Chapter 5

Always Be Different
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The room was dark and only the moonlight filtered in. It’s occupied by one couple who had each other for more than five years; one curled her knees on the bed and the other one, she wasn’t sure why his eyes was looking somewhere else.


Jessica only watched him with a thoughtful face. Taeyeon surely took forever to explain.


“I was busy,” Taeyeon paused, searching for the right words to explain to her, “I mean, I was doing that for you too.”


His little action didn’t surprise Jessica. He kept his eyes somewhere and his fingers kept playing with her bedsheet. Only one that Jessica knew Taeyeon was surely embarrassed for nothing.


“You were busy for me?”


“No, it’s not supposed to be like that.”


“Then, what?”


“Taeyeon, it’s already five minutes of silence.”


Taeyeon’s eyes landed again on her, but he was just quietly staring and still didn’t respond to her.


“You said you wanted to have your own apparel,” Taeyeon said after a while, “and you changed your major at last minute because of that.”


Yes of course, she changed her major into fashion business, instead of fashion design which she really wanted to at the beginning, but she was tired to death to think about what actually Taeyeon meant. However, she was talking with Kim Taeyeon, a man who clearly took forever to say even one sentence to explain properly to her, without even running in circle which he already did ten minutes ago.


“Can you stop running in circle? And tell me what is that?”


Oh God, Taeyeon was trying to tell her, calmly, although he’s not as blunt as her.


Taeyeon breathed in, “I have to fulfil your dream too,” he practically blurted out in one exhales, “Ishouldbefilthyrich.”




It was hard to say it once and Jessica indirectly told him to say it twice. How was Taeyeon supposed to live with this kind of such girlfriend?


“Sica, I need to graduate faster, okay? I need to be rich to fulfil your dream too,” Taeyeon explained, “ There were a lot studies, assignments, and research that should I do. That’s why I was busy lately. I mean, I know I shouldn’t make this as a reason to ignore you, trust me, I’ve never had a thought like that.”


“But, I’m doing this for you too.”


Taeyeon sighed after his long speech. He didn’t expect that he actually can say his reason as blunt as before, but that was his sincerity and she should know that all of his reasons must belong to her, no matter what.


Taeyeon bit his lower lips anxiously because he can’t study her expression. She was just quietly staring at him. But one thing that Taeyeon knew, silence wasn’t her department because she was actually talkative, loud--though not as loud as Tiffany--and it’s enough to make Taeyeon worried, “Sica?

“Tae,” Jessica’s sobbing between her cry, pulled Taeyeon in front of her closer. Her hand clutched his neck and she buried her head into his chest, “I’m sorry.”


Taeyeon was clearly showing his affection through his little action by her back softly. He gave reassured feeling to Jessica who’s deep in his warm embrace.


“Why are you apologizing?” Taeyeon cooed and it sounded damn soothing than any nature's sound.


Even so, Jessica just kep on sobbing and it made Taeyeon even more worried as he grabbed her shoulders softly to have a clear view of her face. He cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears, “Hey, it’s okay Sica,” Taeyeon assured softly, “You don’t have to apologize.”


It just made Jessica felt even more guilty toward Taeyeon as she buried her head again into his chest and clung to him like she can’t get enough of his embrace, like she didn’t want to lose him.


Taeyeon her back again, even patted her head softly, seeing what a big baby Jessica was. She was always like that every single time they would fight or quarrel. The last step must be seeing Jessica crying.




“I hate thunderstorm,” Jessica murmured on his chest, “I really hate it.”


Taeyeon chuckled when he heard Jessica’s whiny voice. Even after she cried, there were a lot of cute charms in her voice and it didn’t stop him to her hair, “I know that’s why I’m here.”


Then Jessica looked up at him, “But, did you know that once in my life I thanked it?”


“Did you? Really? I thought you hate it like the way you hate me.”


“I’d still hate both of you,” Jessica bluntly answered, “But, it was just once in my life I felt so grateful there was thunderstorm around us.”






Jessica winced from the sound. She always hated thunderstorm even if Taeyeon would always say that her voice was louder, more annoying and scarier, she’d still hate thunderstorm, moreover in heavy rain.


A soft and warm hand pulled her to the corner of the wall, making sure that she didn't get any water from the rain. The owner of the soft and warm hand was scanning her with his worried face. Before Jessica can see his face, he already draped his jacket to her body, “Why didn’t you wear a jacket in this cold weather, Sica?”


