Chapter Two - Jason

The Voice [HIATUS]
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"And um. . . here's the even weirder part. If this voice sounds familiar, or strange. . . that's because. . . I'm you."

There was static for several more seconds, then the CD ended the playing time.

Morgan started at the player, then slowly fell onto his bed.

“What in the…” his voice trailed off, right when his mother called him down to the table. He nervously yelled back that he would be down soon, then curled his legs up to his chest.

It was a joke, right? Some kind of weird prank? His best friend loved to pull pranks on Morgan. And Morgan loved to pull pranks on Jason. But this in no way felt like the pranks they would usually do. What would the end result be? And who would Jason have gotten to record the voice?

“Wait,” Morgan said, snapping his fingers. The voice. The guy - Do Kyungsoo or whatever the hell he said his name was - said the voice was his. No one knows what his or her voice sounds like without hearing it recorded, so what if that was the game of the prank? Assume that Morgan would just go with the statement that the voice was his? Morgan pulled his phone out of his backpack, ignored the notifications popping up, and went to the voice recorder app. The time the app took to load was far too long for Morgan’s racing mind, but it did finally. He started a recording and just said the first thing that came to his mind.

“Um, I don’t know why I’m freaking out so much about this but I am ‘cause it was really kinda creepy and I really jus’ wanna know if that person in the recording is me and because I know it’s not and if it sounds similar how in the hell my friends managed to find someone that sounds exactly the same and I think this recording is long enough okay.”

He stopped the recording and stood up on shaking legs. He hit the rewind button on the stereo and listening to the pitched sounds of the CD going backward. When it went back to the beginning, he hit play and the audio began saying the same things it had been saying before. Morgan held his phone in his hand and also pressed play, and the recording he had just made began playing as well.

The phone fell from his hand.

The voices didn’t just sound the same. They were the same.

The two recordings played out until there was silence. Morgan stood in shock, staring at his phone.

“Morgan!” his father voice shouted. “What are you doing up there?! Come down!”

Morgan shook his head, still staring at the device as the screen turned black. “I - I’m coming!” he shouted back. Leaving the phone on the ground, he ran out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

“There you ar- What’s wrong?” his mother asked, her eyes wide. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost!”

Morgan looked at them slowly. He could feel the sweat on his skin, as if he had just finished a basketball practice. “Do either of you know a person named Do Kyungsoo?”

They looked at each other with confusion or their faces. “No…,” his mother said. “The name is definitely Korean, though. Why do you ask?”
A Korean name? That would explain why it sounded so strange. He was about to answer his mother, but then rethought it. What if it really was just a joke? Wasn’t he overreacting?

So instead he said, “no particular reason,” and didn’t bring it up again.

The next day at school started out with a bang. Over the course of the night, Morgan’s anxiety had grown about the eerie recording. He was practically shaking on the ride to school (at least this time his paranoia was making sure no one was taking pictures of him, but too little too late.)

As soon as he stepped into the building he began running to Jason’s locker. Several people along the way waved to him with smiles on their faces, but all they did was nerve him more with their expressions. They were all watching him. His best friend was talking to a mutual friend, and Morgan rudely dismissed her when he got there. Judging by the look on Jason’s face, he was already confused. Morgan was usually polite in his nature, even with people he didn’t particularly enjoy being around, so for him to just send someone away was odd. “Everything alright, Mor?” he asked.

Morgan laughed incredulously. “No, everything's not alright. What the hell was your idea there?”

Jason immediately got defensive. “Wait, what? Bro, what’s wrong?”

“That CD!” Morgan cried. “That stupid recor

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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 4: its ok dear.. ill just wait whenever ur free to update. (even if its long hiatus hehe)... God bless
Chapter 3: Well WAHOHOHOHOHOHOHO. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I am most certainly interested right now, but I feel like this is still building up so I don't want to ruin the momentum and suspense you've got on your readers here.

Also when you described Suho as a worryhead, my mind immediately thought of Suho just randomly running around in circles flailing his arms about and it was H I LA R I O U S ( ´ ▽ ` )b
Chapter 3: This story is so intriguing and I wonder who keeps on sending the tapes and if ever does he find out and go to Korea or does somebody tell him what's going on instead?


Honestly your writing is such a drug, it's such a great read and you even have pretty perfect grammar and punctuation
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 2: Quite interesting...
I'm so intrigued! How come Morgan is Kyungsoo? How did that happen? I'm thinking of something that is totally paranormal lmao. Okay, like, so Kyungsoo is from another life. As in, he's from a different timeline from Morgan. Morgan is like the reincarnated Kyungsoo. KYUNGSOO IS SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD THEN SO WHO BE SENDING THE CD. Okay that doesn't make sense. BUT your story, so far (although nothing still made enough sense sobsobs this is mystery <3) is really interesting.
This sounds really interesting! I'm looking forward to the first chapter :)