Strange Feeling

I Found Him In My Yard...

Annie's POV

-Somewhere in the states-

"What are you doing?! Let me go!" I screamed
I was being carried by 2 strange men in black suits and my step mother was following behind them. They threw me in a white van and tied my hands and feet together.
"Let go of me! Please!" I pleaded.
My step mother slapped me across the face.
"Shut up."
My face was stinging from the pain.
"Omma..." I cried.
"Don't call me your mother. Your real mother died years ago." she spat at me. I was losing it, I was so confused...
"Why are you doing this?...." I asked her.
She glared at me and grabbed my throat.
"You want to know why Annie?... It's because your a spoiled little brat..." she looked at me directly in the eyes.
"You must think your just the perfect little girl don't you?" she laughed.

"Well guess what... your not!" Her grasp on me got tighter.

"Just because your father pays more attention to you, you think he loves you more?! I spent days trying to get your grandparents to accept me into the family, but with you around it was almost impossible! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I TRIED TO FIT IN YOU LITTLE ?!" she slapped me again but a lot harder this time.
My head was spinning and my ears were ringing. I let a scream escape my lips.
"Don't think that just because your gone, someone is going to miss you..." she said grabbing one of my pigtails.
"The life you knew here is over. Oh... and don't expect your father to come save you." she smiled.

"He'll never find you... I'll make sure of it." She threw my head against the wall and jumped out of the van. The 2 men followed her.
"Without you around, I will finally have peace and quiet." she laughed. She handed over a big envelope to one of the men and they smiled seeming very pleased with it.
"Here's half of the money. When I see that she's gone, I'll give you the rest." she said fixing her lacy black dress. One of the men covered my mouth with duct tape and then stabbed my arm with a syringe.
"MMMM!!!!" I tried to scream.
"Scream all you want darling, no one will hear you. After these drugs take affect, you wont even be able to keep that pretty little head of yours up." he laughed. I could feel the cold liquid running up my veins and I suddenly started to feel droopy.
"He's coming! Quick! Close the door!" my step mother hissed. The man took the needle out of my arm and slammed the door closed.
"Annie! Annie! Where are you?!" I could heard Appa scream.
Appa! I mumbled and tried to scream through the tape.
"Elizabeth! Did you find her?" he said.
"Not yet, but these are the men I hired to find her."
Appa! Don't believe her! She's lying to you!
"Don't worry sir. We'll find her soon." one of the men said.
"Honey why don't you go rest for now? I'm sure they will find her soon."
I could imagine my step mother clinging onto Appa right now.
You devil woman... he won't give up just like that. I smirked. There was a long pause before I heard Appa respond.
"...... Alright...... but if you find any leads on her, tell me about it immediately." he sighed.
What?... I sat there stunned. Appa... did you... just give up on me?... Why did you give up so easily?
"Yes, sir! We'll go look for her right now." one of the men said.
"Annie, where are you...? Why did you run away from me? Did I do something to hurt you?..." I heard appa almost break into tears.
No! Appa! No! You didn't do anything wrong! It was step mother! She did this to me! I'm here appa! I'm right here! Just open the door! I tried to scream and get out of the ropes but it was no use.
I could hear them walk around and get into the car.
"Mmm!MMMMM!" I tried to scream again.
"Don't even try kid. He'll never see you again" I heard them laugh and start driving the car.
I could feel the hot tears falling down my cheeks.
No... Appa... I'm scared...Don't let them take me... My vision was getting blurry.
Appa... Don't give up on me... come find me appa... don't leave me alone...


Please...I'm scared.


The drugs kicked in and everything vanished into blackness.


        I violently woke up from my dream and was breathing really hard. My room was dark and blurry, just like where my dream left off. I sat up from my bed and held my head.
"It was only a dream... it was only a dream Annie..." I chanted to myself.
I took deep breaths to calm myself and the room started to clear up. I grabbed my water bottle I always left on my nightstand and took a sip from it.
"I had the dream again..." I rubbed my eyes and looked at my digital Domo clock that I also kept on the nightstand.
"4:47... Awesome. School doesn't start for another 5 hours." -__________-; I groaned and flopped back into bed. I tried to go back to sleep, but it wasn't working out so well. I fluffed my pillow and tried again.


Nope. Didn't work.

I groaned again and started kicking the air.
"Aish! If I can't sleep, what the hell am I suppose to do!?" I said throwing my pillow into the air. Gravity caught up with it and the pillow landed on my face. I slowly pulled it off and sighed.
"Might as well just go to school early toady...." I told myself. I literally rolled out of bed and dragged myself to the light switch.


My lights started to slowly blink on and reveled my epic room. It looked like a dance studio with a bunch of furniture in it, but this is what I called my room. I contained my epic mirror wall, my other epic brick walls, my epic hanging fan and lights, my epic closet, my epic king sized bed and my epic BIGBANG poster. My room was just.... EPIC.<3 ^___^




I slid down my firefighter pole and plugged in my Iphone to my speakers. I IU's song Good Day and danced my way into the bathroom.




"Aigo! Hana! Dul! I'M IN MY DREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" I tried singing her outstanding 3 notes in the shower but ended up failing because I ran out of breath. o(╥﹏╥)o  I finished up my shower and did my hair and make-up. This was usually the highlight of my day. I absolutely loveeeeeeeeddddddddddd make-up. It just made me feel all good and tingly inside. My bathroom was hoarded with eyeshadows, mascaras, blush, you name it, its in my bathroom. I guess circle lenses, hair curlers and false eyelashes were just my thing. \(^ ε ^)/
I finished up the final touches on my face and went to get some grub in the kitchen. I popped some bread in my toaster and made some tasty hash-browns with ketchup. When I was finished with my num nums, I grabbed my backpack and walk out the door.

I got a stange feeling when I stepped into my yard. I stopped there for a minute and looked around. Everything looked fine. 


"Hmm... weird... something feels off today... " I told myself. I just shrugged it off and started heading out my gate.

But later would I know that today... was going to change my life... forever.



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littlegirllovingyou #1
please i'm begging u
please update
palli >.<
TilDeath #2
Update soon~~~~~
Aww like it~ really nice ♥
Update please...... Btw taec gif was hilarious