Then again, before Jessica can utter some words, a thunder made an appearance to show how powerful it can be. It made the owner of the soft and warm hand pulled her body next to his and with his instinct he buried Jessica’s face to his chest, making sure she didn’t see the scary thunderstorm around them, while his hands were covering her ears.


That was the first time Taeyeon showed his affection to Jessica, or Jessica should say that was the first time they were doing such intimate skinship, moreover it was Kim Taeyeon who hugged her first, and for her sake, without Taeyeon saying something stupid.




“I kissed your cheek the next day as my gratitude,” Jessica said, “But I was sad when I saw your reaction.”


“Huh? My reaction?”


“You were like a cold stone.”


The memory crossed on Taeyeon's mind, and thanks to the power cut, Jessica wouldn't be able to see his face clearly because for sure Taeyeon was dying of embarrassment.


“I was flustered that time!” Taeyeon defended.


“You don't have to yell like that!” Jessica retorted with her whiny voice and it made Taeyeon melted into guiltiness as he caressed her face, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.”


However, Jessica giggled when she saw his reaction which she already predicted, “God, you're so cute when you were whipped.”


“Oh! You're cute too when you get embarrassed.”


Usually Taeyeon will have some ty words to retort her, but let's just say that day Taeyeon was being unusual as he just simply smiled, with his dimple.






“We made a lot of memories, didn’t we?”


“Yeah, we did.”


“I kept smiling when I was recalling our old days.”


“I thought you really hated me that time.”


“I still do, but we just fought over childish things, not like now we're fighting because of complicated things.”


Taeyeon patted her head, showing his best dimpled smile, “Let's just say everything that we've been through has made our relationship stronger than before.”


Jessica nodded, “You won't get tired of me, will you?”


Taeyeon promised, “I won't.”


There were a lot of things that Jessica can't explain with this kind of Kim Taeyeon. He was sweet, gentle, and mature enough to assure Jessica with his words, but no offense his words were always followed by his action.

After their short talk, Jessica laid on her bed and motioned Taeyeon to sleep beside her.


“Taengoo come here. Cuddle with me?”


Taeyeon hesitated for a while and sensing his worry, Jessica quickly added, “Just for a while until Tiffany come home, please?”


Of course Taeyeon was so weak when it came to Jessica, he wouldn't have a heart to reject her as he naturally laid beside her, spreading his arms as a cue for Jessica to cuddle him.






“Can we get married early?”


“Uh why?”


“So, I won't sleep alone.”


Taeyeon chuckled and kissed the top of her head, “Is that your reason?”


Taeyeon didn't have the answer because Jessica was already deep in her sleep.


“I love you Sica..”


Something moved on his chest and it murmured weakly, “Love you too Taeywhmh..”




Some wise words said, “Something bad happened always for a good reason.” and technically Jessica believed that.


Jessica finally can understand Taeyeon’s reason why he kept getting busy and busier than ever. Jessica had a thought if she didn’t get mad about the little time that they spent, would Taeyeon be bothered to explain his reason? Probably not, or absolutely not.

Recalling the night when Taeyeon explained to her maybe was the best one night that Jessica ever had in years. It’s not only about Taeyeon who showed up at the right time, it’s not only about Taeyeon being sweet all night, but it’s about his reason. Which woman didn’t get flattered if they heard that kind of reason? They were only twenty, for exact only twenty one this year for God’s sakes, and Kim Taeyeon said that he was concerned about her dreams too. Maybe Jessica should be thanking God more than complaining about how Kim Taeyeon was.

After their last fight, in the next following weeks, Taeyeon insisted to come to her classes if he was free which Jessica welcomed warmly. She was at least pleased by his presence and thought that Taeyeon, step by step, could change like the way she wanted. Taeyeon already made it clear that he didn’t want to disappoint her anymore, so here he was standing next to Jessica’s class.


“Hi there.”


“Hi there too, handsome.”


“Are you willing to join my class again?”


“With all my pleasure Miss Jung.”


In the class Taeyeon was just simply on his own, or staring like a puppy at Jessica; don’t get it wrong, he just simply wanted to annoy Jessica. By the time he got bored, he took one of Jessica’s book just to get slapped by her as she tried to block him to get any of her books.


“Don’t you dare to read my book again.”


