
Woori Villa

Solivagant :: wandering alone

origin : latin



Rosé walks out of her room with a white towel wrapped over her damp hair. The power socket in Korea doesn't work with her hairdryer from home. She only has herself to blame for not packing a universal adapter. Well, it's her first experience going to a foreign country and she doesn't have a clue what's necessary. As an emergency solution, she decides to borrow from the other housemates.

She remembers the first room where Jennie walked out before, so she's not home. That leaves the two rooms adjacent to each other. She knocks on one of the door cautiously, wondering if this is the right time. Perhaps the owner of the room is still asleep? It's already almost 10 in the morning. She leans at the door, no sound. She knocks another time and waits patiently. Still no answer.

Rosé decides to try the other room. Let's hope this girl's not intimidating like Jennie. She hears swift footsteps approaching the door and she prepares to give the best impression to her housemate.

"Yes?" The owner of the room peeks from her half-opened door. She must've just woke up judging from the tone of her voice.

"Oh I'm so sorry for waking you up. I'm Park Chae Young and I just moved in this morning,"

The girl yawns and leans at the doorpost, "Uhuh. Can I help you?"

"Uh, can I borrow your hairdryer shortly? Mine doesn't work here...." Rosé tries to explain her situation but the girl dissapears into her dark room and returns, shoving a pink hairdryer roughly to Rosé.

"Keep it, I have another one," she says as she shuts the door at Rosé's face before she even has the chance to thank her.

"Thank you!" Rosé didn't forget her manners. Well? That went pretty bad, she figures. What would the two girls think of this shy awkward girl from Australia? First encounter with Jennie earlier this morning, she must've gotten the impression of Rosé as the loud niusance; and to the second girl, she must've come off as rude. At least Chaeyoung has what she needs for now, that's the most important on her to-do-list.

She blow dries her hair and hums while looking out of the full size window. Her fatigue's gone after soaking in the large bathtub and now she's good to go. She changes into her casual attire: black jeans, red and black striped cropped top, and a pair of sneakers. She grabs her black jacket just in case and checks her makeup in the mirror one last time before exiting her room.

"Oh hey.. You're heading out too?" Rosé greets the housemate who's coming out of her room. Now under broad daylight, Rosé takes a look at the tall blonde girl. She didn't notice her hair before, and her small face with exotic features. If Jennie gives off an intimidating aura that makes you turn away, this blonde girl however has the opposite effect. She's so beautiful that you can't help but stare.

"Hello?! Are you gonna stand there whole day?" the blonde girl's high pitched voice wakes her up from her daydream.

"I'm sorry. I didn't get to introduce myself properly. I'm..."

"Park Chae Young, yea I heard you this morning," she interrupts.

"Or you can call me Rosé or Rosie for short,"

"I'm Lalisa, just call me Lisa," she finally introduces herself. Her dark blue eyes are so mesmerizing and Rosé wonders is she even Korean.

"Nice to meet you. Hope we could get along well." Rosé reaches her hand out for a handshake and Lisa just smirks at her. She looks at Rosé from head to toe, while the poor girl still awkwardly standing with her hand sticking out.

"Yea, welcome to your new home," she nods and returns the handshake. Lisa turns around to grab her Adidas duffle bag on the floor and makes her way out, leaving Rosé alone in the empty hallway.

"Ok, that wasn't so bad," she thinks to herself. "At least she said welcome." Poor Rosie, bless her pure innocent mind.


After meeting two incredibly stunning young ladies, Rosé wonders how does the last housemate look like. Is it just her or why is everyone she met in Korea look hella fine, starting from the random taxi driver to Dara Unnie and Jennie and Lisa. Rosé walks to the living area, the kitchen, dining area, backyard, and the front porch. Is this place for real, she shakes her head everytime she explores different areas of the house. She recalls the time when looking for a place in Seoul, this particular house was not even close to what she's aiming for, due to the long commuting distance to campus and the lack of public transport in the area. The closest subway station is about 20 minutes walk away, and buses don't come to this area. As a matter of fact, the neighbourhood looks really exclusive where she assumes only rich folks reside. Why would they need buses when they probably have their own personal chauffeurs to drive them.

Rosé was stuck between paying double the amount for a cramped basement dorm near campus or this room in Woori Villa. Once she settled for this place because it fits her budget, she departs to Korea with high hopes. To study music and maybe work on her songwriting abilities. Luck must be on her side when she finally saw the place this morning, and she doesn't have to worry about drunkards or creepy ahjussis roaming around since the neighbourhood looks pretty safe.

Rosé walks to the subway station where she got off, recalling that she saw a convenience store somewhere along the way. She slowly strolls at the side of the road, capturing the scenic view of cherry blossoms on full bloom. She spots an empty bench and immediately sits down with her cup of warm Earl Grey tea, enjoying her first day in the foreign country. Somehow it doesn't even feel foreign to her. Maybe because she understands the language perfectly. For her, Seoul is just like home away from home. She angles her phone to take a selfie of herself with the pink cherry blossom background before sending it to her family back home.


Safely arrived at my new place 👏💚

M strolling around d neighbourhood n enjoying my first day here🌸🌸🌸

Missing you heaps ❤❤




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wonhobabey #1
ahhhhhh im screaming
keren_hmlm #2
Chapter 1: I'm hooked already. This is so cool~kyaa kkk. I can't wait for the next chapter please update soon lol. FIGHTING Author-nim!!!♥♥♥