01 (unedited)

Caramel Macchiato

Caramel Macchiato


It’s been an hour since I was here. I don’t understand why Jackson is never on time. He was supposed to teach me for our Calculus Exam this Thursday but looks like I’ll be studying on my own.


Upon placing all my books and opening my laptop to get started, my phone beeped and saw a message from him. I didn’t need to read the whole text, the first two words was enough for me to know that he couldn’t make it today. Again.  Well, it’s Jackson Wang so what should I expect?


Anyway, I must not waste my time. I’ve been struggling for a while since I was sick and had to skip classes last week. I was only gone for 3 sessions but I didn’t understand a thing when I got back in class not too long ago.


It’s 7:00 pm now and it looks like I’ll be getting home late tonight. You can do this, Mark Tuan. I decided not to buy anything for until the 2nd hour because I don’t think my money would be enough after JB and Yugyeom had a great time eating lunch using my money. Great friends I have.


I started scanning my Calculus book and man where do I start? I started checking the pictures JB sent me that should help me with the lesson. Funny cause he also sent me a selfie.


Little did I know an hour has passed already and I thought I should buy my coffee now since I’m starting to feel sleepy already. Stay awake, Mark. I kept telling this to myself as I stood up and head towards the counter.


There were three guys before me and seems like they were still unsure of what to order so I waited patiently and looked through their menu set instead. I felt my stomach grumble at the sight of the cakes. Guess I’ll have to blame JB and Yugyeom tomorrow or probably guilt trip them so they would buy me food too. The latter sounds better.


It was really cold inside the coffee shop and luckily I was able to bring my jacket. I placed my hands inside the pockets in response to the cold when I heard the tall guy from the three before me, I’m still not sure what to order. Great, take your time guys I’m not really in a hurry.  I looked at the cashier to ask for any help about the situation but it looked like he was staring at me for a while now. Shoot, awkward.  Well, I couldn’t bring myself to say anything and I didn’t know but I just gave him a small smile. It was like telling him kindly that it’s okay, I can still wait a bit longer even if I’m actually in a hurry because I still have a whole chapter left to study. I looked away to shrug off the awkwardness but when I looked at him again, it was him who smiled this time. He spoke in a small voice almost whispering, hello and that was enough for me to look away from him. My mind almost went crazy from that simple hello. WTF? Well, I was never a fan of situations like these. I’ve never been into a relationship and I didn’t know if the guy was trying to give me hints or something. , what was I thinking? When the three guys were FINALLY done with their orders, it was obviously my turn and I had to move 2 steps backward afraid to get close to him. I must admit, he has a face that seemed cold at first but his smile proved that he was nothing like that.


Good evening, Sir! May I take your order? I stuttered for a bit and almost forgot what to order and just blurted out, onecaramelmacchiatopleasetallsize. I said it in one go, shy to make any mistake and had to repeat myself again but wait, what? Did I really order a caramel macchiato right now? But I don’t drink caramel macchiato? I was going to order a milk tea and I blurted out the wrong drink instead. It was too late to change my drink and it’s not like I’m going to speak something to this cute guy in front me again so I just paid for it and pretended like nothing stupid just happened.


He handed me over my change and our fingers brushed against each other. I felt like I was sent to another planet. No kidding, this guy is something. I hurriedly went back to my place to avoid any embarrassment to take place.


I got back to my seat and started reading my notes but my hands were shaking and I couldn’t concentrate and before anyone could notice, I started typing something from my phone to pretend that’s nothing crazy is happening to me.


It was 10 minutes or so and my drink has still not arrived. I was trying to think how much time it would take to make a caramel macchiate when it hit me. I forgot to say my name!!! But the cashier didn’t ask for my name, did he?


Excuse me Sir, caramel macchiato?


It was him! The guy at the cashier holding my drink with the same smile he gave me earlier. I couldn’t say a thing.


I asked for your name earlier but you didn’t give me so I came here instead.


He laughed softly after saying this and what did he say? He asked for my name but I gave him no reply!


He started speaking again before I can say anything back.


Well I’m Jinyoung and I’m new here. May I ask for your name?


Uhm, uhm I’m Ma-mark Tuan.


The guy named Jinyoung let out a laugh once more and I couldn’t help but laugh at my stupidity also.


Hope you enjoy your drink, Mark and good luck with your studies. He smiled for the last time and went back.


I couldn’t gather my thought quickly so I quickly grabbed my drink and the bitter taste brought me to reality that I’ll never like the bitter taste of the coffee. I placed my drink on the table and noticed that there were something written on my drink.


Good luck studying, ________! J


Ha! I must admit it felt nice to see what he wrote on my drink despite the fact that he probably thought I was stupid for forgetting my name.


Enough of this, time to start studying.


However, looks like I’ll be spending more time at this coffee shop from now on. 



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JinyoungsMark #1
Chapter 1: Waiter and his customer interaction ^^ <3