Country Manners, or Softer Than a Summer's Night


Sehun doesn't think being sent to the rural Korean backcountry is going to change him in any way, but the boy he meets might.


The hill slopes down at an easy angle. Sehun follows a worn path, probably from surrounding wildlife that relies on the pond for water and food, and is at the edge of the water within minutes. There's no beach, per se, no sandy or rocky area. The grass becomes reeds and cattails growing right in the water.

A splash makes Sehun jump. Rather than a giant fish or sea monster, there's a boy in the water. He shakes his head like a dog and whips his hair from his face before noticing Sehun; he raises an arm in greeting. "Hi!" It's too late for Sehun to leave without appearing rude, so he stands at the edge of the water and waits for the boy to swim to him.

Sehun has flashbacks to Ning Zetao hauling himself out of the Olympic swimming pool on TV, but as the kid stops swimming and gets his feet under him, Sehun's mind snaps to Honey Rider, the original Bond girl, walking out of the ocean. The sun's behind him, which just makes the effect that much more dramatic as the water droplets on his skin sparkle and glisten as rivulets down his neck and shoulders, but then something hits the grass at his feet and breaks his daydreaming trance.

A fish. This guy caught a fish with his bare hands. What kind of Crocodile Hunter lifestyle do country people really have? "You're the city boy Auntie's watching, right?"

"Yeah." There can't be many city boys around. "I'm Oh Sehun."

"Kim Jongdae. This," he says, holding the fish up by its gills, "is Dinner."


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Chapter 1: I loved this! There's something really captivating about your writing, I really enjoyed the magic of your description and how Sehun, a city boy, sees the country. Thank you for writing! <3
Oh Sechen! That's such a rare pairing ^^