Chapter 29

❣ Scars To Your Beautiful
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The dress was hugging your hips in the perfect way, you could tell by the look you were getting from your boyfriend as his eyes scanned over your body. If someone would have done that a few months ago then you wouldn’t have liked that, it even would have freaked you out, but now you could feel your cheeks burning underneath his intense stare. You clenched your hands together in front of yourself, feeling your sweaty palms colliding as you tried to calm down your fast beating heart. This was insane and you knew it, but sometimes that was what it took for someone’s like to become normal again, to do something absolutely crazy. Even Baekhyun seemed a little nervous as he brushed his hand through his perfectly styled hair before he rested in back onto his thigh. “Are you sure she’s coming?” He asked as he turned his head to look at the clock that was hanging on the wall next to him and you shrugged your shoulders as an answer. How were you supposed to know that? It wasn’t like you could predict if she was going to show up or not. There was a chance she would just ignore you, it would be a great way for her to get back to you and to upset you, something she really liked to do. Though the only difference this time was that you weren’t going to let it get to you. “We’ll wait for fifteen more minutes and then we go.” You suggested and saw how he nodded before folding his hands together underneath his chin and supporting his elbows on his knees. It was nice of him to come with you, though you hadn’t actually asked him to. You didn’t feel as if it was his fight to win, but he hadn’t wanted you to go into this by yourself, and that was terribly sweet. You had no idea what got into you when you had texted your mother if she wanted to meet up with you and you were sure that she had no idea what to think of this whole situation herself. But you knew this was the right thing to do, if you wanted to close this chapter and move in with your life then you had to leave this behind yourself and the only way for you to do that was by letting her know that you were done. She wouldn’t come alone, you weren’t stupid enough to believe that, she would probably bring him along. But you were prepared for that, and it wasn’t like you had to face them by yourself. 


A woman walked past you and shot you a special look before she moved past you and made her way towards the exit. You ignored her, why you were here was none of her or anyone’s damn business. You were so nervous that your hands were shaking and your head was feeling light, but you were making sure not to show it off as the sliding doors opened and a man and a woman walked inside. Your mother was only a shadow of the woman you had seen on her wedding and to be honest it freaked you out a little when you spotted her. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Baekhyun raising from his spot on the small couch in the lobby before he walked up to your side and he laid one of his hands over your shoulder protectively. He had met them only once before, but you could tell that even he was shocked by what he saw. She was so skinny, her cheeks were falling into her face as she took bumpy steps in your direction, even her shoes seemed to big for her feet. At this moment the two of you looked like complete opposites of each other, they looked like they had just stepped out of bed and hadn’t showered in weeks while you and Baekhyun looked slightly overdressed in your fancy clothes, but then again this was a great restaurant. The reason why you had suggested to take her here was so that no one could make a scene, not that you thought your mother would care about other people staring at her, or what they thought of her. “Mom.” You muttered as a greeting, joined by a small nod of your head, but your voice sounded weird when it came out. A hand squeezed your shoulder in a supportive way and your heart slowed down a little by the thought that you weren’t alone. For the first time in a long time you focussed your eyes on the man who was standing beside her, and finally you felt something different than fear as he stared back at you with a fierce look. This man wasn’t the master of you and he didn’t control you. What he had tried to do to you was terrible, but he hadn’t succeeded, because in the end you had been the strongest one, you had won. 


Instead of greeting you back she walked past you and made her way into the large room with tables, where some other couples were already enjoying their meals. You

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no one can understand how much i love this story,, ive read so many fics since years and agree many of them stuck with me but something about this just makes me come bcak here everytime,, i fics that i can never forget are mostly angst cause it hurts like but this one just makes me jump in excitement everytime probably because it's very light angst but i NEED more fics like this,, THIS IS A masterpiece right here
Cloudysnow__ #2
But I was wishing for some more love parts
Cloudysnow__ #3
I like it
Cloudysnow__ #4
It's good
Chapter 31: Cams back to read this & saw my own comment here of a year ago, coincidentally of the same month...

Like I always say, this is one of the best fics of yours
Chapter 30: wow, i came here again just to see my own comment from more than a year ago. anyway i still and will always enjoy your stories!!!
Chapter 31: I love it. This is your best fic
Chapter 31: i simply LOVE it!!
Chapter 19: This is the best really
Chapter 31: Yayyyyytt finally done reading for just a whole dayyyy. Im glad its ending happily hehe