
The Boss and the Babysitter



Start: Rainbow [yuNdAk] (Standing Egg)

End: Summer Night You and I (Standing Egg)


Winter's POV


I woke up suddenly and looked around. I realized I was still at the boss' house. Aein was snuggled beside me, sleeping soundly. I carefully shifted and untangled her from me. I picked up my phone from the bedside table and checked the time. It was already six in the morning. 

"Holy shi-smokes!"

I looked at Aein to make sure she did not wake up. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her sleeping peacefully. I walked slowly out the bedroom, which was kinda weird because her room was carpeted, so I didn't really have to tiptoe.

On my way out, I passed by the dresser and saw my hair in a mess. I must've squirmed a lot in bed. I hurriedly looked for my bag and took out my comb and brushed my hair. Satisfied with how my hair was tied back in a low pony, I walked out the bedroom. I stood in front of the boss' room and knocked. No one answered. Maybe he was still fast asleep. I knocked again, but there was no answer. I still didn't know his phone number, so I couldn't call him. 

Well, if he was still asleep, I'd better cook breakfast for them. When the boss wakes up, I'm going to apologize for sleeping in. I went downstairs and placed my bag on the kitchen counter, then took out a pancake mix and some fruits from the fridge. There was also some honey syrup and I was lucky enough to know how to make rather fruity pancakes. I was sure the two would love it. So I went to work on my fruity pancakes. I wasn't sure if Aein drank milk in the mornings, but shrugged it off, thinking a little girl needed calcium so I prepared a glass of milk for her. Now, for the boss. What did he drink for breakfast?

"Milk? Hahahahahah!"

I knocked on my own head and muttered, "Paboya."

"Nugu paboya?"

A voice suddenly sounded from the door that had access to the backyard pool. I was startled and turned to look around. I was in the process of pouring honey syrup on the pancakes on Aein's plate.

"Uh...I...uhm...syrup. I mean, breakfast...sir."

I was tongue-tied. The boss' hair was wet and he was drying it with a towel. Not only that. He was wearing just surfboard shorts, topless. OMG! The syrup was dripping on the table instead of on the pancakes.

"Mianhae, mianhaeyo! I will clean that up, sir." I bowed, not wanting to see his bare chest.

He was kinda lanky or slim, but it was also obvious that he had some sort of swimming training because of how some muscles formed on his chest and arms.

Gosh! Not now, Winter. The syrup needs to be cleaned up.

"The syrup is pabo? Huh?" The boss' eyebrow was raised, clearly not convinced of what I said.

"Ne. I was talking to the syrup, sir."


I found a washcloth and started wiping the syrup off the table. The boss slung his towel behind a chair and sat down. He spoke again.

"I called Jeff to cancel the schedule today. I figured I needed some time off, and you too. I'd like you to go to your house...or apartment...wherever you live, and pack your stuff. You're going to stay here for the rest of the job."


"Yes. Why? Would you rather keep commuting to and from work? To be honest, I hired you mainly because of Aein."

I didn't quite understood him. I stared at him for a bit and I got conscious, so I stood up straight and started wiping the table absentmindedly.

"Yah! You're smearing honey all the table!" His loud voice startled me again.

I jumped up and gasped. Yeah, instead of wiping the table clean, I was making it dirtier. I went to get another clean washcloth and wiped the table clean. I threw the dirty cloths into the laundry basket and walked back to the kitchen.

"Do you mean to say I am going to be Aein's babysitter?"


"But I thought...I was going to be your assistant?"

"Ah, yes. That, too."

"How am I going to do both?"

"Obey first before you complain, okay?"

"What if I say I won't do it?"

"Then I'm going to fire you."

"It's okay. I'll just go back to Jeff's office."

"You are forgetting that I'm Jeff's boss."

"Right. So, I don't have a choice. Right?"


Ugh! Here I was thinking he was nice and lovable. Ugh! A babysitter? Me? I didn't come all the way from a small farmland in Ohio just to become a babysitter! I worked my way up the corporate ladder and now that I finally had the chance to work in a proper office, here I am being hired as a babysitter by the new boss who can't even take care of himself. Grrrrr!

"Okay, sir. If I have to live here, I'm going to be a little late coming back getting my stuff. I need to inform my landlady about my situation and settle my rent for the rest of the month and make sure that my apartment isn't rented out while I'm here."

"I'll have Jeff call your landlady and settle your rent for the rest of the month and next month, too. Just go get your stuff and hurry back here. I'm taking Aein swimming, so once you're back, you can find us at the beach. You better have some...beach wear. You know, bikini and such."

He had smirked at that last sentence like he was teasing me. I didn't say anything, but pushed the plate of pancakes toward him. He took a fork and sliced a bit of the pancake and ate it. He nodded with approval.

"This is good."


"I'm going to pay you extra for your cooking services. This is good. You could start a pastry or bakery business with this."

"Thanks, but I don't have that much money to even buy a proper oven."

"I'm going to pay you enough, so you can start anytime you want."

I bowed, not wanting to say yes or no to his offer. I took my bag from the kitchen counter and told the boss I was going now. I didn't want to wait for Aein to wake up. The boss stood up and told me to wait. Then he went upstairs.

I followed his retreating back with my stare. He wasn't an all muscle-y man, there was a boyish look in him and that sort of explains why he was a little obnoxious, I guess. He didn't seem the type to be that serious, and not the type to be funny either. You would think he was still in his late teens, the way he carried himself and the way he talked.

I stood in the middle of the living room when he came back down. He had a t-shirt on now and changed his shorts. His hair was still damp, though. His face was serious when he approached me, then suddenly his lips formed into a grin. He held out his hand and presented me with keys. Car keys.

