Memory 2: Of Heavenly Works

Chained Destiny [hiatus]

Woohyun’s POV


We gave Sungjong a tour of Heaven. We went by the Assignment Post but, by rule, we were only allowed outside the huge white building since only higher ranked angels were allowed in there.

"There are Angel ranks?" asked the curious cat which was Sungjong.

Sunggyu smiled gently at him then began to patiently explain about how angels work:

"First of all there are Angels which are the lowest rank," Sunggyu started.  “Angels are the ones who guide the Souls here and don’t have Halos or Wings yet. Next are the already winged and haloed Archangels who are the ones in charge of watching over the humans on Earth, they’re also the only ones who go down to Earth.”

Sungjong nodded at Sunggyu so that the other could know that he was listening and could keep up on what he was saying.

“Cherubims are angels which can shape shift into anything they desire but they usually go to the small baby toddler look, they’re mostly the ones who supervise the lower ranked Angels.  The highest rank of angels is Seraphims, they’re God’s personal caretaker but there are only 4 of them that exist.” Sunggyu then finished his little lecture and you could clearly see the look of amazement on Sungjong’s face.

I was only half listening to Sunggyu, who was leading the tour and continued explaining things to Sungjong, but not because Gyu was a boring guide but because I couldn't stop taking sneak glances at Sungjong’s adorable expressions and besides, all I could hear was the sound of my fast beating heart as I stood next to him.

“So,” Sungjong said after a while. “What do you guys usually do around here?”

“Nothing really.” Hoya replied. “We mostly stay in each other’s Clouds.”

“Clouds?” asked Sungjong cutely.

“It’s kind of like our home here.” smiled Sungyeol and Sungjong did an O shape with his mouth. “I know! We’ll show you our Clouds before we go to yours, so that you’ll know where to find us.”


We first visited Myungsoo’s Cloud since it was the nearest. You should know that Clouds are basically the same on the outside, all white, fluffy and soft it’s their insides which are different.

"So how do we get in?" Sungjong asked while looking at us.

"A typical newbie question." Dongwoo said as he slung an arm around Sungjong's shoulder. "Don't worry, we've all asked the same question."

"How about you answer his question before you recite your monologue Woo." Hoya interjected with a smirk making Dongwoo smile sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. I then decided to step in so that I could personally show Sungjong how to enter a Cloud.

"You just simply walk right through Jongie." I explained as I saw him blush a little from the sudden nickname that I gave him.

"Won't I fall?"

"Clouds are sturdier than you think." Sungyeol said as he and Myungsoo went ahead into the Cloud to show his point that it was completely safe, the others soon followed leaving me and a hesitant Sungjong outside.

"Come on," I said as I gently grabbed his hand. "Myung's Cloud is beautiful and neat, unlike Dongwoo's."

Sungjong laughed at what I said and soon enough he gave my hand a light squeeze signalling that he wasn't hesitant in entering anymore. As we passed through the single layer of Cloud that surrounded Myungsoo's interior I could hear Sungjong giggle as he jokingly complained about how ticklish his nose was to clouds.

Once we entered Myung’s Cloud we were met by a warm breeze which I have grown accustomed to, but it was Sungjong’s first time to feel it and I could see him close his eyes as he smiled warmly breathing in the atmosphere. He looks so peaceful and angelic like that that I just want to stop time and gaze at his beauty forever, but I feel that being still won’t suit him at all.

Myungsoo may not talk much and look cold most of the time but he has one of the most heartwarming Clouds up here. His Cloud was a complete garden inside with hundreds of different colored flowers scattered all over. Myungsoo didn't need to water the plants or anything since they just suddenly grow there, even the hanging plants on his ceiling suddenly just appear.

"Uwah!" cried Sungjong as he bent over to look at the flowers more closely. "They're beautiful."

"Thank you." smiled Myungsoo. He then bent down and picked a small pink flower. Then turned it into a small ring. He always amazes me by that little talent of his, I alway try to make it but no matter how hard or long he teaches me the rings I make just won't stay as rings. He then gently grabbed Sungjong's hand then placed it on his ring finger as if he was proposing to him making Sungjong's cheek flush bright red.

"A welcoming gift." Myungsoo smiled at Sungjong.

"Thank you." Sungjong replied softly as he looked at the flower ring then gently it's petals as if it would break if he was any rougher with them. "How'd you learn to make this?"

"I honestly don't know." Myungsoo replied with his usual poker face. "When I first came here I just did the same to the angel that showed me around."

"Wait a minute." I suddenly said as I heard Myungsoo speak making me realize something. "Not that I don't like giving Sungjongie a tour, but aren't Angels supposed to show people around?"

"You know Woohyun," Dongwoo started with a smile. "If you just stopped oogling at our new friend here then maybe you'll notice that our HamGyu has just leveled up."

I blushed at Dongwoo's statement before muttering that I wasn't oogling, I was just admiring him. I then turned to look at Sunggyu and just as Dongwoo explained Gyu did turn into an Angel. He had that charismatic feel that only Angels omit.

"When?" I asked as I started to inspect him from head to toe.

"Yesterday night." Sunggyu replied. "And stop staring at me like some kind of display!"

"Sorry," I replied sheepishly. "It's not everyday that a close friend of mine turns into an Angel. How does it feel?"

"I feel a lot lighter and more free." Sunggyu smiled but we could see the sadness in it.

"How do you turn into an Angel?" Sungjong asked curiosity dripping from every word.

We all then turned to look at Sunggyu wanting to know the answer at the said question.

