

She quickly took her drink and hurried her way out of the café.

There he was.

She had been waiting all day for him, and wasn't going to let him slip through her fingers. She almost missed him out once outside, among other people in the street.

For he was quite invisible. Dark black hair, he was wearing a hat that covered his eyes and most of his face. He kept his head hung low as he was walking - nothing particular in his gait. Yet she succeeded in following him.

Like the three other times.

Without taking her eyes off him, she took a sip of her hot chocolate and blinked. Next second, he was gone. She suddenly panicked. Damn. She was so close this time! She tried to contain her frustration and started to think logically. He was in public, so he must have turned into some street. She practically ran to the spot he had disappeared from, only to see the dark mouth of an alleyway. Luckily, it was day so she would not entirely freak out.

The alleyway was desert. She furrowed her eyebrows to try seeing something, fully knowing it was not helpful. She took in a deep breath, cleared and spoke to the desert alleyway.

"I know you're here!"

She stared at the shadows, mouth hanging open, waiting for a sign. Nothing. Just silence.

"You don't have to be scared. I won't harm you. You can come out now!"

In a heartbeat, she found herself pinned on the wall, strongly held by invisible hands. Her beverage dropped on the ground, dark liquid on dark pavement. Something was pressed agaisnt , preventing her from breathing normally. Then the threat made itself visible, as the boy before her spat:

"Why would I?"

His features suddenly appeared. It went from blurred, as if in a mist, to suddenly become all clear. She had seen his capacity, but only for a second and from afar. Now that she saw it from her own eyes just in front of her, she was amazed.

Her lack of response only angered the boy.

"Who are you?" he hissed.

She blinked another time and handed out a hand - despite her current position. "My name is Jennie."

He lowered his gaze, contemplated her hand and made no move. Then he looked up and glared at her. "Why are you always following me?"

"It's only the third time, actually. I know your power. I saw you."

He nodded - the kind of scary nod that people did when they were about to attack you.

"Oh yeah?" he said. "Then you are aware of all the things I could do to you."

She grinned. "That sounded rather weird," she said.

He pressed harder his forearm against . "Shut up. Tell me why you are following me."

She didn't let go of her grin. "This is amazing. Your power is amazing."

"Answer the bloody question."

"Alright, calm down. First, can you let me breather? It's hard to concentrate in here."

He just glared. She sighed. "Alright, alright. I got it. I was you a week ago stealing food. One second you were there, next you weren't. I thought I had imagined it, but there was no logic explanation. You can turn invisible. So I've followed you. You hard to find, you know that? But then, you must not want to be found."

His expression had turned to bewilderment. "You saw me? How come?"

"With my eyes...?"

The glare returned. "Did you talk of me to anyone?"

She shook her head. "No one, I swear." And that was true. This story was just too incredible that she hadn't thought of telling someone. And anyway, who was going to believe her?

The boy scanned her face. He had black eyes, as dark as the darkness behind him. He stared at her for so long, she began to think he had forgotten he prevented her from breathing. She panted. She waited. His peppermint breath stirred her hair.

"Hmm..." she started with a small voice. "Could you seriously let me go?"

He snapped back to reality and slowly removed his arm. She bent slightly with a hand on her chest, trying to regain a steady breath. People from the street were strolling past, not even lifting their heads.

"Why did you decided to follow me?" he asked.

She shrugged. "I had not better way to approach you. You are, like, invisible, if I may say. I don't even know your name, and no one has ever seen you before. I wanted to find more about you. You are amazing."

Then she noticed his hands were clenched into fists at his sides. She frowned. Was he nervous?

"You know," she said. "I really don't mean to do you harm. Here-"

She outstretched her hand once again. "We started off the wrong foot. I'm Jennie."

He just stared at it. Once again. She made a gesture of encouragement. "And you are...?"

He shoved his fists into his pockets.


"Pleased to meet you, Invisible Yoongi."

He was about to say something, but clamped his mouth shut and made to leave. She swiftly grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?!"

"None of your business."

"I won't be able to follow you if you disappear once more."

"That's the point."

"But you are amazing!"

"Find yourself another passion."

"I don't want to!"

"None of my business."

"You already said that."

He stopped and turned round to glare at her. She gave a huge grin. No way she was letting him go like that. He had a power, for Shadowcat's sake.

"Besides, you can't just leave after being incredibly rude to a girl," she said.

"Watch me."

He got free of her grip.

No no no no no.

She stared after him for a moment, before running hot on his heels. "Wait! You owe me a chocolate!"

Yoongi watched her running like no tomorrow; he had hands on pockets and head titled a bit.

"I can't believe what I am going to say," he began. "I will regret this but--" He deeply sighed. "Come on."


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