My Hand Goes.

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Serena followed after the idol without a word when she heard him say 'I got you' and in that moment she didn't know what do or say although she was wondering why it was her sister's bias. She simply let GOT7's visual and rapper lead her to wherever he was headed to. Mark didn't say anything else after he spoke those words as he securely held onto Serena's hand while leading her far away from the merry-go-round horse ride and back towards the direction of the Garden Stage. Serena stared at the giraffe headband on Mark's head and let out a giggle upon seeing it. Mark heard Serena's giggling, but didn't think too much of it and continued walking.

"Hey, where are we going?" She asked a moment later while using Korean. Mark didn't hear her as he was too focused on walking while still holding her hand. Serena repeated her question once more in Korean before switching to English that got the idol's attention. "Are you talking to me?" "Who else would I be talk to, Mark? The air?" She scoffed as she spoke sarcastically. "Oh, Air. What's up? Where we going? I can't hear you, Air. Can you speak up, please." She used her left hand to cup her left ear. "You're pretty quiet. What's that, Air? I can't hear you. Say it again? What? Can you repeat that? Oh wait, Air. I forgot about this."

She rolled her eyes as she removed the hand from her ear. "Yeah, that's right. You're freaking air. You can't speak to me." Serena glared at the back of the idol's head who was smiling at her cute antics, but hadn't turn around to face her and had only listened to her ranting. "Jerk." Serena mumbled as she rubbed at her eyes which suddenly became irritated by her contact lenses. "Ah, wait, Mark. Hold on? Sorry. It's just my contacts being a pain right now." She said as she stopped walking and pulled her right hand free from his left hand so that she could take out her contacts that were beginning to sting her eyes. "I hate when this happens."

"Are you okay, Serena?' Mark asked in a concern while facing her this time around as he watched her take out the small lenses. "Yeah." She replied absentmindedly while trying to find her solution case in her bag to put in another pair after removing them. "I hope I brought my glasses." She continued to talk to herself as she couldn't find either items in her bag. "Dammit. I left it in the other bag." Serena groaned as she tossed the contact lens into her bag and ran a hand through her hair. "What am I supposed to do now?" "Want me to call Melanie?" Mark asked a second later with a slight frown. "Are you still able to see?"

"Sort of. Everything's just slightly blurry." Serena replied. "It's just night time makes it worst because of all the lights that distorts my vision." Mark moved closer and placed a comforting hand onto her shoulder. "Wanna meet up with the others?" "Nah, it's okay." She smiled at Mark as she could clearly make him out due to how close he was to her. "If we re-group too soon, then the cousins may spot all of you and who knows how that will turn out like." Mark looked at her with worry. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Okay. Are these the same cousins that we've been running into at the convenient store?" "Yeah, that's them."

"Let's continued on then." Mark said with a smile as he turned around and started walking away causing Serena to freak out at the thought of being stranded with her current eyesight condition before running after him a second later and taking a hold of his sleeve. 'Hey, you can't just leave me behind like that." She tugged on it to show her slight frustration at the male idol. A chuckle escaped as Mark shot her a sheepish look. "Sorry." "Sure you are." "I really am." "Mmhmm." "Is that better?" "What is?" "Holding the sleeve." Mark asked noticing where she was holding on to as she shrugged. "It's so that I won't get separated from you."

Serena explained he reason why. "I always do this with family when we go places. Usually I hold onto the strap of their bags, purses, or the front part of their backpack." Serena's eyes unconsciously stared at where her hand was holding onto Mark while he continued to lead them somewhere on the first floor of Adventure. "It's just easier to hold on to them than simply following them since I hate getting separated when we're headed in the same direction when it's crowded." "Makes sense. I would have done the same thing in your place." Mark nodded as Serena squinted upon seeing the viking coming up ahead of them.

"Why are we at The Conquistador?" Serena asked curiously as they got closer and she could definitely make out the shape of the ride. "You said that you wanted to ride this, right?" Mark stated as he turned to smile at her to which she couldn't see before turning his head in front of him again. "We're going to ride the viking, Serena." "Really?!" She let out happily as she placed her other hand atop of the other one that was still holding on to Mark's sleeve without actually thinking so. "Can we?" At that moment Mark felt her grip tightened upon his arm as he glanced to make sure if he was feeling it right and saw that she had hooked her arms with his.

His lips quirked higher to one side before answering her. "Yes, Serena, we can ride it." He smiled when he heard her excitement. "Awesome. Wait a minute. I didn't mentioned. Did I?" "Melanie mentioned it after you ran off earlier." "Oh, I did." She rolled her eyes. "She would, but let's line up!" Serena dragged Mark with their still linking arms and unconsciously locking her fingers with his as they lined up. "I've been dying to ride this ride. Thanks, Mark!" She grinned at the idol as he returned a smile of his own while letting out a chuckle at her cute behavior before patting with his free hand on top of their laced ones. "You're welcome, Serena."


