Chapter three

Sand of time

My eyes slowly crept open, one by one they had to be pulled apart they were so heavy. My vision was hazy as I looked around and saw my white room. My large white sofa looked like two, my long blue curtains looked like four. I rubbed both my eyes and stretched my arms out wide. I put a robe on and went downstairs to find Elizabeth. She was in the spare bedroom downstairs making the bed. I knocked on the door frame and poked my head in.

“Elizabeth, can you get hot water for my bath?” I asked

She nodded and I went back up to my room. I grabbed my clothes for the day when I remembered what I found last night. I had to show Wren! I grabbed the book and ran to his room. I sung the door open. He was still passed out on his bed the same as he was last night. I grabbed the cup of water sitting by his bed side table and dumped it on him. He quickly squirmed and groaned, then looked at me.

“What the hell, Lewis!”

“Get up I have something to show you-“.

“-Master, Lewis your bath is ready” Elizabeth stood in the door way.

“Thank you” I said hiding the book in my robe.

She began to walk away “Wren, get up I have to show you something soon”

“Get the hell out of my room Lewis”.

I ran back to my room and put the book back in my drawer. I grabbed a towel and went down to the bath house. I opened the door and a wave of steam hit my face. Elizabeth was always best at getting baths done fast and making sure the water was hot. I walked over to the tub and began to undress. As I took my clothes off one by one I could smell a sweet aroma coming from the bath. Lavender? I thought. As I stepped in I felt the hot water warm up my cold skin. As I sat in the water I took a handful and rubbed it inside my hair light blonde hair. The water washed over my face and the smell got even stronger and sweeter. I put the hot water over my face again and felt the water soak into my skin. Then I felt my eyes getting heavy again. My body relaxed more and more when the water wrapped around my skin. I slowly dunk into a deep sleep.




I peeked into the bathhouse room and saw Lewis asleep in the water. I slowly and quietly shut the door then bolted up the stairs. I went to Lewis’s room door and looked around to see if anyone was near. When I saw no one around I opened his door and shut it quietly. I knew he had the book. I ran to his closed and one by one looked through his coats. I ran over to his bed and looked under all his pillows pulling them up and yanking his pillows out of their cases. I then sprinted toward the dresser and opened the top drawer. I pulled his clothes out and saw the book. I pulled it out and looked at through it to see had he had been looking at. I opened the back and looked at a family that stretched back to his great, great grandfather. I saw these strange symbols by each picture. I then saw a question mark near Wren’s and Lewis’s names. I wonder if he knew what this meant. I thought. Suddenly I heard steps down the hall way. I shoved the book back in the drawer along with his clothes and shut it. The footsteps got closer and closer to the door. I looked around the room, his sheets were almost off his bed and clothes were poking out of the top of his dresser drawer. The footsteps began to get slower, I ran into his closet. The footsteps stopped right in front of the door, I heard the door handle juggle and the lock click. The door opened and Wren poked his head in. I tried to slowly breathe through my mouth as quietly as I could. He took a few steps in the room and looked around.

“Clean your room Lewis, Jesus”.

At that he walked out and shut the door. I let the air held up in my lungs out. I quickly stepped out of his closet and re arranged his room the way it was. I tucked his sheets back in and had the outer corner pulled out the way it was. I folded the clothes back to how they were and put the book under the pile of clothes. I quickly tip toed out of his room and ran downstairs to mine.



I felt the wet warmth around my. I lifted my arm slowly and felt the water drip off my fingertips. I opened my eyes to see the dirty bath water around me and no more steam in the air. The water went from hot to luke warm and the sweet lavender smell was gone. I stood up and felt the water rush down my body and back into the water. I stepped out and dried myself with a towel. I stepped out of the bath house and began to go upstairs to my room. I saw Elizabeth coming down the stairs.

“Elizabeth-“She stopped and froze, she looked incredible startled. “Um, the bath water, can you clean it our now?”