"I," started Sunggyu but then he closed his mouth leaving all of us hanging. "How about we go to my Cloud first so that you could understand me more."

We all nodded at him then made our way out of Myungsoo's garden Cloud.


Sungjong's POV

Sunggyu's cloud was close to Myungsoo's so we didn't have to wander of to far. They're all really nice and seem like a lot of fun I'm glad they're the first persons I met here especially Woohyun. I took a sneak glance at him and accidentally he caught me! 'Omo! He'll think I'm weird now.' But Woohyun only smiled at me making me return it with my own shy smile.

His really kind, I think, I don't really know much about him or the others but I feel much safer when Woohyun is beside me. Even earlier at Myungsoo's Cloud, I was planning on not entering but once he held my hand my fears instantly went away and I trusted him completely. I wonder why though?

"We're here~" Sungyeol suddenly announced in a sing-song voice disrupting my thought process.

We then went in one after another and once I entered my nose was filled with smell paper and ink. Sunggyu's Cloud was a lot different from Myungsoo's. The new Angel's Cloud had a long table at the center with 1 chair at the end and 3 at either side making it 7, perfect for us.

"The number of chairs is based on how many people entered." Sunggyu explained as he saw me counting the chairs.

As the others took their seat I couldn't help but stare at the wall to wall shelves of books his Cloud has. It was absolutely amazing! I couldn't even see the top end of it. I read through the titles as my finger ran across the books.

"You can borrow them if you want." Sunggyu said with a kind smile. "I have a directory with all their titles at the back." he then pointed at a huge open brown book behind him. "I'll let you all look through it when I finish my story, arrasso?"

We all nodded and then I took a seat next to Woohyun which he gladly saved for me.

"You should know Jongie, that my books didn't have titles before I became an Angel." Sunggyu started. "They had covers and stories inside but no title. I don't know how their formed, but whenever I come back here there'll be new books on this table without fail."

"I've been wondering about that." Hoya interjected witha look of confusion. "They all suddenly have titles and there are no books on the table."

"That's because the books now arrange themselves. It's like they just register their title on that huge brown book and then go to an empty space on the shelf." Sunggyu explained to us. "And the reason they have titles now is because," at this point he suddenly stopped and then whispered something only he could hear. An old red book suddenly shot out of the shelf and then landed onto Sunggyu's hands. Sunggyu looked at the red book then smiled at it fondly but sadly. "It's because I remember everything now."

With that said our eyes grew wide as we learned about Sunggyu's past.



The next chapter will explain Sunggyu's past ^^ and will also tell how people/ghosts become Angels ^^


Soolyn: kekeke~ Dongwoo is such a lovable character and don't worry ^^ Woohyunnie will take good care of Sungjongie~

the-taem-keyng: thank you very much ^^

iheartaitaii: thank you so much Chunji my DEAR ^^ [so weird talking to you like this XD]

VipAplusInspirit21: who could blame Woohyun when it's Sungjong he fell for XD??  [nyahahaha love at first sight ^^]

inspirit_shawol: I was surprised that they had a woojong tag too XD although it could mean DongwooXSungjong or WoohyunXSungjong but in my story it's WoohyunXSungjong! IDRK why I started shipping them XD I just did o_O

miss-simple: feel free to guess ^^ who knows? you might be right LOL

inspirit4infinite: I hope this chapter explained fully well how heaven and angels work [if it doesn't just tell me and I'll PM you ^^]

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la la la la la~~ testing ^^ 1 2 3


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Chapter 13: Good luck with your studies! lool. tell me about it.. that's why i shifted to a different course XD but I know you'll do well :3
will wait patiently for your update! <3
Chapter 12: Is dongwoo the kindergarten teacher or the kid's mom ? Did he die saving that kid through transfusion or something ? Lol he did fit to be the kid's mom though xDD
Chapter 12: Omgomgomgomg, is dongwoo a kindy teacher or child-care person or something? Did he used to take care of seongkyu?
Chapter 12: Another update T-T Such a lovely time~ Woojong shippers time~! Hahaha I can't wait to see what Dongwoo's story would be like~ Keep up the good work~ ^^
tmullin #5
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update! I love trying to find out what the connect between everyone is, though I keep thinking that one of them is Sungjong's parent lol. The name of the little boy that Sungyeol saved , though, seems to remind me of Sungjong's little brother's name (in real life). Anyway thank you again for the update.
Minnea #6
Chapter 12: Hahh dongwoos Umma-mode is the best. Hahaha ah yeol...what to do with you I doubt they would be your dad or mom. Hahaha so cute still though.

I felt the same with B1A4's win! Was like infinite all over. Man if more groups I liked got their 1st win this year ill be so happy
Chapter 12: OMG can they really be dad to Sungyeol? Pleeeease? I mean not Sungjong, but Dongwoo. That would be so cool, it'll be super hilarious. yeollie will freak out so badly.
Chapter 11: Oh my T-T you updated this story I love so much (one of my favourite but of course my favourite woojong story) T-T Woojong the best T-T Such a good plot~ Keep up the good work ^^
Minnea #9
Chapter 11: That was cute. Haha. I just can't with my woojong feels and it's bad cause people don't make fics with them or if they so they absolutely hate eachother or never even speak even if their in the same group. So officially you are my favorite woojong author. Haha. Dongwoo should think of it this way, he cleaned his cloud and now isn't able to mess jt up so fast. Hahaha him freaking about a fake lost myungsoo was probably as hilarious as him thinking Sungjong was lost. Hahaha