Unexpected CH1


  The road soaked by the rain that heavily poured onto Seoul last night. I was jogging along while enjoying the fresh breeze of air. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and suddenly a perfect Saturday tags along. My mp3 plays my favourite songs as it ends. Wow! What is going on there? I saw a crowd of people at the playground. I quickly run over to see what's going on. Oh. Kids fighting. It's been a while I dont see this until today. 

  Suddenly a flashback comes through my mind about what happened few years ago....

Y/N    : What the hell are you doing to Lisa's teddy?!

i said fiercely glaring to a pair eyes of a demon, Sehun.

Sehun: Guess what would I do? Torn it!

he laughed like a monster with his friends.

I kick him on the stomach and grab the teddy bear. He fell down harshly while holding his lil' tummy.

Y/N    : Hah! Guess what did I just do? Knock you!

with that, I carelessly went back home. I went to Lisa's house first to drop off her "lovely" teddy bear. 

Lisa    : Omg, Y/n! You came back like a girl who has done with her shopping happily. What has gotten to you, lil demon?

she said laughing hardly. 

Y/N    : He deserves it anyway.

Lisa thanked me and I went back home.

   That's what happened actually. I shaked my jead from the childhood memories and started to think about him. Where would he been now? 


Saturday | 8 p.m.

  I was doing my work in my private office at my home. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. Even the main door was far away from this room but the knock sounds quite loud. Nearly a person wants to bang my door maybe. I slowly went passed my living room and I stay infront of the door. Should I open the door? 

   Without hesitation, I open the door and there I was frozen. I-it wouldn't be him?!

           To            Be            Continued.



Thank you for reading this. I'll do my best for the next part. XO


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