Women and Wine


There are two things in this world that get better with age: women and wine. Or so Saga says. But it's easy for him when he's not the ripened goods, isn't it?


Another re-make of an older series of mine from another site. The ages and timeline are a tiny bit warped, but no harm, no foul, right?

Please read, subscribe, and comment if you see any reason to, positive or negative! Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. d(^_^)b


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ForeverJjang #1
Omg this used to be on quizilla right? I remember this fanfic because it was one of the best that I read on the site. I'm so glad that you posted this here! I thought that this fanfic was gone forever because quizilla shut down. Anyways, I love this fanfic and the way that you portray Saga. Thank you for posting this!
be sure to update with the sequel!
predictator #3
Yes yes, do write the sequel!! I love this ending, anyway x'D One of the best Saga fics 8D
The ending as much as I hate to say it was a bit akward for me. I don't know but maybe it's just me. Be sure to update the bonus chapter, I'm counting on that for a better ending to this series. Saga took that way better than most guys, I mean for someone who just found out that their love of their life has an eleven year old daughter, yeah I'd say it was pretty good :)
I love your fic! Its so cute~ I guess Saga is fun xD the first time I saw Alice Nine, I thought Saga was so cool! But then when I started watching Alice9 Channel he became that 4dimensional guy! Its interesting to see how much he changes when out on stage. Anyway please update soon!
Haha, this was a great update! I loved the relationship Hana and her ex has, it shows that after a divorce, you can still have some kind of relationship to the other without it being overly dramatic like both of you hating on eachother and going into depression etc.
Haha I love the picture with Saga wearing black ribbons in his hair, I have never seen that on before so yeah... I just think it's really cute. Saga is so cheeky for keeing Hana's license, he used it as an excuse to have another date with her but that's why you gotta love him :)
Update again soon , I'm eager to read as to what happens next!
Hilyen_Yellow #7
OMG!!! I'm speechless...This chapter is like very very very very very detailed!! Never read such a detailed fanfic before! I'm amazed really!! This fanfic keeps on getting better and better, Every chapter is better than the previous one! Hana-San's thoughts and point of view is very detailed and perfectly written! Like this chapter helped me learn a lot about Hana-San's personality, I really love it when writers write in such details...I believe that deep thoughts, words and feelings are the key to winning readers' interest! After reading this chapter I think I like Hana-San a lot more, I think that her personality is very well-developed!! and her thoughts are very deep! Again, you never fail to amaze me. The dialogue is really deep, it feels like not a single word was wasted. I understand now why Hana-san is bothered by the between her and Saga, I'm guessing she is right!I always thought that age difference should never limit a relationship (and I still think so), but I'm totally getting Hana's point of views! like the way she feels about the between her & Saga is kinda unavoidable and not shallow at all. And Saga's silence, reactions and words are OMG! So Saga-like!! O-O Again, this chapter was so realistic, everything is so realistic! it's really amazing, it's so realistic in a way that it's really close to a reader's heart!

And R.I.P Chiko!! I didn't find it silly at all that you dedicated this chapter to Chiko! I was really sad over Chiko's death! Saga used to be so happy around Chiko, they were so close! After reading Saga's blog, I realised that Chiko wasn't just a pet to him!! I hope Saga is okay!!

By the way that Saga pic is a killer!!
I have to agree with you, public transport especially in the afternoons where people are eager to get home are just a pain in the . I liked this chapter, there was also more dialogue. Somehow I always think there has to be dialogue for them to be interacting, but that's not the case. <br />
R.I.P to Saga's beloved dog Chiko...<br />
I send positive energy towards Saga.<br />
Great update btw, update again soon :)
Hello I'm a newbie :)<br />
I got a recommendation because I love Narsha and jrock and JimmyChoo74 recommended your story :)<br />
I have to say it's really long and detailed :)
Hilyen_Yellow #10
I really like Tsuruta-San and Saga as a pairing...I find them different, never read about such a pairing before which makes it exciting to know how their relationship will develop!!<br />
Also, I think you did really great job on the way you're portraying Saga!