Fruit Flies pt2

Typical Jikook

Looks like no description is really needed... (It's really short too) I mean, come on- I bet everyone knows the struggle of having to deal with morning noises, am I right? 

So basically BTS dealing with Jikook to stop vacuuming fruit flies early in the morning (LOL Just wanna try this teehee) Is it the end? Bangtan is on the verge of losing their sanity.!.(not really)

Each member has their own versions apparently... Who knows? hahaha



Namjoon Version:

It's currently 3 in the morning and I'm literally losing my sht already.  'What the hell is that god damn sound!', I woke up to this annoying noise that keeps on going for half an hour now. I got up forcefully while tugging on my blanket to cover my body, 'curse the silly tank top, It's freezing!', I made my way to the kitchen where I thought the source of evil is coming from. I went there only to see a couple fighting fruit flies. 'Wow~ Last time I checked It was just Jungkook...looks like Jimin is into fruit flies as well', I thought scornfully while glaring at them hoping that they would notice me, trembling for one: It's cold and two I'm seriously pissed right now. "What the hell? You two! It's freaking 3 in the morning and after yesterday's face- session now you guys are fruit flies?" I spat on them. I'm not really the type of person that has anger management but I never said that I'm a morning person either. "hyung, Kookie just really wanted to get rid of these annoying flies... Trust me, we didn't plan to do this early in the morning but we just thought if we do it now then we can just be all lazy later." Jimin tried his best to make his point but sorry I'm not sorry, I'm not letting you two live after interrupting my peaceful sleep! "Yeah right. If you two keep on doing this then just wait until I tell Jin-hyung that you stepped on one of his Mario figures." I responded It's childish I know but these two needs to get their lives together and needs to be taught a lesson. "Hyung... That's not how you threaten noisy people" A voice spoke to me while yawning "Oh... Taehyung, you're up early" I replied, "Well no sht hyung, would you just look at this! These two have been this annoying since last week! It can be anything and they are still annoying! You Jiminie! Jungkook! You guys should really be more considerate whenever you make noises... " Taehyung spoke in urgency as if he's really having trouble these days that needs to be solved, "Wait... You don't mean these two already did-" I was cut off when Suga-hyung kicked his door open. 'Crap!' "You Damn fools. How long do you plan on bickering your asses out this time in the morning? Do fcking mind? I haven't gotten any sleep and yet you! All four of you dared to be this loud?" His glare shot bullets to our bodies, all of us were frozen for seconds as if we were too scared to even breathe. "Ah... hyung... We're sorry it's just these fruit flies are really annoying..." Jungkook spoke, not paying attention nor stopping what he's doing. 'This kid will be lucky if he survives' I thought while trying to escape the tensed atmosphere surround us. 'Oh gawd! Good thing Jin-hyung is not awake yet... as well as Hobie, he may look the happiest and most cheerful member but he knows what real sht means every morning or everytime he doesn't get enough rest. Jesus! We want no war! Strong Power Thank Lord!' I'm basically still shaking while I tempted speed walking and when I'm finally near my room, the two devils appeared. "..................hi"          


*Loads nerf shotgun


Hobie: "Prepare to die"

Jin: "My beauty mask fell off... I hope all of you are ready for the consequences..."


Jungkook: *Still, Desperately trying to all of the fruit flies altogether with their mighty vacuum*

Jimin: ".........sweats..........." *looks at Kookie who is still fruit flies* 'OMFG!' facepalm

V: "..............Ah-" was cut off by Rapmon (PS his hands were shaking intensely)

Rapmon: *Shaking his head while looking at V* 'Son... You better not say anything stupid, we are gon die just so you know'


Rapmon contemplated his decisions in life


Suga: *went back to his room since two devils appeared, the whole kitchen finally quiet down*


And that's how Bangtan knew they all fcked up... Good bye~ >.-



(Honestly, I'm just too sleepy now so I'll just fix this tomorrow and even add and make this more interesting. hahaha lol sorry bae =) annyeong)





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