“Yes-“she said walking quickly to the bath house with her head down.

That was weird. I walked back to my room and got dressed I put on black trousers with a grey button up shirt and a crimson vest. As I buttoned my buttons my vision was different. My vision was slightly hazy. I walked over and looked at my hazel eyes in the mirror. I looked at my pupils, they were larger than normal in the room light. What was in that bath? I finished getting dressed then grabbed the book. I hid it in my vest then walked to Wrens room. I knocked on the door an opened it. Wren was buttoning up his vest when I entered.

“So you poured a glass of water on my face then left, what an ”.

“You needed to wake up, there is something I need to show you Wren!”

“I’m not sure if I really want to see it, I don’t like it when you wake me up like that, really why should I listen?”

“Don’t be an and look at this!”

I pulled the book out of my vest and Wren eyes opened wide.

“You went onto Roy’s room!”

“Yes, I wanted to study some of his law books and become a lawyer. I found this book of his notes along with his books. I grabbed this because I thought it would help me. I looked through it and found this”.

I showed him the family tree. He looked at it, his eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly opened. He touched the paged and felt the symbol.

“What does this mean, why are there symbols?”

“I looked at them in this book Roy gave to you”.

“Wait you went into my room and took my books”. He said with an annoyed tone.

“Last night when you were passed out after you drank too much”.

“I didn’t drink too much I was just sleeping”.

“You were passed out- anyway Wren look at this”.

I showed him the symbols I had found for each picture. He looked at the picture then back at the book of symbols than back to the picture. He looked and tried to figure out what each symbol really meant. The more he looked at the symbol the more puzzled his face looked.

“Lewis, what is this?”

“I don’t know but look at you and I we both have question marks and look at Roy’s his symbol is the symbol of life”.

At that he slammed the book shut “Were done looking at this Lewis”. He stood up and began to walk away.

“Wait Wren-“

“No Lewis, someone id messing with us, why would Roy’s symbol be life, someone is just trying to mess with us, it was probably just one of the maids. They hate us enough to do something like this”.

“Wren, it isn’t just a prank it can’t be there has to be a meaning to it, so you really think Roy would put something like this in his notes for no reason.”

“You want to know what I think Lewis. I think that it was wrong of you to go through his room and take his things. I think that you should leave this alone because he is dead now and this is just some sort of joke. I think you should put that damn book back before someone finds out you have it.”

“Don’t you want to know what this is?”

He was silent for a minute “Just put the book back Lewis”.

He began to touch his arm “How is your cut Wren?”

He was silent for a minute ”Um, its fine”

“Can I see it?”

“Lewis it’s not polite to get into other people business”

I stopped for a minute why is he being so strange about this? “If you need anything tell me”

He stood there quietly for a minute, I realized there was nothing I could do to get through to him. I stood up and left to my room. I put the book back in my drawer. I began to read more form Roy’s law books. I read every detail and let it soak in my brain. I knew the only way to be successful was to become a lawyer like Roy was and like father is. I read several pages when I looked outside and I saw that the light began to fade. I lit my candles and continue to read. My eyes got heavier again. I looked at my pocket watch it read 8:21. I tried to continue to read but my eyes still got heavier and heavier. I got up and put the book in my drawer. I took my shoes off and lay down on my bed and shut my eyes and sunk into a deep sleep.



