don’t like it.” Momo said as she caressed Mina’s back, trying to calm the sobbing girl. After a while, Mina pulled herself out. Tears stained was visible. Momo reached for it and wiped it with her thumbs.

“Oh, look at you. Pregnant woman getting emotional.” Momo said and quickly received hit on her chest.

“Don’t mess with me.”

     “Whoa whoa, don’t be so violent.” Momo replied. Then, she lowered herself to be in the same level with Mina’s belly. “Hey, kid. Look at your mom. She likes to hit me.”

     Mina smiled upon seeing Momo’s action. Momo really like to interact with their baby. Every time she came back from work, she would always greet her baby first though it just three months age. And every night, Momo didn’t forget to have a what she called a ‘night talk’ with their baby. She can tell that Momo is excited with their first child.

     Mina continued to admire Momo’s childish action. She reached for Momo’s head, caressing her hair softly. “Stop talking with him. He might think you such a nuisance.” Mina joked.

“That’s not fair. How could a child think his appa as a nuisance?” Momo replied, stood up immediately.

Mina frowned. “Why would you be the ‘appa’? I don’t remember we talk about this.” Mina said. Momo grinned.

     “Because I made the baby!” Momo exclaimed loudly. Her hands were spreading wide, like she really want to tell the whole world that she made the baby. Mina almost hit her in the face.

“Oh my Gosh, Momo! You’re embarrassing!” Mina said, pinching her nose.

     Momo looked at her surrounding. “But there’s no one here except us.” Momo said. She leaned in and whispered in Mina’s ears. “I bet people will never notice if we make out here.” She grinned.

     Oh my God, Mina had enough with Momo’s ert-ness. She pinched Momo’s rib, causing the latter to wince in pain. “Ouch!”

“Enough teasing me.” Mina said.

“Okay okay.” Momo relented. She moved behind Mina and wrapped her arms around her waist. “Do you like this place?”

“Very.” Mina said. “And I like you too.” She blushed immediately after saying those words. Momo gasped loudly.


     Momo had this shocked expression on her face. “I thought you love me,” She said. “Turn out you just like me?” Momo faked a cry.

Mina sighed. “Momoring~”

     “Alright, alright, sweety. Geez, you are impatient.” Momo said and back hugged Mina again. “But I like this type of you.”

They fell into a comfortable silent.

“Thank you,” Mina broke the silent. Momo tightened the hug as she heard that.

“Everything for my princess.” She said. “Actually, I should be the one to thank you.”

“Why is that?”

Momo released the hug and made Mina turned to face her. She put both of her hand on Mina’s shoulder.

     “Because you mean so much to me. Though we started with not so great past, I’m glad that we’re starting all over again. You and I, in a brand new life. With our baby.” Momo said. “Sorry. I’m not so good with words and being romantic.” She finished with a grin.

     Mina smiled again. Oh, she can’t count for how many she smile today. Momo had brightened up her day. There was no day unhappy with Momo. Mina didn’t get it why Momo said she’s not romantic. For her, Momo’s presence is more than enough.

     Momo is being so kind to her. She even bought them a ticket to Japan last month, to pay a visit to their parents. Speaking of which, Mina was glad that Momo’s parents can accept her just the way she is. For them, if Momo is happy, they will be happy too.

     Although they were shocked at first (yeah, who’s not when your daughter suddenly come back saying that she’s married, right?), Momo’s parents being cool at it. They treated Mina like their own daughter and Mina was grateful for it. And now that they know Mina’s pregnant, they paid more attention to her during their stay at Japan.

     Also, Mina didn’t forget that Momo helped her with her father’s matter. They visited the old man at the hospital. Mr. Myoui is being emotional—he cried—because it have been a long time since Mina come visit her. And now she came, and she bring Momo together as her wife. Mr. Myoui was so happy because Mina’s life has been good.

     “Minari, are you okay? You’re crying again.” Momo shook her body as she saw a single tear dropped on Mina’s cheek. “Why are you looking so sad?”

