How can I say

Both of us froze in our place. None of us have guts to speak any words. Silence engulfing our meeting there. I saw his hands rubbing the nape of his head. This is so awkward. Should I leave this place or-

“Have a seat. I’m almost done preparing for dinner. Your brother was out for a while.” There he said, attempting to brush off our awkwardness in the air. I’m hesitated for a while before politely shook my head, declining his offered despite the growling war in my stomach. Before he could argued any longer, Jongdae’s voice filled in the silence in our house.

“Baekhyun-ah, the eggs was broken when I’m on my way home. What should we do?”

He entered the kitchen island with ‘Don’t kill me’ expression on his face, staring at Baekhyun’s figure. All us three was stiffened with such an unexpected encounter when Jongdae finally learnt about my presence there. 

Jongdae cleared his throat and asked me to join him into dinner. I can sense that he was a little bit uncomfortable with me being there in the same place with him. I just stared at him absent minded before dragging my feet back to my room. Not even a single word was out from my mouth to answer him.

Poor my hungry stomach tonight.

It’s okay, I can go out later. I really didn’t expect him to be home tonight not to mention his friend also tagged along. Maybe Dad makes him come home to look after me. Gosh Dad, how many times should I told him that I was completely fine being home alone. I guess I’m still his little girl in his eyes whom he treasured the most.

Oh, right!

I just remembered that I had 3 triangle kimbab in my bag. Yes, no need to go out anymore but I’m craving for seafood pasta right now though. Not even a minute passed, I’m already on my second kimbab. Guess that I’m really starving right now. In less than 5 minutes, I already finished all three. At least that will kept me full for a while.

Having my phone and a thick book in my hands, I opened the sliding door and walked toward my room balcony to do some reading and inhaling night’s air, letting out the stuffiness in my chest. I’m in the middle of finishing Fox girl by Nora Okja Keller. Sometimes, reading it feels like getting punched in the stomach. But it’s that uncomfortable feeling that makes it a book worth reading. It such a real great masterpiece I’ve read so far.

Well, being too immersed in reading can makes me forgot how hungry I am just now, even for a while.


Meanwhile in the kitchen


“Jongdae-ah, why not you go and knock your sister door now. I’m deadly sure that she is hungry.” Baekhyun stopped chopping the onions and held his gaze at his friend after getting no response from the said man, because Jongdae was too occupied playing some stupid games in his phone.

“Yah dude, are you listening to me? I swear I’ll jab this knife at your phone screen if you’re not going to do what I was saying just now!” Baekhyun’s voice slightly rose because he was a little bit annoying with this creature in front of him.

Halting from his games, Jongdae look at him with ‘Don’t you dare to touch my baby phone’ face.

“Baek, don’t you see her response just now? She just walked pass me like I never said nothing.” Let out a heavy sigh, Jongdae leaned against the chair while closing his eyes shut.

“I know that, but if you’re going to make it up all those years you had abandoned her, you need to show her your efforts. Sooner or later, she’ll open up with you. What she need now was time. She was being hurt before by you, remember?” Baekhyun’s words float in his mind for a good 3 minutes before he decided to get up from his seat.

“You’re right bro, I’ll try my best. I want to treat her right this time. She already had enough suffering.” After seeing Baekhyun assuring smile, he dashed toward Yeonhee’s room. He is fidgeting in front of the door for a while, raking his brain on how to hold the conversation with her.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

No response.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Still, no responses come from her. His palm started to sweat a little thinking maybe something might be happening to her. Braving himself, he started to call her name.

“Yeonhee? Yeonhee, can you open the door? I need to talk to you about something.” Silence filled the hallway and he’s getting nervous in his place.

Okay, she left me with no choice after all

He thought that to himself and in a swift movement, he twisted the doorknob to get an access inside her room. He was stunned for a while and his eyes roaming inside the room with amazement. This is the first time he had been in her room. She’s indeed a clean freak like him. All her belonging was neatly stacked in it places. Her blue and pink painted wall compliment with her bed sheet very well. He was proud with her. Well, she is his bloodline after all.

He searched for her when he saw she was not in her room. No sounds coming from the bathroom either and then his eyes narrowed for a bit when he saw something at the balcony. Dragging his feet there, he saw Yeonhee’s peaceful figure sleeping soundly with her head against a thick book on the table.

Cold night breeze slapped his skin and instantly he felt cold. Rubbing his own hands, he saw her with only in large t-shirt and pant that only reach her knee, ‘She must be in great cold right now’. He carried her toward the bed carefully, not wanting for her to wake up from slumber. Wow, she’s a lot lighter than he expected. After done tuck her into bed without her realized, he sat on her bed for a while. He had missed a lot all this times seeing her all grown up.

her hair gently, he said “Yeonhee-ah, oppa really sorry for all my mistakes toward you. I left you when you need me the most. I’m really sorry. I was blinded with hatred before but I just realized that it will get me nowhere. Sleep tight sister.” After that, he walked out of the room. But before, he place a sticky notes on her phone screen to remind her to have a proper meal after woke up.

Little did he knew, Yeonhee was awake when he did his confession just now and now, she was struggled with her inner thought and mixed feeling in her chest that comes all at once.


Back to where Baekhyun’s was, Baek look at him with frowning in his face.

“Where’s your sister?”

“She was sleeping.”

“I see. Let’s eat up. The foods getting cold.” Baekhyun handed him a plate of food and they started to eat in silence.

“Kim Jongdae.” Huh? Jongdae looked up from his plate to face his friend. Baekhyun rarely called his full name unless it was serious and now he expected one from him.

“What now Byun Baekhyun?” he replied back, anticipating with what’s next.

“What’s make you suddenly changed? I mean, you never cared about Yeonhee before. I thought you really hate her guts.” Baekhyun said carefully, not wanting any of his words will sounds offensive to his best friend.

“You know what Baek, I already think about this matter long time ago but I just got the force to move because of today fateful event. Because I saw her genuine smile she never showed in this house. At that time I realized how bad I am as her older brother.”

Baekhyun can see that Jongdae really want to make up for all his actions toward her all this time. He was being sincere.

“It’s okay Chen-ah, you still got lots of time. Just spend more time with her. I’ll always give you my best support, okay?”

“Yah, don’t called me Chen. How many times should I tell you? You definitely never learnt.” Seeing a pouting Jongdae, Baekhyun burst in laughter. They loved to that he looks like Chen from EXO despite constantly getting hit and yelling from this man.

“You really looked like him. Are you sure that you two not some sort of long lost twins?” Baekhyun still can stop himself from laughing his off. If only Sehun and Kyungsoo was here with them right now, he was sure that Jongdae will flipped this table turns.

“Stop it. Yah, Byun Baekhyun I said stop you brat.” He was mad but at the same time grateful that Baekhyun really know how to make him smile. Seeing Baekhyun who’s still can’t get over with his laughter, Jongdae shook his head.

“Thanks Baek. You’re indeed my best friend. If someday I want to marry off Yeonhee, you’ll be the best person. I was being honest.”

“Did you just give me your consent? Oh brother-in-law Kim. But, you said before that I’m a playboy! How can you Kim Jongdae shamelessly eat up your hateful comment toward me. I’m hurt, auch!” Here, come again dramatic Byun Baekhyun.

“Just finishes your food and go home Byuntae and I changed my mind baout wanting to marry Yeonhee off to you!”

“OKAY! OKAY! I GOT YOU!” and then, they both burst into a 7 million megawatt laughs.



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