≫ Prologue ≪

♠️ Where you at my love? ♠️ Jikook

"I didn't meant to love him."

"Then why are you like this?"

"I-I don't know...I know only that he made me feel butterflies in my stomatch..."

"Butterflies? But you said that you don't like them..."

"When it's him, then I like...sorry, I love all kinds of bugs."

"I'm hopeless and helpless... Do what you want, but remember you have not much time"


I looked again at my friend in confuse. He was right, I had not much time to tell about my feelings to the man of my life. The man that changed it so much, that sometimes  I don't know how  I have lived without him. His smile was my everything. I don't know now where he is at the moment, I don't know what's he doing, but I'll meet him again. Even though...Last time when I've met him, we fought and he said words that hurt me. It was two years ago, but still I hope that I will meet him.

It was the thought that the boy made into his life. He wanted to meet the person he loved. Blonde boy packed all of his things, into a big brown suitcase. He was memorising everything about where his "man" was or what he was doing. Everything. He wanted to have another chance and was ready to even beg for it. 

Where are you my love? 
Where you at my love?

He knew that the city he is going to will be much bigger than the one that he lives now. With worry he thinks how he can actually find his "man".

it's maybe just a prologue, but I hope that you liked it so far. Enjoy..

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