Part 1

The Dark Past, A Brighter Today

“You dickhead!”

“Hey, don’t come near me!”

“You disgusting creature!”




     Momo was awake by the same nightmare again. Well, it’s not a total nightmare actually—it’s part of her past life. Long story. Momo didn’t want to think about it but it keep haunting her when she’s alone.

The big trauma she wanted to forget.

And that’s the starting point of the new Hirai Momo, few years back. 10 years to be exact.

     Momo shoved off the blanket over her body and retreated to the bathroom for a good refreshing showers. This happened a lot—waking up to nightmare at three in the morning, but this time it’s almost at dawn. Momo didn’t think she can fall sleep again so she better do something to take this thought of her mind.

So, Momo went for a jogging.

     Right. Who the heck willing to be all sweaty again after bath? Exactly that’s Momo. She didn’t mind to shower again because it’s her life. Soon after a round of long jog, Momo got ready for the office. She remembered that she still have a pile of works that need to be settle or her secretary slash best friend, Yoo Jeongyeon would give her a long lecture.

     Momo didn’t forget her morning coffee. As soon as she entered her office, she made Jeongyeon to bring her coffee and today’s newspaper. No, Momo is not reading the issues about a hot celebrities caught in a room with a random guy or, another car crash at the middle of the city or, whatever the news it is. She just read the business section, the chart, anything to do with business, because she is the Hirai Momo.

     Being left alone in her office, Momo started her analysis on the business chart, starting from the peak, until the one at the drop pit. Momo didn’t bother who’s company at the peak, because it’s always hers, but her eyes caught a familiar name at the really low drop pit.

Myoui co.




     Momo is at the night club, the exclusive one. This has become Momo’s new routine since she became successful in Korea. She would drink, hit on some random girls, and sometimes it would bring them on bed, spending times to release some pleasure to those who didn’t disgust with her. Who cares when she got money?

     The next day, Momo found herself on unfamiliar bed at unfamiliar place with a girl that she didn’t even remember her name was. Momo took all her belongings and off, but not forgetting to leave some bills for the girl for a good night session yesterday.

     You can’t tell if she’s happy with her life or not, but she actually is—maybe. That’s what people think. She got all money in her account, the wealth that not everyone can have, so people assumes that she is happy with her life.

Totally wrong.

     Momo did felt happy with her life now, but not entirely. There’s something missing, she’s not sure about it, but she knew it was the same reason all over again.

Myoui Mina.

     The name mention was the person once appeared in her life 10 years ago, and the same person to cause the nightmare in her life. The reason why Momo left the school back in Japan in her last semester, the reason why she came to Korea and the reason why she felt empty.

     Though Momo kept enchanting in her head that she hate the latter, she’s not sure about it too. The girl had left a big scars in her life, on her heart.

Myoui Mina, her first love—

Momo dislikes the truth, till now, because she seems cannot forget the latter though she had done everything.


     Momo was 19 years old, back in Japan. She was nineteen when she met Mina for the first time, though a few semester she spent in the school but never ever meet her face to face. She heard about the girl for being so pretty from other students, but she didn’t care. She coped herself with study. Yes, she was a nerd. A nerd with an ugly jet black hair with a big spectacle on her nose.

     Being a nerd she is, she often got bullied by the other students. You can say, the whole school liked to prank her, as if it’s the funniest thing to do. But it did funny, at least for them. Momo never say a thing, she ignored it but one day, that day, that only day, someone stepped in, and of course it’s Myoui Mina.

     Mina helped her. Many times. She didn’t know why such a pretty girl like her would help someone as low as her. She knew Mina was rich—heck, she is one of the richest family who owns a big company in Japan—and everyone was afraid of her, afraid of what her family could do to their life if they mess with the Myoui’s only daughter.

     Though Momo still didn’t know the real reason behind it, she decided to just let Mina do what she wanted. Mina always offered Momo a ride back to her home, and Momo would refused, saying Mina had done so much thing for her. She wanted to pay Mina too.

     And Mina had suggested a tutor. She wanted Momo to be her tutor for Biology, since she’s bad at it. Momo agreed. Through the tutor, Momo got to spend her times mostly with Mina, after school. The tutor always happened at Mina’s house—correction— mansion.

     To Momo’s dismay, she was coped in a denial—that she liked Mina. She didn’t sure, but she really felt something whenever they were alone in Mina’s room. She wanted to believe in Mina, and she did. To be honest, Momo had a secret that no one ever know about it, except her parents.

Momo is not normal.

Let’s say, Momo is… a man?

     Momo had this one thing kept to herself since birth, and she told that to Mina, since she believed in the girl. That thing was a man’s organ that should not have by a girl like her. Momo waited for Mina’s reaction, turned out that the girl accepted her like nothing happened. Exactly like nothing disgusting about her.

But the nightmare started in the next three days.

     The rumour spread fast, and Momo didn’t know how it happened. Momo ran through the hallway to find Mina, the only one who knew her secret, gaining disgusting look from the whole school. She did, she did found Mina in her classroom, laughing with what Momo’s believed her gang.

“Look who’s coming,” one of Mina’s friend said.

     Mina turned around and their eyes met. Mina had her usual gummy smile on her face, like nothing happened. Momo didn’t want to believe that Mina was the reason of all this mess, because she believed the girl, and she loved the girl. Dearly.

But truth hurts.


Turned out that Mina betrayed her.

