Time Passes

Love Me the Same
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A few more days passed as Nayeon continued to hang around in Tzuyu’s arcade while she taught her new games and played around on some of the consoles with her. Nayeon also found herself slowly growing to be ok with the younger girl as she found her annoying but also less cold than she was initially. The fact that she actually spends time with her was good enough for the older girl (A/N: at this rate these two need glasses.) and soon they had won something or broken a record on every console in the room except one: the claw machine.


Nayeon had tried asking Tzuyu to help her win this cute rabbit plush that she wanted from the machine for several days already but the younger refused and only agreed to teach her how to play the game. It was a good thing that the machine didn’t require money to be put in to play otherwise Nayeon might’ve dropped money worth twenty plushies into the ridiculous machine already. For what felt like the fiftieth time that day, Nayeon smashed the start button as she quickly moved the crane above the toy she wanted.


“That’s good, just like that. A little closer to the left now.” Tzuyu guided her as she watched from the side of the box. “Now just hit the grab button-. Hey why are you spacing out now?”


Without Tzuyu noticing, Nayeon’s hand was hovering over the grab button but something told her not to press it. The hesitation was probably evident on her face because the next thing she knew, Tzuyu had placed her hand on top of her own and pressed on the button. She didn’t even have time to yell at the younger as the crane was already dropping down before her eyes.


“If you want something and the circumstances are fine then you should just grab it, stupid.” Nayeon watched as Tzuyu bent down and pulled out a rabbit plushie. “Here you go you wanted it didn’t you? Well now you’ve won it all on your own, congrats.”


The older blinked a bit as she found the rabbit’s cute black eyes staring up at her as Tzuyu held the toy out to her. Seeing that the older girl wasn’t responding, Tzuyu shook the toy a little and made a strange small sound as if the rabbit was talking to Nayeon. The older girl giggled at this and was about to envelope both her new plushie and her game coach in a hug but Tzuyu quickly shoved the toy into her arms and walked off without saying a word. Lucky for her the older girl didn’t realise the blush on her face as she turned around.


“And I thought we were finally getting closer…” Nayeon pouted as she hugged her rabbit tightly.


After having conquered the entire arcade, it was only normal for Nayeon to get bored again so Tzuyu introduced her to a library, the computer room, the built in sports centre as well as her own personal driver in case she ever wanted to go out to the mall or something. But with such a limited amount of activities to choose from and no one to do them with it was only natural that Nayeon would grow sick of them in no time.


One day, as Nayeon was just going to wander back to her room after lunch when she saw Tzuyu heading out. She had already played on everything that was available in the arcade and since she wasn’t too keen on staying all alone in the giant house, Nayeon quickly grabbed her jacket and stood next to Tzuyu at the doorway.


“Where are you going?” she asked casually as she leaned on the younger girl while putting her shoes on.


“Nowhere in particular, just out.” She said as she shrugged Nayeon off. The younger then noticed the girl was dressed to head out and couldn’t help but voice her curiosity. “What are you doing?”


“Going out with you, duh.” She replied without even realising the possible double meaning behind her words.


“That’s not necessary.” Tzuyu said as she looked away from the girl. The tall girl locked the front gate and walked out without even looking at Nayeon as a surge of heat crept up her face.


“I just want to go out, you being with me is just the small price to pay for my freedom from that giant house.” She skipped ahead of Tzuyu waiting for a witty remark. Over the past few weeks, Tzuyu’s image in her mind had changed from someone she hates to just someone she bantered with.


Though they weren’t exactly on good terms, the fact that she was around when Nayeon needed her made the older girl smile a little at the progress she had made. Distracted by her thoughts, Nayeon felt herself falling through the air as she slipped on a wet puddle. While she had been expecting to land on the rough concrete she was surprised when she felt an arm around her waist. Nayeon turned her head only to realise how close Tzuyu was and that beneath the appearance of being a thin girl, she was actually quite strong. They were even close enough for Nayeon to catch a whiff of her scent, a faint hint of flowers and that soap smell that babies had, she would’ve given her a compliment but that would be way too creepy. 


“It’s not necessary for you to be with me but I think it’s necessary for me to keep an eye on you if you can’t even walk on flat ground.” Nayeon quickly mumbled a ‘thanks’ and was about to walk off again when Tzuyu caught her hand in her own. “I need you to be in perfect condition unless I want Mark to be out for my blood.”


As Tzuyu pulled her along, Nayeon couldn’t help but think about how different she was from her brother. Mark was warm and kind whereas Tzuyu was cold and gave off an aloof type of feeling. Nayeon thought that meant Tzuyu was a horrible person, but after spending these few weeks with the younger girl she seemed to have realised that she wasn’t all bad.


“You better not tell me to act more like my brother today.” Confused at her comment Nayeon gave Tzuyu a dazed look as they continued to walk. Tzuyu raised their connected hands before she finished explaining. “If I act like my brother while holding your hand, people will think we’re dating and that’s the last thing I want them to think.”


As soon as they entered the mall Nayeon immediately dragged Tzuyu everywhere as she looked from store to store and from display to display. Clothes, shoes, makeup and even phone cases seemed to be her main interests. What intrigued Tzuyu however was that despite all of her gushing she didn’t spend a single dollar.


“Aren’t you going to buy anything?” Tzuyu asked as she finally grew bored of just walking around

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dkdldb #1
Chapter 11: Natzu is too underrated
Chapter 11: Everything started with "I do" and ends with "I do" ~.< beautiful
xyz_cuzuknow #4
Chapter 1: Ohh NaTzu? My favorite underrated ship!
Chapter 11: Aye Natzu and Saida. Yay they're together and married! Happy ending :) I would definitely want to read more Natzu fics made by you, Author-nim. Love that you gave a background story of Sana and Tzuyu :)
Chapter 10: finally :)))) Lol love the Wedding plan. Good job Sana for crushing Tzuyu's toes so she can protest XD
Chapter 9: aaand Im in tears TT_TT
Chapter 8: This chapter really got me emotional TT
Chapter 7: I love the drama In this chapter. lol got me a lil emotional. I really wish I found this fic earlier or around the time you updated them.
Chapter 6: Had a feeling that they were fake dating, Sana and Tzuyu. Finally they confess! And do something special ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)