Raindrops keep falling on my head

Some things can only be seen when you close your eyes and listen carefully

Raindrops keep falling on my head

based on 'Raindrops' by Verbal Jint



Rainstorms were always an escape to reality for Hoseok. The soft dripping of water droplets slowly turning into small explosions every time they hit the ground.  Soon the small droplets turned into bigger ones, creating larger puddles of cold water. Hoseok always wondered when he was small where the puddles disappeared to when it stopped raining. He used to wonder about a lot of things when he was still young and naïve.


Now when he is older he knows where the puddles go after a storm. But he still wonders. You might say he still is naïve. Hoseok still loves rainstorms. How many times his mother would force a raincoat on him on these days, he still manages to not wear them out in the rain. He loves how the cold raindrops feel on his head. How they would drip down from his hair onto his face and stain his cheeks.


He walks out with nothing on his mind. Lightning a cigarette while walking down the street of Seoul. Waiting for some sort of sign to what he is supposed to do with his life. He soon reaches a bar; the place is dark and feels welcoming to him. His cigarette already burned up, he throws it on the ground before walking into the dark but warm place.


Hoseok might think rainstorms were his escape. But he always ended up at the same place, drowning himself in Soju.


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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 2: It is time to move on
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 1: *Gives Hoseok some glitter of happiness*