Secret Special Date

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Secret Special Date


The taste of Jihyo's lips against her lingers inside her mind. She's been thinking about the plump lips and wants to kiss her over and over again. The image won't leave from her brain thus she's going insane. Her heart pumps so hard against her chest she feels like it will explode anytime soon. It's almost like waiting for a rocket that will shoot up to the sky and Mijoo will be flying across the horizon.

Stepping in the house she's greeted with a sight of Jiae's back watching the TV in the lounge room on the sofa alone. Upon hearing the door her best friend's girlfriend turns around. "You're home!" the girl rises on her feet welcoming her. "Did you eat?"

Mijoo nods her head. "I ate dinner before coming home," she tells briefly, with whom, must be kept a secret.

After her working hour ended, she waited for another half an hour until Jihyo could sign out of work. The team leader wanted them to have dinner together including discussing about the event from the file room earlier on. Jihyo drove to a Japanese burger shop Mijoo recommended and they ate the burgers in content.

She learned Jihyo wanted the relationship between them to bloom normally without force. The team leader wanted them to experience going out for normal dates like normal couple, surprisingly. Of course Mijoo was more than happy to hear that, so without much words against her, she agreed to the deal.

"Where's my sister?" she asks after a while. Soojung is nowhere in her sight thus she wonders if the older girl is there at all.

"She's asleep," Jiae says.

"This early? It's only 8, she usually waited for me before going to her bed."

"Soojung unnie doesn't feel well since this evening. I thought she has a cold, but she said her body felt weak, that's why she wanted to rest early."

That's strange. She was fine this morning, why is Soojung suddenly feeling sick now? "Did you check her temperature?" Mijoo asks just in case.

"Yup I did, and it was normal," Jiae replies. "I'm heading out now. See you tomorrow," she prepares to leave as she grabs her bag before walking to the front door.

"How are you going to get home? Taxi?" Mijoo walks her to the front door.

"Actually Jisoo is on her way here, so I'm gonna wait at the bus stop so she won't have to come up," Jiae smiles before parting. Mijoo slowly closes the door after the former disappears from the hallway.

She stops at Soojung's front door and about to enter to check on her sister, but she also doesn't want to disturb the older girl's rest time. Retreating a few steps back she heads in to her room instead.

After settling down in her bed, she decides to grab her phone and text Jihyo.

To: Park Jihyo
You must be tired after this eventful day. Get rest and sleep well <3

She smiles to herself after sending the message. Without waiting for her reply, Mijoo gets into the bathroom for a quick shower. She keeps imagining about Jihyo's lips kissing hers.


'Is she in her right mind?'

'Is she doing the right thing?'

'Is she even serious?'

Her mind is a mess and full of negativity with possible questions coming for her if they ever know what she has done. Agreeing to commit a secret affair while she's still legafully belongs to someone is absolutely not normal. Not forgetting to say she's pregnant of her second child. This situation is insane.

However Jihyo comes home feeling all flowery and fluttery, contradicting from her messy brain. Content with her dinner date with Mijoo earlier, her stomach feels full and good.

Stepping out of the refreshing shower, Jihyo dries her hair with her towel and approaches her make up table where she put her phone earlier on. Yoongi is in the bed playing with his phone and has earphones on his ears. There's a text message from Mijoo on her device screen.

From: Miss Lee Mijoo 
You must be tired after this eventful day. Get rest and sleep well ❤

Her lips can't help itself but twitch into a smile. She types quickly to reply.

To: Miss Lee Mijoo
Eung. Sleep well to you too 😘

Satisfied with the text, she puts down the phone back and combs her hair. Not changing from her bathrobe, she heads to the door. "I'm sleeping with Yoonho!" she announces to her husband.

"What?" Yoongi is apparently surprised at the impulsive act of her wife. "Why?"

"I just feel like it. Sleep well," she says one last time before closing the door, leaving Yoongi baffled behind. After the incident regarding her mother in-law that is his mother, Jihyo has been cold and indifferent to him. He feels hurt she's running away from him instead of sorting it out together, but then he only blames himself for not taking his wife's feelings seriously. Now he has to face the consequences and sleep alone without his beloved wife beside him.


"It's okay Jihyo, get well soon. Take care of your health, my dear. I'm gonna miss you though."

She heard the girl giggled. "I will have a full rest tonight, don't worry about me. I'm sorry for cancelling our plan once again and I miss you too."

"Don't feel bad the plan's cancelled, you're not well enough to go out," she said sweetly.

"I get it, sunbae. Don't come home late, have Woohyuk sunbae walked you home for your safety!" Jihyo managed to say before they ended the call. A smile sporting on her lips at Jihyo's words not knowing what kind of disaster was actually waiting for her.

It was Friday and the couple was supposed to spend the time together after school but Jihyo couldn't make it because she suddenly fell ill with serious cold. As much as it disappointed her, Jihyo's health was her priority nevertheless.