Taeyeon narrowed his eyes, “Why?” Jessica turned her face and sent a deadly glare to him, “Last time you read my book, you clearly did something stupid.”


“I don’t get it,” Taeyeon shrugged, “I was asking a question to your Professor, which one is the stupid thing, Miss Jung?”


Jessica motioned her eyes to the table, and there were various books and various tools on it, “I have a lot of things to hit you with. Will you be still stupid, Mister Kim?”


Taeyeon gave Jessica a fake shocked face with his hands covering his mouth and she just simply ignored the idiot Kim Taeyeon for the sake of her important class.


Then again, it wasn’t Kim Taeyeon if he’d willing to be calm around her. It’s barely five minutes and he shoved some of his hand-written papers. Jessica looked at him with her deathful eyes, but she took his paper and opened it.


“I’ll always be your fool, Sica <3.”


Who thought that it’d be nice to have Kim Taeyeon around her? It was like Jessica memorized her old days, her high school days, with Taeyeon who’s always inside her days.


It went the same for Taeyeon because if she was free, she would be joining him in his class. After the first time, Jessica really willed herself to join in every his class just because of one simple reason; Taeyeon showed too much jealousy when Jessica was around him, surrounded by his classmates which surprisingly have their bluemoon eyes on Jessica.


When both of them started to walk in the class, his friends would start to whistle (including the idiot Choi Sooyoung), he would wrapped his arms around Jessica’s waist, or holding her hand; interlocking their hands together.


“Taeyeon, you do know if you continue to stare like that,” Sooyoung suddenly chirped, “our classmates would be deducted one by one.”


Well, Taeyeon can’t help not to stare like that if his classmates always had their eyes on Jessica.


“Taeyeon is cute when he was jealous, isn’t he, Syo?”


Sooyoung clearly snickered behind Taeyeon when Jessica asked that question, before he answered lightly, “Indeed cute like a lovesick puppy.”


“Just shut up!”


Another good thing to have Kim Taeyeon around. If Jessica named the good things after their memorable young love, Jessica would choose the possessive Kim Taeyeon as the nicest thing after her young love stories. How could she not choose that? Taeyeon was perfectly cute when he was jealous. It was like Taeyeon took a firm stance to claim Jessica in a good way, unlike the old days he claimed Jessica by making fun of her.


By the time his class was finished, Jessica found out that actually Taeyeon had another one.She really wanted to join again, but her schedule didn’t allow her as Sunny bombarded her with a bunch of messages to remind her not to forget about their meeting project. Unfortunately, Jessica still can’t find a sign of Taeyeon as he excused himself to talk with his Professor a while ago.


When Taeyeon went back to his class, he couldn’t find Jessica there, but he found something wrinkled on his notes.


‘Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive. Just in your case, it should be me, the someone who always makes happy and keep you alive, your Jessica.’


Taeyeon grew a smile without he realized it. He muttered under his breath, “How cocky.” But there was another sound behind him, an annoying one followed by his mocking snicker, “How cute the lovesick puppy is.”


Thanks to Jessica, Taeyeon got a lot of teasing about how whipped he was.




It was another normal day when Jessica decided to visit Taeyeon in his dorm, but it was really another normal day because Jessica became the whiny one again, or Taeyeon should say it’s just her nature.


Taeyeon sat, leaning his back on his chair, and focused both of his eyes and his mind in his current resume, but it looked like he couldn’t focus anymore with the whining and ing Jessica did. He found himself with a curve on his lips.


They already made up, for sure, but it didn’t stop Jessica to about how-not-romantic Kim Taeyeon was a.k.a how he was. Like nobody can stop her anyway, even Taeyeon didn’t want to try stop her.


“When everyone had a date, held hands during the spring season, under the cherry blossom,” Jessica started to talk again in her dramatic tone, “I just sat on the edge of my bed waiting for my boyfriend to be nice and to reply my messages.”


“That’s how my young love is.”


Taeyeon snickered quietly because Jessica was still hilarious whenever she was mad and whining about something that she wanted, but actually Taeyeon found her really cute.

He lost count how many times Jessica protested about how envious she was when she opened her facebook home and found many pictures of her school’s friends having a date under the cherry blossom when they were still in high school.

He lost count too how many times Jessica convinced him to date outside and begged in many ways.


So, here they were having some words with each other.