“I’m not sad, Momoring. This is just tear of happiness.” Mina said, wiping her own tears. “Don’t worry.”

     Momo ruffled Mina’s hair gladly. “You’re such a cry baby.” She commented. “Don’t cry. I hate this kind of water coming out from your beautiful eyes.”

Mina smiled at Momo’s cheesiness. “Momoring, I’m tired.”

“Oh, already?” Mina nodded. “Arasso. Let’s get you to the villa.”


“Why do I need to close my eyes again?” Mina said as her eyes being closed by Momo behind her.

     “Shhh… Walk carefully.” Momo said as she continued to guide Mina. They have arrived the villa that being mention by Momo a while ago. Before they entered the house, Momo demanded for her to close her eyes again.

“Alright. We’re here. Open your eyes.” Mina opened her eyes. “Ta-da!!!”


     The next time if Momo said she’s not romantic again, Mina will hit her. Look at what she had prepared. Mina’s eyes was greeted by a romantic scenery.

     The living room was dimmed with candles being arranged at every corner of the room. It just not a mere candle, but scent candles. Jasmine. Mina recognised these scent. Her favourite.

     Also, there’s flower petals lying on the floor all the way to the bedroom and Mina could see, at the corner, the kitchen’s area. Mina turned to face Momo.

“What is that?”

“Erm… Candle light dinner…?”

Mina smiled. “And you said you are not romantic.”

     “I’m not but I’m trying to be one.” Momo said. “Come on, I’m hungry and I bet you too.” Momo took Mina to the round table that filled with various type of food. Momo went to Mina, pulling the chair for her. Before she retreat to her seat, Momo went somewhere and returned with a rose in her hand.

“For you.”

“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you.”

“Anything for you.” Momo grinned. “Should we eat now?”


     “Thank you, Momoring.” Mina said. They just finished eating, and Momo brought her to sit at the bench located in a small garden of the villa. Actually, the villa was owned by Momo herself, saying that it will be the family’s holiday house. So whenever there was gathering or vacation, they will always come there to celebrate.

     Momo pulled Mina closer as she s her arm around Mina. The latter just scooted closer, leaning her head on Momo’s broad shoulder. Mina admitted, Momo has become fit each day, because Momo always work out. She got a nice body, and Mina was glad by that. She thought that maybe she need to work out to after she gives birth to their baby.

     They sat in a comfortable silent. The night breeze make the night extremely colder than usual, and Momo was afraid that Mina might be shivering. Momo pulled herself from Mina, taking off her cardigan and wrapped it around Mina.

“Thank you, I love you.” Mina said as she put her head on Momo’s shoulder again.

“I love you too.” Momo replied. She leaned and put her head on top of Mina’s. “Always.”

And they kissed.


     They sat for a few more minutes, until Momo realised that it’s already late at night. They need to get back into the villa. The night became chiller, and Momo didn’t want Mina to catch a cold. She moved her head slowly and saw that Mina had dozed off on her shoulder. Momo smiled widely.

     “You’re still pretty even 10 years had passed.” Momo whispered. Her hand reached for the latter’s head, caressing it softly. Unfortunately, Mina was a light sleeper, she wake up through the contact. Momo was panicked.

     “Oh no, I made you awake.” She said. Mina didn’t reply, but she just smile. That’s enough to warm Momo’s little heart. “Come, let’s get back to the room. We should sleep now.”


     Momo stood up followed by the younger girl. Momo led her inside the villa without letting her hand go even for once. The arrived at the stairs when Momo stopped.

     “Why are you stopping?” Mina furrowed her eyebrows in confused. Momo smirked. “Oh no, YAH! Put me down! Momoring!”

Apparently, Momo had lifted the girl in her arms, bridal style. She will carry the girl all the way to their bedroom.

“Momoring, put me down! I’m not light at the time!”

     Momo chuckled. “Wow, rather than saying you’re heavy, you choose the word ‘not light’?” She teased.

