Chapter 1

Nothing Special
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Blue = Jisoo

Pink = Jennie

The first time she sees her, she's actually Instagram stalking her friend's new girlfriend, Lisa. It's a generic picture and there's nothing special about it. They both have their finger pressed up against their cheeks, and she has a slight smile on her face that totally doesn't make Jennie's heart melt. Really it's nothing special.


She doesn't think much of it as she double taps to "like" the picture. After all, Rose had been bugging her lately to try to get closer to Lisa, what better way to do so then by liking her Instagram photo? Pretty girl aside, there's nothing special about the picture. It has about 50 likes and Jennie just so happens to be the 51st. Nothing special.




The first time Jisoo "follows" her is on a regular, boring weekday. Jennie's just gotten back from a long day at work and she's dead tired on her feet. She wants nothing more than to jump into the shower and wash off the stale feel of sitting in an air conditioned office for too many hours. When she gets out of the restroom, she's ready to drop dead on the floor and fall asleep, but first she has to check her instagram. She is a millennial after all (and maybe just maybe she's hoping there's a new picture of Lisa's pretty friend)


When she opens the app, Jennie's more than surprised to find a new follow request, and from none other than said pretty girl. She hesitates at first, no matter how attractive this stranger is, she's still that. A stranger. But for one reason or another, Jennie finds herself accepting the follow request. She reasons with herself that it's all in the interest of appeasing Rose by indirectly becoming closer to Lisa. Yeah, Jennie's a good friend like that.


Jennie hits the follow request on Jisoo's profile and raises an eyebrow in surprise when the accept is immediately accepted. Jisoo's account is public. But whatever, it's nothing special. Jennie shrugs and closes out of the app when she feels her eyes begin to droop. She hauls herself out of the living room and into her bedroom, falling asleep as soon as she hits the bed.




The first time Jennie's ever woken up because her phone is exploding is because of Rose. Thinking it would be funny to drunkenly write her name in the men's room looking for a "good" time, Rose had accidentally put Jennie's actual number under her name. Jennie had woken up to a slew of crass texts and voicemails. She nearly killed Rose, but then at the last minute, she had remembered that for some reason drunk Jennie had been the one to suggest doing this to sober Jennie. In short, Rose had lived to see another day.


The second time Jennie's woken up because her phone is exploding is because of Lisa's friend. Apparently after going to sleep last night, the internet had exploded. Not literally, but that's what it seemed like to Jennie. She had received over 500 new follow requests that morning and it was all because of her.


Apparently, the girl had over 500,000 followers on instagram, but she only followed 10 other people. Jennie was the 11th.


Who are you? Jennie direct messaged therealKJ. She was slightly unnerved by the amount of attention she was receiving, and this was all because she had accepted a "follow" request from a pretty girl. Damn how the universe hated her sometimes.


After not receiving a response from the girl, Jennie decides to find out the best way she knows how to. Instagram stalking.


She doesn't have many photos on her feed. She has about 20 or so, and they're all either selfies or pictures with other equally attractive people. Nothing special, that is except for the Korean hashtags and captions. This, in particular grabs Jennie's attention.


"Oh crap," Jennie curses lightly under her breathe as everything begins to click into place. Korean. Attractive people. Verified account. Hundreds of thousands of followers.


At the exact same time that Jennie comes to her heart stopping realization, she gets a message in Korean. Me? Who are you? And why am I following you?


Jennie feels slightly defensive in the moment. It wasn't as if she had forced the attractive and potentially famous girl to follow her on Instagram.


 I asked you first. It's short and concise and doesn't give way to any of the irritation that Jennie is currently feeling.


Fair point. I'm Kim Jisoo.


It wasn't exactly the response that Jennie had expected. For some reason or another (She blames it on reality tv.) She had expected Jisoo to state her position and give a list of her merits and awards. In other words, she had expected for Jisoo to act like an entitled, arrogant brat. Her response, had been neither of those, and suddenly Jennie is filled with guilt at assuming the worst in a person because of their number of Instagram followers.


Your turn.


Jennie's fingers hover over her phone's keyboard, trying to figure out how to best introduce herself. After a bit of contemplation Jennie decides to just keep it short and simple.


I'm Jennie Kim. Lisa's girlfriend's bestfriend.