“Taeyeon, please?”


It’s already twenty minutes of Jessica being pissed-off and it looked like she wouldn’t stop any time soon.


“We never, ever, watch movies in theater,” Jessica pleaded, “Just please once in my life.”


“We just can watch at your dorm or mine here. It’s way cozier.”


Jessica gave Taeyeon an exaggerated pouted which Taeyeon didn’t see because his eyes were busy on the table, but he found himself having a hard time to finish this easy resume with this kind of Jessica around.


“You’re so mean,” Jessica threw a fit, “We just can watch a movie then we can go home. I’m not asking too much.”


Taeyeon stopped writing to sigh quietly and he facepalmed himself. Having Jung Jessica as a girlfriend meant he shouldn’t be bothered by her high expectation about romance. As usual, she always got inspired by Yul and Tiffany, or now by Jiyeon and Myungsoo. So, can anyone tell Taeyeon what part in Jung Jessica’s that didn’t ask too much?


“I don’t like crowded place you know that,” Taeyeon argued, “We just can stay in the living room, watching a movie together. What makes it different?


Jessica furrowed her eyebrows, knitted her forehead in angry manner, she retorted, “How could you not like crowded place?”


“We had dinner in food street and it was very crowded.” she said with an exaggerated emphasize on ‘very crowded’, “and mind you, Kim Taeyeon, you always watched your stupid soccer match on the big screen which is spotted in crowded place!”


For the last attack, she crossed her arms while staring at Taeyeon with her sharp glare, “So, tell me where is the part that you don’t like crowded place?”


It’s not the great Kim Taeyeon if he didn’t have something ty to say, “Food street and soccer match are one or two things, but watching movie is another thing.”


Jessica sighed defeatedly and she sat on the edge of his bed. Taeyeon glanced over his shoulders and caught by his surprise that Jessica had stopped talking. Taeyeon decided to continue his resume again just in case she would probably start to talk again.


Jessica also knew it wasn’t a good idea to confront Kim Taeyeon head to head because Taeyeon was very good at retorting Jessica with his words, so there was no such thing to win over him. That’s why as she sat peacefully, she thought about how to confront Taeyeon in another way.


Jessica decided to rose from his bed and took another chair to sit next to him. She placed her palm under her chin to stare straightly at Taeyeon.




Taeyeon jolted in surprise that made him stopped to write. He knew what Jessica was trying to do as he quickly closed his ears and shut his eyes.


“Blah.. blah.. Blah.. I don’t see and don’t hear anything.”


It didn’t stop Jessica to annoy Taeyeon she closed the gap between them and nuzzled into his shoulders, “Taengooo..” she started again, “please, just this one?”


Taeyeon peeked through his palm and opened one of his eyes. He then immediately regretted why he did so.


“Taengoo, please...:”


If Taeyeon had puppy eyes and very sweet words in rare occasions to soften or please her, Jessica had her lovable gazes and sweet voice to coax him, and it would always work on Taeyeon, every time.


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Yoonaya05 #1
Chapter 7: author-nim, I still waiting for ur update :)
Chapter 7: hye author... i reread your story again because i missed it... i really hope you’d keep your word about not abandoning it, just wanted you to know that i’ll keep waiting... see you authornim <3
Ree93brianti #3
author where are u...update pleasee
GooLeo9 #4
Chapter 7: Please keep writing author nim. I really like this kind of story. You're really great author!! Hwaiting!!
Chapter 7: Ur taengsic are so sweet...their relationship is will waiting until taengsic get married???
Thanks for ur update???
Chapter 2: just be like that plizz....they're suit together....dont make their fighting again or even broke up T_T
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update author I miss this story so much pls update soon...take care stay safe
-Nyeo- #8
Chapter 7: Ohmygaddd you're update? Its okay take your time :)) you know i love this story alot, even i dream about hving boyfriend like taenggo, mean but actually love jessica so much, its better than having sweet boyfriend but it just turnout he betrayed you the next day :'
Thankyou for your update ㅋㅋㅋ *wink
Yoonaya05 #9
Chapter 7: Omooo thank you soooo much for the update author, thank you for coming back :)) Don't worry thor, I will waiting for the next update :)
Take care author-nim.
aimeeisabella #10
Chapter 7: aaweww so taeyeon so cute.... anyway thank you for the update author-nim ^-^ it’s been a while