First Rule of the Ninth Floor


... is to never take the ninth floor for granted. Xiening's parents had been worried for her when she decided to move to Seoul by herself. However, if they knew how she managed to get evicted, re-negotiate a better contract, end up with a flatmate, and be introduced to all the tenants on her floor all on the same day, she'd be on the first flight back home for sure.


What monstrous and devious shenanigans could Gugudan come up with if they lived on the same floor?

A/N: This is my first story in the Gugudan tag and my first fic in a long time since loosing my muse to my depression last year. I will do my best to update regularly! yours faithfully, gabe


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Chapter 1: Looooool the first thing she got when she met her neighbors was getting a dog pushed to her arms and she had to hide it XD
asharii #2
Chapter 1: Another Gugudan story for me to read wooo hooo :)

Really liking the premise so far - cant wait to meet the other girls!