

Things between Yoongi and Hoseok were different, they did not talk like they did before, and they did not pay much attention, Yoongi did not take care of Hoseok any more and Hoseok was no longer caring.

Well, Hoseok said he did not care, but after a month in this situation with Yoongi, he came to think it would be the end of both.

Oddly, he made friends with a younger boy, and strangely, this boy was a friend of Jimin and Jeonkook.

Kim Taehyung.

He liked Hoseok, he thought the older boy was funny and funny.

After getting off the bus a month ago, already inside the school, Taehyung decided that he would be friends with Hoseok.

It was not long before they got close, and soon they became friends, and at the end of every afternoon, they went to each other's house, danced to songs of girl groups, or just to talk.

Taehyung also became the great confidant of Hoseok.

After searching Namjoon at the bus station, Seokjin was too busy to listen to Hoseok's teenage problems, so Hoseok went on to recount his problems with Tae.

"It's strange to hear you say these things, for Jeonkook is my best friend." Taehyung took a sip of his milkshake, laughing at Hoseok.

"Ah, so what you do here, go to your best friend." Hoseok rolled his eyes and sighed in irritation.

"Aigo, you're so dramatic." The younger one continued to laugh and Hoseok ignored him. "Hoseok." Tae called, but was still ignored. "Hyuuuung." Tried to be cute, but to no avail. "Okay, Hyung, can I tell you something?" Ignored. "I like a guy, but this guy is in love with his best friend, who happens to be my best friend's boyfriend, so I'll never have a chance with him, and It makes me sad, but the hyung ignores me, so he should not mind... I'm going to my house. Taehyung withdrew from the ice cream parlor he was leaving.

Hoseok was shocked, still did not quite understand what his dongsaeng had said.

"I'm an idiot." Left the milkshakes money on the table and ran after Taehyung.

He did not know what to say to the boy, he did not want to hurt him, he wanted to make him happy, he liked him enough, not want that wonderful smile disappear from his face, mainly because of him.

When he reached the youngest, there were two blocks from the ice cream shop, hugged him as hard as he could.

"I can not say that I'm in love with you, or that I like you that way, it would be wrong and you would know it's a lie. But I can take care of you, make you smile and I promise not to hurt you." Hoseok was saying, his face resting on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung said nothing, just kissed her hyung, and was reciprocated in the best way possible.

None of that was forced, nor a plan of Hoseok to forget Yoongi and Taehyung knew it.

They were feeling good about it, this way they were, and Hoseok, for the first time in a month, felt truly loved.

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Chapter 4: Wow , vhope ><
Chapter 1: I love the story Line ^^ gonna read the next chapter