Introducing the trios

Impossible to possible

The trio here are sehuns friends.

[sehun pov]


Ae Rin ah~ I waved at my girlfriend as I spot her glorious brown strands of hair falling down on her back. She heard me and waved back . “Oppa! Why are you so late! “ she hurried over as I shined an apologetic smile and replied :” mianhe , I bumped into a freshmen and made her fall to the ground... good thing she’s not hurt anywhere .” She pouted and asked if I was okay cutely and I was immediately melted. 


[jae min] 


I squeezed between my group of friends with my heart still not calmed by the incident that happened . As I know how much of stalker they all are, I asked : “yah, do you guys know a senior one year older than us, tall, fit , and has fine fare skin?” 

Tzuyu looked at me with a weird stare, probably because I never ask similar questions before , and she said “ there are so many, which one ?” Jimin replied too “is it one of the trios ? They are all fit, Tall and fare skined..” 

I looked at her as if she’s speaking alien language. Jimin sighed and continued: “Chanyeol ,kyung so , and Sehun. Maybe one of them? They are not very popular but they are decent looking .”  

Again, I questioned tzuyu and Jimin with my look about the trio. They started scrolling through sosial medias to scoop up pictures of the trios. 

“Here , this is Chan yeol. Is it him? “ Tzuyu showed me a picture of chanyeol and he looked familiar to me . But it’s not him. “Oh yeah I know this guy, we played basketball together before. But it’s not him. “And so I answered.


“How bout this one, it’s Do Kyung soo.” Said Jimin while handling her phone to me. I stared at a tall cute guy in the picture but still, he looks unfamiliar , so I shook my head . They both sighed. 


As they were scrolling through their phones to look for the last guy sehun’s picture, tzuyu said : “yah jae min ah, what happened to you . Why are you so excited about a guy all of the sudden? “ immediately my heart skipped. I told them about the incident today as they squealed along. “Yah, not bad for your first try jae min!! “ Jimin slapped my back. “What do you mean first try, it’s an accident!!!” I blushed.  


“Found it! Here’s sehun , if it’s not him , then I think you need to wash your eyes and visit the eye doctor cause there’s no one better looking then these three. “  I put up the courage to finally look at the most angelic smile of a boy in the picture . And yes, it’s him.




[A/N] Yay ! So finally jae min knows the guy that’s so handsome af ! Sorry for the longest update ever guys ! Have been lazy and busy . 


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Chapter 2: Holy shiet jaemin follow sehun what's his reactions. Sehun you better broke up with aerin before you hurt her more
Chapter 1: Ha ha ha finally she know sehun. Jaemin is so cute (>y<)