"This is just a loan, while you work for me. It'd take you a while if you have to commute, so I figured why not lend you a car."

"I...I don't think I can accept this, sir."

"You don't know how to drive?"

"I know how to drive...but I can commute."

"So you'd rather commute and come back late?"

"No. I mean-"

"Miss Hwang, who's the boss? Me or you?"


"Exactly. And as the boss, you should obey me. It's the white Ford Focus out in front. I already took it out in front for you. Tank is full, so you don't have to worry about getting back on low fuel, unless you live in California. LOL."

"Just about 30 minutes to an hour away from here. Sir."

"Good. Or, do you want to eat breakfast first? Your pancakes really taste good."

"I'm just going to get breakfast at home. Sir."

"Okay. Suit yourself. Oh, and take care Miss Hwang."

I blushed at that. I bowed and started walking out the door. I stopped on my tracks and turned around.

"Sir, can I ask a question?"


"What do you mean by lol?"

"You don't know Laugh Out Loud?"

"I know that, but you-"

"I know. It's easier to say it as lol, rather than ell-oh-ell. I'm lazy."

"Ahh.." Lazy, huh. 

"Winter eonni! Where are you going?" Aein suddenly appeared behind the boss.

"She's going to get her stuff so she could live here with us," the boss answered for me.

"Oh! That would be nice. We can have tea parties in my room and the beach, right Yugi-oh?"

"Ne, ne. Go to the kitchen table. There's breakfast. Eonni made it for you."

Aein happily skipped toward the table and did a double take. She ran toward me and reached up to hug my waist. I was taken by surprise. I wasn't expecting her to like me that much, but I hugged her too. Then she went back to the table and started eating.

"Aren't you going to leave?" The boss looked at me like I was some kind of univited visitor.

"I was...just leaving. Sir."

I shook my head as I walked out the door. First thing he was nice to me, then suddenly he was cold. Whatever was the problem with him? Tch!



I didn't bother to pack a lot, just the essentials. Just two suitcases to be exact. Jeff had called my landlady to settle my rent and she happily thanked me for that. I was able to get out of the apartment without further questions. I was going to keep my apartment without the fear of having someone renting it while I was with the boss.

I dropped by the supermarket near the boss' house to buy some toiletries and some knick-knacks and junk food for myself. Yes, for myself. I wasn't sharing it with him. Then I remembered Aein. His little sister was the sweetest, kind of like a contrast with him. But then again, there were moments when Min Yoongi was nice, too. 


I dumped my groceries in the back seat, since my suitcases were in the trunk. I admired the car from the outside first, before I got back in.

I knew how to drive, but didn't get to drive my own car since I didn't make enough money to buy a new one. I was actually saving up for a secondhand car, but I still needed a good amount of money before I can buy the car I wanted from a secondhand car shop. That was how poor I was. Tsk.

I got in the car and started the engine. I saw some people I knew back in school. I remembered their faces because they used to bully me a lot for being poor. I didn't know some of them lived in the area. They saw me, of course. For some reason, eversince I knew them at school, they always bumped into me anywhere I went. Even today of all days. I stepped on the accelerator, but couldn't go through because of a car backing up.

"Hey! If it isn't Winter Hwang. Whaddaya know? Brand new car, eh? Or maybe you just have it for a test drive and not buying it? Hahaha!"

"Or married a rich, dying old man? Hahaha!"

The car in front had moved forward. Before I stepped on the gas, I honked really loud. They had to cover their ears and I had to smirk and sped away.


I reached the boss' house and sat in the car for a bit. I let my frustrations and negative vibes subside before getting out of the car. First, I had to carry my groceries inside. The door was locked. Of course. I didn't have the keys nor knew the security code. The boss said he was bringing Aein to the beach. I took out my phone and remembered I still didn't have the boss' number.

"Ugh! I can't anymore."

I decided to call Jeff and ask if he knew the security code, and luckily enough, he did. I heaved my suitcases up the stairs. Not knowing which room I was to occupy, I left my suitcases outside one of the bathrooms. I placed the grocery bag on top of the bathroom counter. I knew the boss was expecting me to go and find them on the beach, so I changed into something more comfortable. Not a bikini. Nope. I chose a simple white tee and flowery shorts. That was the best I could come up with at that time. I wore white flipflops to go with my beach get up. I hope Min Yoongi won't laugh at me for not wearing a bikini. Tch!

I headed down the stairs and walked toward the door that led to the pool. There was a path access down to the beach. I had slathered sunscreen all over my body. It was still two in the afternoon and the sun was still hot.

I saw them walking near the shore. I knew it was them right away. The boss' complexion shone like the sun from where I was. I could also hear Aein's distant laughter. They looked like father and daughter by the sea. I hesitated walking toward them, but Aein saw me. She waved her little hands up to greet me. The boss turned to look in my direction.

I walked until I reached them. Aein smiled and tugged at my hand, but I stood there, my eyes fixed on the boss. He was staring at me. Well, we were both staring at each other.

"Your name should be Summer, you know," he blurted out.



Winter has become Summer.

Does it mean the sort of cold Yoongi is warming up to Winter now?


Ford Focus 2016


Winter's beach duds

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Finally have a cover poster. LOL


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eighter #1
Chapter 4: aww..sweet yoongi
sarahcawah #2
Chapter 2: Aww aein is so cute!! I think im goin to start loving your story bcs of this chapter hehe
Thankyou for updating authornim ♡
sarahcawah #3
Chapter 1: If you dont mind, i want you to continue... bcs from the first story which is his & theirs to th13teen and two melodies i have followed and read each story.. so i really hope you can continue it.