“Yah! Don’t tease me! I’m carrying your child anyways!” Mina defended herself by hitting Momo’s chest. Again.

     “Okay, okay, enough. My chest hurting.” Momo said. “By the way, I’m not putting you down. Let’s go.” Momo climbed the stairs with Mina pouting in her arms. Well, at least she looks cute. Although that, Mina still s her arms around Momo’s neck.

“Don’t pout. I will kiss you.” Momo said after she’s putting her down in front of their door room.

But Mina still pouting.


     Momo leaned in and caught Mina’s lips with her. Mina smiled between the kiss. She just teasing Momo earlier and now Momo really did what she said. Mina put her hands on Momo’s waist, while Momo had her hand on Mina’s lock, pulling her to make the kiss deeper.

     Momo moved forward and Mina’s back almost hit the door, but luckily Momo had put her hand earlier behind Mina’s head and back so there would be no impact. Momo is thoughtful. Mina broke the kiss and pulled Momo inside the room.

     He made Momo sat on the bed while she stood between Momo’s legs, slowly leaning on Momo. Legs were resting on her laps, while her hand snaking around Momo’s legs. Momo’s face turned white.

“M-Minari… You are so daring… t-tonight.”

     Mina didn’t stop. Her lips started to trace from Momo’s jaw to her ear lobe, gently blowing some air, making Momo’s shivering. Then, her lips make a sloppy kiss on her neck. Momo couldn’t take this anymore. If Mina continue to being like this, she would wake up Momo’s member down there.

“M-Mina… don’t… you’re pregnant…”

     Mina stopped and faced Momo. “Why not? I know the consequence Momo. It has been a month since our last .”


“Just be gentle, Momoring.” Mina whispered. “You—Uff—“

     Before Mina can continue, she has been cut by Momo’s action. Momo had flipped their position—Momo on top. Momo kissed Mina’s lips.

“You’re sure about this? We can stop.”

“No need to stop.” Mina replied. She pulled Momo into another gentle kiss. “Just make love to me.”

Momo smiled. “If you say so.”

     And so, their night continue with much pleasure moans erupting the whole villa. Momo was being careful so she would not hurt Mina nor their baby’s growing inside. Mina was glad that Momo was being thoughtful for them.

“I love you, Momoring.”

“I love you too, Minari.”

     They managed to say before collapsed on the bed together with tired body. Mina snuggled in Momo’s chest, seeking warmth and Momo was glad enough that she can hug Mina to sleep every night.

Both of them hope that their love will last forever.





     I'm done here! Phew, I took time to re-edit this fic, (since I wrote this long time ago). I hope you like this story. Also, I want to thank to my subscribers for giving me supports through your comments. I'm glad that I finally finished update the last chapter.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes.

Until now, this is your author,


P/S: I'm thinking to write a sequel. Still finding some time to write TT


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1241 streak #1
Chapter 4: <3
yongseo14 #2
Chapter 4: Sequel please!!!
AugustK88 #3
Chapter 4: A sequel would be lovely! Looking forward for it! Thanks! :)
Chapter 4: oh my god!! i didn't expect that!!
Chapter 4: Heol this is so fr
1241 streak #6
Chapter 4: Yeayyy!! A great and sweet happy ending for MiMo ^^ Momo is really an 'oppa' here and she's really a romantic person, lucky Minari XD and Mina as a cute preggy wife for her Momoring ❤ thank you for this fluff ending and if u're thinking bout the sequel, i'll wait for it :)
ArinArin #7
Chapter 4: Yees the ending is not tragic, i'll be waiting for the secret door update :)
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 4: Yey a happy ending for MiMo. Looking forward for the sequel. It would be interesting to know how their life would be when they have the baby. Thanks for writing the story! :)
Minaaa15 #9
Chapter 4: Awwww.... the end? I tot it will be longer... but since it's happy ending. I love it! More story on mimo plsss! Thank you!
Chapter 4: AHH WHAT IT ENDED ?? Wow )): please make a sequel!!! This story was really good