I woke up with darkness sounding me. I looked around and saw I was standing in the middle of the street. I looked around to find where I was but everything was so dark. I looked up at the sky and saw grey clouds covering the silver moon. I felt a few little droplets beginning to fall from the sky as they hit my shirt. I looked at my pocket watch, it said 1:42, and I stuck it back in my pocket and looked around. I began to walk forward and saw a red stain on the brick wall. My heart began to beat faster. I continued to walk forward, I suddenly felt small water droplets on my skin. I felt the wind pick up and nip at my skin. I stopped and looked at the store down the street, it was a tailoring store with many clothing items in the front it was called Swenson’s Tailor. I knew where I was now, I was in London in the River Bottoms. I stepped farther down the street when I head a Crash coming from the building to the right. I heard another loud Bang in the same building. I ran over to the building and heard a low growl coming from the emptiness. I heard footsteps around me. I stopped and turned around only to see nothing. The growl began to get louder and louder. I looked all around me but I saw no one there. Suddenly someone shot out of the back door of the building with something chasing him. It looked like a wolf but it was something else. It was quicker than any wolf could be. The man ran down the street with the animal chasing after him. I started sprinting after the man and the animal. As I got closer to the animal it couldn’t have been a normal wolf. It was too large to be any normal animal. The man ran as far as he could but stopped as he was cornered against a wall. The large animal came running up to him and stopped. Suddenly the animals stood up on its back legs like a human! It opened its arms baring his long sharp teeth and opening his fists showing his long claws. AAAHHHH! The man screamed as the animal dug his claws into him splatting blood on the bricks behind him. The wolf then turned to me. He slowly stepped toward me, blood dripping from his claws and teeth, staining his silver coat. His heavy footsteps got louder and louder as he got closer to me. My body froze, I couldn’t move all I could do was stand there and feel the water drip on my face. The animal was about 10 feet away from me when he charged at me. He picked his paw up trying to slash my chest. Crash the thunder hit the ground and I shot up from my bed. I looked outside to see a cloudy sky and no moon in sight. I pulled my pocket watch out and read 1:19. I ran to my shoes and put them on quickly then opened my closet door and grabbed my grey jacket. I sprinted out the door, down the stairs and out the door. I then ran through the large grass yard and cut through the trees. I ran to the horse stable and found Shadow. I took him out of his carrier and put the saddle on him. Then I jumped on him and we rode off to town.