Turned out that Mina responsible for the spreading rumour.

Turned out that Mina never sincere with her.

Turned out that Mina was a part of the stupid bet she made with her gang.

     The actually bet was to make Mina score Momo on bed then leave her after taking her first, but jackpot, Mina got something big than that.

     Momo was hurt and she hate Mina so much. But she hate herself more because she got nothing to say in front of Mina’s face. Momo hate herself for being such a coward, because she didn’t dare to slap Mina in front of her friends.

So, Momo left.

She left the school.

She left Japan.


     Momo is 29 years old now. She’s a big girl now—correction—a big woman. She is successful now. She left Japan, came to Korea, continued her study in business and now became the CEO of big leading company in Korea, and now well-known globally.

     Though 10 years have passed, never once Momo forget the latter. The remaining years she spent in Korea, Momo had been ‘spying’ on the latter, not intentionally, but it happened because the Myoui’s family kept showing on newspaper, worldwide.

     Momo acknowledged that the Myoui’s business is at stake. Momo knew the president’s wife—Mina’s mom—dead in an accident 5 years ago. Momo knew that Mr. Myoui is sick, currently living at the hospital. Momo knew that Mina’s life is not as wealthy as 10 years ago.

And now she’s back.

Myoui Mina is back.

Myoui Mina is here, in Korea.

     Momo knew through one day, when she was back from meeting a client outside. She saw Mina, the same Mina 10 years ago, in a café. But she’s not there for a chill coffee. She’s wearing the worker’s uniform with apron around her waist—she’s working as waitress there.

     Momo was shocked to see Mina in this condition. She didn’t know that the girl would be this messy and doing a work like that. For what she thought Myoui Mina is always almighty in her life, now she saw her wiping the tables in some random café.

     Momo gestured her staff, Im Nayeon to give some order. She wanted to confront Mina, finally, after 10 years. She called for Jeongyeon and Nayeon, telling them that she wanted to recruit Mina as her PA. Of course, Jeongyeon frowned upon this.

     “Why so sudden? You never demand for a PA before.” Jeongyeon questioned. Nayeon nodded. Well, she’s someone close to Momo too, other than Jeongyeon.

“Because she’s back.”

“Don’t tell me—“

     “Right. She’s Myoui Mina, and you know why.” Momo cut. “Come, please do me a favour.”

Jeongyeon somehow doubted on Momo. “You… will not do anything stupid, right?”

     “It’s up to me.” Momo said. “It’s my life after all. She should be responsible for leaving me such a trauma.”


     And so, Mina was visited by Momo’s people at her workplace. She didn’t know that Momo was behind this, but she can’t ask anything. The people said that their boss wanted to offer her a proper work, as a PA.

     Mina wanted to ask why, but she decided not to. Why not? She thought that by accepting this work, her life will be easier than now.

     She flew to Korea for a better life, since the corruption of Myoui’s empire. Her mom was not already here. Her father was sick and placed in a hospital in Japan. Mina thought she can find a better light by working in Korea, and this is a chance.

     Mina accepted the offer without much words. She need money, for her father and herself to support her own living in this foreign country.


     First day at work, Mina finally met Momo face to face. It just like what Momo’s expected, Mina didn’t recognise her. Momo had change a lot. There’s no more ugly jet black hair. There’s no more round spectacle on her nose. And her face change a lot through all the years.

The now Momo has long blonde hair.

The now Momo threw away her spectacle and wear contact lenses.

The now Momo got a beauty look, even Mina was mesmerized by her style.

     The way of she’s talking change. Momo is becoming serious, she never smile, and Mina wondered why. She thought that her boss would look prettier if she’s smile.

     Heck, turned out, Mina didn’t even know her boss’s full name. She just called her Ms. Hirai, and whenever she said that, it’s ring a bell in her head, but she didn’t sure what is it. Momo has expected this.

     Momo gave her many works, but that’s not part of the plan. She wanted to do something big for Mina, something terrifying, something would left a trauma in Mina’s remaining life. So, Momo thought for another plan.

     A week after that, Momo had insisted on weekend for Mina to come over at her luxurious apartment. The excuse? Works, of course. Momo never tell her the real intention.

Mina will face it sooner or later.

Mina will learn the truth.

Momo will make her suffer.



Omo, this gonna be multi-shot ^^

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 4: <3
yongseo14 #2
Chapter 4: Sequel please!!!
AugustK88 #3
Chapter 4: A sequel would be lovely! Looking forward for it! Thanks! :)
Chapter 4: oh my god!! i didn't expect that!!
Chapter 4: Heol this is so fr
1241 streak #6
Chapter 4: Yeayyy!! A great and sweet happy ending for MiMo ^^ Momo is really an 'oppa' here and she's really a romantic person, lucky Minari XD and Mina as a cute preggy wife for her Momoring ❤ thank you for this fluff ending and if u're thinking bout the sequel, i'll wait for it :)
ArinArin #7
Chapter 4: Yees the ending is not tragic, i'll be waiting for the secret door update :)
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 4: Yey a happy ending for MiMo. Looking forward for the sequel. It would be interesting to know how their life would be when they have the baby. Thanks for writing the story! :)
Minaaa15 #9
Chapter 4: Awwww.... the end? I tot it will be longer... but since it's happy ending. I love it! More story on mimo plsss! Thank you!
Chapter 4: AHH WHAT IT ENDED ?? Wow )): please make a sequel!!! This story was really good