The life of a KPOP fan!



Who woudn’t fall inlove with those KPOP songs? Of course this 2 siblings! They have been a fan ever since they were young even though they didn’t understand anything their listening to, its just to addicting! (TOTALLY TRUE, RIGHT?! Haha)

They were given a chance to meet their idol of course they would take that chance no matter what!

Read and enjoy Andrea and Ashley’s story as a kpop addict..ehem.. fan :)) as they try to meet their idol!


Andrea (16 years old)


Ø  Born on May 16

Ø  Sweet and Friendly

Ø  Shy person but can be really hyper when hearing anything related to kpop

Ø  Loves KPOP!

Ø  Kwangmin biased

Ø  Treats Youngmin as his oppa

Ø  Loves DOGS

Ø  Loves imitating kpop dances

Ø  Rich

Ø  Ashley’s.... sister

Ø  Loves singing

Ø  Defender of her big sister (LOL)

Ø  Will do anything to meet their idol!


Ashley (16 years old)


Ø  Born on April17

Ø  Also loves kpop because she was influenced by Andrea

Ø  Minwoo biased

Ø  Also Loves DOGS!

Ø  Likes dancing to kpop songs

Ø  Good at singing

Ø  Kind and Giving

Ø  Shy and Friendly

Ø  Older than Andrea for 1 month but acts younger than Andrea

Ø  Andrea’s.....sister

Ø  She would do anything just to see her favourite idols!




Kwangmin (17 years old)

Ø  Born on April 24

Ø  Mysterious

Ø  Kind to close friends

Ø  Cold hearted at FIRST

Ø  HAD  a girlfriend before..

Ø  Hates girls.. :D

Ø  Loves dancing

Ø  Loves his twin and his other group mates

Ø  Quiet and shy


Youngmin (17 years old)-older than Kwangmin

Ø  Born on April 24

Ø  Funny

Ø  Hyper

Ø  He’s always there for Andrea

Ø  Loves dancing

Ø  Playful and outgoing

Ø  Cheerful

Ø  Secretly and slowly likes Andrea

Ø  Kinda Emotional



Ø  Best dancer in Boyfriend

Ø  Sweats ALOT

Ø  Sweet

Ø  Loving and caring

Ø  Secretly likes Ashley

Ø  Helps Andrea to get to know Kwangmin

Other members of Boyfriend;  Kim Donghyun, Jungmin, Sunho

Ø  Supporting

Ø  Caring and Loving


Sorry if I didn’t introduce the other 3 members individually



Heya.. Im back with another story! Oh wait.. i deleted my first fic since I can’t update anymore :( mianhae.. i guess no one’s reading it anyways haha! So I hope I can improve this time since I at english and grammar! English isn’t my first language so sorry.. :( enough with the chit chat! 


I'd appreciate it if my readers comment! You can comment anything ^^ i would reply to every single one! so please! :)


Kamsa! <333 Enjoy!


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Mixmaster45 #1
I dont know...coincidence? fate? plus, dont you want to practice in mansion? XD
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #2
Nice chapter...though it seems a little suspicious how they can never practice anywhere but the mansion >.> <.< Why is everyone's house always 'unavailable'?
TNT and andrea! I think they are cute together :D haha!
Mixmaster45 #4
making a poster, having a hard time finding pictures XD
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #5
Oooh, naughty girl...scribbling on people's faces XDDDDD nice chapter! ^^
Mixmaster45 #6
just chapter 15, chapter 16 and 17 are still "in development"

=.= hopefully by tomorrow or friday it will be finished
Did you update? I don't see any new chapters >.<
Mixmaster45 #8
Sorry if we are taking too long to update, hopefully we can finish by friday
Mixmaster45 #9
Mixmaster45 is hyper? aigoo. The power of chocolates. xD Yes we have more updates! Save some money so you can pay me already! Aish! LOL. kidding. I'm not rushing you ^^