Guangyun's Rainism

Super Idol oneshots

Guangyun takes a deep breathe before going on the stage.

He opens his eyes

Guangyun runs up on the stage and jumps excited.

The music turns around 

" I make it rainism the rainism"

  " You're gonna be crazy now so crazy now"

" I'm gonna be a bad boy I'm gonna be a bad boy"

Guangyun knows his Korean isn't that good , and that he's possibly messing up the song.

[Now Youngju will win . Of course Youngju will win he's done this song a million times , and he's Korean.]

" I'm gonna be a bad boy I'm gonna be a bad boy "

Guangyun does a spin his mike pack falls out.

He picks it back up effortlessly and continues singing.

He feels he should win some points for that.

[ I know why they won't pick me. They enjoy watching me too much]

Guangyun ends his performance with a wink.

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