So instead of going to Jihyo, she decided to help her fellow club president in the club's classroom to get paperworks done to get a few approvals from the school.

She stopped staring down at her phone and began to put it away when suddenly she felt an unfamiliar huge hand grasping her . Startled at the sudden sensation, she spun around in a speed of light and found no one but the club's president.

"Woohyuk! What did you just do?!" she snapped with mouth hung opened.

"Soojung-ah, please don't scream!" he jumped on her and shut tight with his palm, pushing her body 'till her back lied on the table and started tearing her clothes off with his other hand.

Soojung's scream muffled and inaudible against Woohyuk's strong hand. He was a buff guy and had much bigger built than her anyway, thus she was so weak and powerless. She couldn't get the boy off of her body no matter how hard she tried. In the end, only tears were left to show her misery while her small body had to withstand the pain Woohyuk gave her.

After he had done his business, he zipped up his pants and leaned in to whisper to Soojung's ear. "Don't you dare tell anyone on this!" he warned. The nice and warm hearted guy she had only seen him as had turned completely the opposite. He was a monster.

Soojung wakes up drenched in sweats as she jolts to sit up from her bed. Tears drip out from her eyes at the awful memory that suddenly comes haunting her again. The scars from the past have never ceased from her heart. Her chest clenches in great pain as she dreamed her nightmare. She gets up from her bed and walks out to the kitchen to have a cold water to drink.

Her glass is quickly filled and emptied. The awful nightmare has made her body feels so weak and throat feels so thirsty. She has never dreamt of the horrible experience again after many months but now it suddenly comes back torturing her. It causes her out of breath.

How she wants to fall asleep back knowing the same image will only just come in her vision again...


Silence fills her morning. Dressing up for work, Mijoo steps out from her room and finds the lounge hall is empty. Soojung must be still staying in her bedroom so she walks to her sister's door before knocking softly. "Unnie, are you up yet?"

There is no answer but Soojung shows herself out a few seconds later. "Do your best at work!" the older girl suddenly wishes, confusing the younger. The former looks tired and lacks of sleep from the eyebags under her eyes. Mijoo is worried immediately. "You're okay?"

"I'm fine," Soojung reassures her with a small smile.

Deciding it's best not to pressure her further, Mijoo nods her head. "Get ready, we're going to Jiae's place!" she reminds.

"Actually," the older but shorter girl stops Mijoo. "I don't feel like going out today. I feel better staying in my room," she says. The younger sister pouts and a frown forms on her forehead. "You're still not feeling well? Did you take medicine yet?"

Soojung shakes her head. "I just don't have the mood. If Jiae can't come here I'll be fine staying alone, I don't mind!"

The thing is, Mijoo is the one who is not okay with Soojung staying alone, so she'll definitely have Jiae to come over later.

After Soojung goes back to her bed, Mijoo departs from the apartment heading to her workplace. On her way she manages to call Jiae and asks a favour from her best friend's girlfriend. Being soft and kind she is, Jiae agrees to be the one coming to Soojung so she can keep the latter company. Mijoo thanks her before ending the call.

On the bus ride to work, a message pops from her phone.

From: Park Jihyo
Have lunch with me today :) I'd like us to go to a restaurant I personally love ^^

Mijoo chuckles at the cute text before typing on her phone for a reply.

To: Park Jihyo
Sure, anything for and with you ❤

The grin on her cheeks can't get wider, the muscles pull out too much she can feel the stretch. But to the hell she cares, as long as her heart is showered with flowers and love from a certain team leader named Park Jihyo.


The restaurant of Jihyo's choice is located quite a far distance from their office building. It's a local restaurant serving a lot of dishes of her favourite. Mijoo can't hide her smile seeing Jihyo so happy once her chicken soup with rice and side dishes are served on the table.

"How did you get away from your friends?" the older girl asks as she slurps in her beef noodles soup. Jihyo glances at her briefly before sipping her chicken soup from her spoon.

"I just told Nayeon that I'm heading out to eat lunch with a client and thankfully she took my words well without complaining," Jihyo smiled. "How about you? Mina and Jiyeon aren't suspecting anything, right?" she puts down her spoon and wipes using the tissue before looking a

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JoshuaSiobal #1
Chapter 25: Good work <3
11 streak #2
Chapter 25: Good work and restart is definitely what they needed

Glad jihyo learned her lesson and it tht she lost her second and probably can’t visit her first child but hopefully things will go on the up & up
14 streak #3
Chapter 25: Thank you so much for writing this masterpiece author~
JoshuaSiobal #4
Chapter 24: Omg!!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 24: Oh no! I know Mijoo still loves Jihyo and Jihyo too. Please do something author-nim and don't break our hearts anymore. ?
Chapter 24: Ohhh damn... mijoo's statement is pretty strong
I don't read a lot of Twice fics but this caught my attention lol
So far, this is interesting
11 streak #9
Chapter 23: Damn thts heartbreaking
Chapter 23: Soojungieeeeeee TT