As I rode into London I saw several houses, the lights out and dark inside. No one would be awake to hear that man screaming. I rode down the street and crossed through several streets trying to find my way to the River Bottoms. I pulled Shadow’s reins to get him to a slow trot. I began to look around but the night was dark. I was surrounded by a shroud of darkness, the rain was slowly starting as I felt small rain drops on my sleeves. Shadow kept walking slowly as we crossed the streets and went down into the River Bottoms. I looked at my watch 1:12. I started to walk down the street when I heard a low growl. I looked around and saw nothing but the darkness as the rain got heavier and heavier. I walked closer to the building I saw in my dream. Shadow slowly walked down the street and I glanced to my right only to see a smear of blood on the brick wall. I suddenly heard a Crash and a bang coming from the building. I heard a low growl near me. It sent shivers down my spine as I stood in horror waiting for something to happen. Then suddenly a man came bolting out of the store. He ran out of the building and down the street bolting away from something. It was a large wolf like animal chasing after him running on all fours. I kicked Shadow in the hind legs and he ran forward. The creature was exceedingly fast but the man was faster. He bolted down the street trying to run away. He ran through street merchant huts and through tables and the creature slashed them down and destroyed everything in his path. The man then bolted for another store crashing through the window and the animal wasn’t far behind him. He jumped through the same glass window landing inside and chasing him still. The sounds of shattering glass came from the store. The man ran back out of the window and sprinted back down the street. The man was incredibly fast, he was faster than the wolf like creature but he began to slow down. He was getting tired and would soon be caught by the creature and killed if something didn’t happen. I kicked Shadow even harder to get him to hurry. I have to help him, I thought. Shadow then caught up to the wolf like creature. His silver fur glistened in the rain. His teeth were large and stuck out of his mouth as he looked at me with a ferocious sneer. His claws were inches long and sharp like lions claws. He had a tail with patchy fur and glass piercing his skin. His eyes shone a bright ember color that stood out from his bloody silver fur. Suddenly the wolf ran even faster to catch the man. He ran passed a lamp post and into an alley way where he jumped onto a large can and hoped on the roof top. He ran on the roof of a flat house and jumped a gap to another. The wolf fallowed jumping from building to building. The man hoped to a slanted roof and slid down and jumped while landing on his feet. The wolf dug his claws into the roof and slid down but landed wrong and began to limp after the man. The wolf was still extremely fast but the man was still faster. The man then ran back to the direction of Swenson’s Tailor and sprinted back through the alley way. The man ran as fast as he could but stumbled on the side of a rock and lost his balance for a second. I kicked Shadow as hard as I could to get to the man. The man lay on the ground and the wolf ran toward him. The wolf jumped with is arm up ready to slash the man in two when Rip! The wolf ripped through my vest and shirt and sliced into my skin knocking me back several feet back. I tumbled and turned and Smack! I cracked my head on a brick wall. My vision began to fade, my ears began to ring. My face was wet from something, I reached my hand to my face and saw blood and sweat. I looked up and the wolf stood over the man just staring at him, it looked as if his mouth was moving. Was he talking, I thought. Then a man came from behind and stabbed a large blade through the wolf. He let out a loud cry that rang and echoed through the streets. The wolf fell to his knees and the other man sliced his head clean off. The decapitated body fell to the ground and the man put his sword away. The first man pointed to me and the two of them ran over to me. I saw them The first man had black hair with patches of blood and droplets of blood hit the eyelids of his green eyes. He tried talking to me but all that came out was a muffled sound. The second man had blonde hair with dried blood in it as well with blue eyes, he was taking my vest off and he felt my wound. He started talking as well but all I heard was muffled voices. My body was in agony, I had never felt this much pain before. Blood dripped down my face and mouth, my white shirt was stained red and drenched from the rain. My head felt as if someone had just tried to crack my skull open. Something else was happening, something strange. It felt as if something was coursing through my veins but my body rejected it. Something nipped at my veins but my body scratched at everything to get it out. My stomach burned and felt as if someone was ripping a hole through it. The two men ripped my shirt sleeve up and wrapped it around me to stop the bleeding but there was nothing to be done. The claws had ripped skin from bone and had dug too deep inside me to be fixed. This was where I would die. I felt tears sting the back of my eyes. I was afraid of dying, I had so much to do still. I was going to study and become a lawyer just as Roy was. I then thought of Wren. At that tears streamed down my face. If I died he would to, he could barely handle Roy’s death and if I died he would kill himself. More tears began to stream down my face and sting my bloody cheeks. I looked down and saw myself lying in a pool of my own crimson blood. My body got weaker and weaker as more blood streamed out. The two men standing on top of me began to get blurrier and blurrier. The lamp post light was so bright, it got brighter and brighter and my eyes got heavy. I tried to talk but all that came out was muffled noises. The second man got closer to my face and I pushed out with all my might. Brother Wren. He turned and looked at the other man with a puzzled look. My eyelids were like two bricks on my eyes. Everything began to get blurry and I finally closed my eyes.


I looked at my pocket watch 3:07. Where the hell is Lewis, I thought. It was late and he wasn’t home. He was always good about being in bed and not going out late but now I was getting worried. He would get in trouble with father if he finds out about this and father is already mad at him. I paced back and forth in his room waiting for him. I heard my watch ticking and ticking, I began to feel sweat on my forehead. I was getting worried about hi. He could be in trouble and I wasn’t there to help. How would he have left, I asked myself. Then I realized he loved that damn horse so much maybe he took Shadow out, if shadow was gone then I would wait until tomorrow to tell father he was gone. I went down stairs and went out the door. The rain poured down on me and I was soaked in seconds. I walked through the muddy field and cut through the trees to the stable. I walked in and lit the lamps. I saw my horse Vixen but shadow was gone. I sighed with relief, he had a way to get home now that he was with Shadow. I walked over to Vixen and fed her a bit of grain then went back to the house. I walked in the house and went back up to Lewis’s room. I went and changed into my nightly clothes then laid in his bed until my eyes slowly shut and everything became dark.

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