Chapter 2: Meeting

Our Love

The first time that they had met each other, Youngjae didn't have a good impression of the older boy, and vice versa.

Youngjae felt that Jaebum was too... emotionless. He felt that the older man looked at everything with such indifference. Nothing seemed to matter to him, not even his friends.

It wasn't helping that Jaebum was also known as the universities biggest play-boy. Rumors speculated that he would just sleep with whoever was throwing themselves to his feet. And with such genes like his, many were eager.

People like him disgusted Youngjae. The younger boy hated people like that to his core. It reminded him too much of the guys in his past.

Slowly, over time, after the formation of their small group, Youngjae began to notice the small but many quirks of Im Jaebum. 

How whenever someone was talking, Jaebum would give his fullest attention, even if the conversation was nonsensical.

He noticed how Jaebum was always there to comfort and listen to anyone. How the man of little words was the one that played the biggest role in making everyone feel comfortable.

But what made Youngjae thought of him as a different person was that every time he looked at Jaebum in the eyes, he felt a sense of lonliness. A sense of emptiness.

Youngjae didn't want people to feel the way he did, and thus became closer to the older hyung, hoping that eventually, he'll be happier.

What he never expected was that the guy he hated so much before eventually became the guy he loved.


Jaebum, similarly to the younger boy, never started out liking Choi Youngjae.

Whenever he saw the boy, surrounded by his two best friends Yugyeom and BamBam, he couldn't help but stare at them. Perhaps it was just his intuitive sense, but he felt as if there was something Youngjae was hiding.

Eventually, thanks to the help of Yugyeom and Jinyoung, they became closer. Their group given him the chance to finally learn more about the enigma that was Choi Youngjae.

Jaebum knew that behind those smiles and cheerful demeanor, it hid something that not even Yugyeom or Bambam knew.

Intuitively, he noticed how whenever they went to the local shopping mall, Youngjae will spend more time looking at himself in the mirror, seemingly getting distracted in his appearance.

He also noted how Youngjae would eat as minimal as possible, sonetimes not eating at all. He always used the same excuse, that he wasn't hungry, but the look in his eyes gave it away.

No one seemed to notice, except Jaebum. The two became closer and closer and one day, Jaebum finally saw the person Youngjae actually was.



It all happened so suddenly. Jaebum almost didn't realize the boy gasping for air in the toilet stall since everything became so quiet so quickly.

The only sound was a quiet, small sobbing noise that came from the handicap stall.

"Are you okay?" He instinctively asked. Sometimes, he wished that he wasn't like that, acting on his protective impulse. 


Jaebum sighed as he walked towards the last stall. He could hear the boy inside trying to keep quiet but every so often, his sobs would escape. He lightly knocked on the door, wondering what was happening.

It took him a few seconds to realize the rancid smell in the air.

"Hey!" He shouted, slamming his palms on the door, "Are you okay!?"

Suddenly, he felt the impact of the door push him aside while he heard the rushed footsteps on the boy. Slamming the door back into its original position, he sees a familiar brown hair turn towards the left side of the hallway, towards the row of classroom.

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Chapter 2: This story is really sad already, but it's really well-written!
Chapter 5: I'm-- wtf wtf wtf Im Jaebum +-@$()*/'":,=!? brooo why the u doin dis to Younjaeeeeeeee uGhhhhh fck u
amaranta17 #3
Chapter 16: Such a beautiful story!!!! I LOVE.IT!!!!!!!!! made me cry so much but smile too
Chapter 12: Why???? OMG THIS IS SO SAD but i like it lol
Chapter 11: Youngjae T_T
Chapter 10: i'm crying :(
amaranta17 #7
Chapter 4: :((
Chapter 4: Poor baby :'< His friend were such s. I hope that Jaebum will manage to save him from this downfall...