About Me

How to Become an Okay Fanfic Writer





I have been a fanfic writer on AFF for several years now,* and the quality of my stories is okay. I'm a non-native speaker, but my English is okay, and the popularity of my stories is also on an okay level.**

Nothing about my fanfic writing is truly amazing, but nothing too horrible either (I hope).


I've also been a reader for a few years, and often I see stories that could be improved a lot, by making relatively small changes. So, I made this to get an outlet for general tips that I think can help people's stories.


I genuinly believe that for most people, becoming an okay fanfic writer is relatively easy. The only big obstacle is language. If your English is lacking, that can not be solved with a few tips, and this will affect your stories, unfortunately. In that case, however, writing fanfics is an awesome hobby, because it helps you improve your English, which is a very valuable skill in a modern world!


There is no reason to despair, however, I've read stories in horrible English that are way better than anything I could ever write, and practicing will make you improve.

Being a native speaker does in no way guaranty that your story is good, but it helps, and it does help a lot.


No matter what level you are at (in English and in writing) you can improve. There is no such thing as a perfect writer. But if you are already fantastic, and are aiming to become even better, this tip shop is probably not going to get you there. But even if you are already at the okay-level, at least some of these tips should be helpful.






*This shop would probably become more popular if I posted it in my real account, where I actually have readers, but I don't want the people I know, or the writers I'm subscribed to, to think I'm critizing them specifically. Also, I don't want people to call me on it, when I don't follow my own tips (which I usually do, but not always). So I choose anonymity over popularity.


**To give you some idea, my biggest chaptered stories are around 20k views, my biggest oneshots over 5k, which is nothing that is going to get me promoted, but fairly decent since the pairings I usually write are not so big. My stories range in popularity of course, and my smallest oneshots are around 600-700 views.







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