Seoul's Cinderella


Substitute a cell phone for a glass slipper, a convertible for a two-door pumpkin, and a Seoul centre for a kingdom far, far away and what do you get? A happily-ever laughter twist on the Cinderella tale! 



Title: Seoul's Cinderella

Genre: Romance, Fantasy

Pairing: Jiyeon & Yoo Seung Ho


S U M M A R Y:

Ji Yeon scrubs floors at a diner, copes with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters:Eun Jung and Hyo Min, and dreams of going to Seoul Music and Arts school (the perfect spot for a would-be princess to find a prince). But maybe she has a Prince Charming already: her anonymous e-mail buddy who arranges to meet her at the Christmas dance. Yi Jeon panics when the mystery man turns out to be the coolest guy on campus. Can he love a girl not part of the in crowd? Can fairy tales come true? Only if Yi Jeon stands up for herself and turns her dreams into reality.


C H A R A C T E R S:


PARK JIYEON (19)  is a high school senior residing in the Seoul High Scool. The tragic death of her father during her childhood left her to be part of her step-family, with a cruel step mother and unintelligent, annoying and self-centered twin step sisters. Her dream is to attend Seoul Music and Arts University. Ji Yeon works at her step mother's diner, which was formerly her fathers. Her best friend is Lee Hyun Woo. Ji Yeon is unpopular and rather unknown at school, but has a secret virtual relationship with a boy who goes to school with her, although his identity is not known to her straight away. A 'fairy godmother' comes to Ji Yeon's rescue in the form of fellow diner worker, Bae Du Na.


YOO SEUNG HO (20) schools coolest guy a.k.a Prince Charming. Goes out with Seo Woo(schoolsmost popular girl).  Has a virtual chat friend whith who he can talk freely. Wants to become a writer but is afraid of his father. His father whats him to play footbal.

Seo Woo (18)- Seung Ho's girlfriend. Schools popularest girl. y and possesive. Loves to make fun of other people.


Lee Hyun Woo (19)  is a slightly nerdy "method" actor. His closet contained clothes of different characters because he hadn't really found himself yet but now he finally has. His best friend is Park Ji Yeon who drives him to school ever since he totaled the three cars his parents got him. Hyun Woo is head-over-heels for Seo Woo.

Ham Eun Jung (19) One of Ji Yeon's annoying, self-centered stepsisters. Eun Jung is the youngest of the twin daughters of Ham Min Seo by only a few seconds after her twin Hyo Min. Eun Jung and Hyo Min hate each other to death, but grow on each other only to destroy Ji Yeon.(A/N: Eun Jung and Min Seo are twins so their identical)

Park Min Young (20) is one of the popular girls, Seo Woo's, best friends. Stood up to Seo Woo as she went on, and on about kissing a boy (Lee Hyun Woo).


I'm late.

For what?


I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone... Then I think of you.



Based on ,movie: Cinderrela's story.


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