Melanie let the idol pull her along as she repeated his 'I got you' in her head over and over for who knows how long. It surprised her that Serena's bias was the one to take her away, but she was more surprised that she was having these weird fluttering feelings while holding hands with Jaebeom. Her eyes soon caught sight of his cat ears headband and smiled at the sight. "How cute." She chuckled softly in English as it reminded her of how much he loved cats. She laughed again, but this time Jaebeom heard it and he turned to face Melanie. "What?" "Hm?" Melanie automatically hummed while tilting her head to the side as she looked at him.

"I heard you laugh just now. Why?" Jaebeom asked as he returned his attention ahead of him while Melanie smiled. "It's nothing." Jaebeom frowned at her response, but didn't pursue further. "Anyways, JB, where exactly are we going?" Melanie asked as she noticed that they were now at Magic Island, but Jaebeom didn't answer her. She repeated her question, but he still chose to ignore her question. "Little brat." She muttered a second later and soon ran into the back of Jaebeom as he had momentarily stopped walking. "Oh, sorry, JB." She apologized as she looked about their surrounding. "Why did you stop?"

Jaebeom turned to face her with a look. "Did you just call me a little brat?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as Melanie denied while turning away with a small smile. "No. I dunno what you're talking about. I didn't say anything." Melane tried to direct the attention elsewhere. "Oh look. It's Petit Pang Pang." She pointed at the cute automobile ride with her free hand in hopes of getting Jaebeom's attention onto the kiddie car ride instead of what she had said earlier. It worked as he looked at her curiously. "Do you wanna ride that?" "Do I look like Jyongri unnie?" Melanie scoffed before walking off as she was the one leading Jaebeom around Magic Island this time around as they were still holding hands.

"Hey, let's do the Gyro Swing. Or we can do the Gyro Drop again." She suggested as she saw the two rides from afar, but the idol didn't comment. Melanie looked behind her, but couldn't make out his exact facial expression because of his get-up. She scoped out the area once again. "So, what do you wanna do?" Jaebeom still didn't speak as Melanie suggested more things to do as she wasn't sure what to do with Jaebeom's silence. "Do you wanna do the Atlantis Adventure? Or maybe you want to do the Swing Tree? Or um, how about that one? The Comet Express?" Still the idol didn't respond as Melanie let out a frustrated groan. "Fine then, little brat. You can do whatever you want as I go by myself and do something else."

Melanie made to release her grip from GOT7's leader, but Jaebeom held onto her hand even more tightly preventing her from walking away. She felt herself jerk back from the sudden tug and she turned to look at the idol confused. "Hmm?" Jaebeom didn't answer as Melanie sigh. "If you're not gonna say anything at all, then don't-" Jaebeom cut her off while unconsciously rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. "I was just deciding." "Come again?" Jaebeom repeated his words as Melanie looked at him weirdly. "You couldn't just say that?" "You called me a little brat." Jaebeom slightly whined as Melanie looked at him a bit amused and confused.

"Really? You're still hung up on that?" "So you did call me a little brat." His tone changed as Melanie denied it again with a playful smile. "No." "You're lying, noona." Jaebeom stated with a chuckle. "I didn't lie." "Yes you did. Just now." "Nope." "You did lie." Jaebeom's lips quirked up in amusement. "You just don't wanna admit it." "Whatever." Melanie dismissed while rolling her eyes as she scanned around the area. "Is there something that you wanna do here since you're the one that led us to Magic Island?" She returned her eyes to look at the idol as he, too, was looking around Magic Island. "Not really." He admitted.

"I wanted to get away from the cousins without causing a bigger scene." Jaebeom continued as he gazed at Melanie. "It's them, right?" "Yeah, it's them." Melanie confirmed. "Yerim is still trying to find Jeffrey." She chuckled at that as Jaebeom rolled his eyes. "Still won't let me live that do

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[191228] LIKE OH~2.0~ has been all revised. hopefully the epilogue is a lot more fun to read as that one had a major revision compare to the other chapters. anyways, at least the typos and other things should be fixed xD kthxbai~


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Chapter 32: The best Love stories ever!! Author -nim you did awesome!!! Thank You
HarajukuGirl #3
Chapter 9: Lol why is got7 so annoying. Like they just follow the girls all the time and annoy them lol
HarajukuGirl #4
Chapter 2: I like the story so far im just having a problem reading the conversations cus i get lost and i lose track who says what :( xD
OML, I'm going to enjoy reading this so so much.