Jennie's sitting on the bed, staring at the 3 dots that keep appearing and disappearing next to Jisoo's name. She's not sure how long she's sitting there, just staring at her phone, but she does know that Jisoo never responds.


Jennie shrugs it off and closes out of the app before getting ready for the day. Cute girl or not, Jennie still had a job to get to. 




The first time she's ever walked into a door is because of Jisoo. She's just gotten back from the copy room and she's about to open the door to her office when she suddenly remembers that she had left her phone beside the printer after making her copies. 


Jennie's grumbling under her breathe, displeased with the fact that she has to make the trek back down to the the 2nd floor room. At least she isn't behind on her work or this would have been a lot worse.


Jennie's just grabbed her phone from on top of the printer when it starts to buzz incessantly in her hand. She raises an eyebrow in surprise and unlocks her phone when she sees that she's gotten a new message from Jisoo.


Sorry. I got called away for work. What are you up to? 


Jennie doesn't know why she's grinning at the message. It was from a stanger and it was also a blaringly a, generic message. It was nothing special… but Jennie's still grinning for some reason.


Nothing much. Working. Making copies. Wishing I was at home sleeping.


The last part of her message is a joke. Jennie may not appreciate staying cooped up in an office for hours on end, but she really did enjoy her job. It was a small startup that she had created with Rose several years ago and it was finally beginning to flourish after years of gruelling work. It was her baby.


Realizing that Jisoo may not understand that she was only joking, Jennie quickly typed out another message.


Haha kidding. I love this hole in the ground to much to leave to go home and sleep c:


Jennie's not sure why she's nervous. It's not as if she actually knew Jisoo. It wasn't as if Jisoo's opinions really mattered to her. But for some reason Jennie's palms were sweating and her insides felt twisted. 


I get what you mean. I love my job but sometimes I wish I could just go home and sleep.


Jennie's grinning once again. She doesn't ask Jisoo what it is that she does. It doesn't really matter. Jennie already knows that in one way or another Jisoo is famous, but if Jisoo didn't want to specifically tell her what she did then that was up to her.


Speaking of work. Duty calls!! Bye Jennie Kim.


Jennie frowns at the text and she feels sad that her conversation with Jisoo was cut short, but she just shrugs it off. She slips her phone into her pocket and goes to open the door of the copy room but suddenly it's hitting her in the face and all she can hear is the sound of Rose' s startled yelp and then her laughter filling the small room.


"I hate you."


"Ahahhaha, your face looks like a flat tomato."




The first time she has a full conversation with Jisoo without getting interrupted is on a blissful Sunday. She's just woken up and she's already on Instagram. It was a habit developed over the past week. Eventhough Jennie and Jisoo have yet to hold an uninterrupted conversation, they've grown gradually closer.


Good morning c:


Jennie has a feeling that Jisoo isn't awake yet, she's so pleasantly surprised when she immediately gets a response.


Good morning yourself c;


Why are you up so early?


I would like to know why myself :c


Aww, have you been having trouble sleeping?


Yes, and I hate it :c


Jennie chuckled as she could practically hear the whine hidden in the words.



Maybe try some Cammomile tea?


Hmmm, I'll give it a try. Do you have any plans later today?


No? I don't think so. Let me check.


No I don't




Jennie furrows her eyebrows at

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Jensoo4everlove #1
Chapter 1: this is so beautifully written!!!
I really love rereading this.
sweetaswholes #3
Chapter 1: This is absolutely ADORABLE. Ugh, I loved this a lot.
mcdoketchup #4
Chapter 1: So soft 🥰🥰🥰
573 streak #5
Chapter 1: Wow it's been 3 yrs since this was published... i only read this now, hopefully you can still continue this author
SoshisNine #6
Chapter 1: I just recently found this gem. Is this a story per chapter or nah? If it is by chapter I am waiting!! ><
KittenThief #7
Chapter 1: It was cute and soft and all the uwus~~~!
kwonjess13 #8
Chapter 1: ughhhh i love this. it's simple and sweet and that kiss was so not an accident. this is the cutest!!!
Chapter 1: This is so cute ldr only works for those who genuinely love one another.i wish i could see their blooming relationship
Chapter 1: Beautifully written piece. Definitely something special :)