Happy Rivals


Yoo Jungyeon once had a relationship with Im Nayeon but it didn't go so well. Who is Im Nayeon? The most popular girl in Highschool,qbut the incident that happend broke everything.

But like they said "everything happens for a reason" and this reason made evrything happy and sad. When Jungyeon broke up with Nayeon she loss her friends. She didn't have anyone to talk to but her parents.

After a week or so Jungyeon found herself a friend, Park Jihyo, perfect girl she is also kind. That's why she and Jungyeon are friends. But as the years rolled and rolled they started having feelings for each other. Will they confess or let it go. And IF they confesses would that affect Nayeon? Will they get married? Will they have children?

What will happen?


Hello, so I made a story it's about JungHyo, MiNayeon, SaTzu and DahMo. In here I changed a bit, it could be full romance or half mystery. Who knows? 


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