
GaemGyu vs. AllRiseSilver


After having breakfast you saw eunhyuk and siwon with their respective group, you waved at them and they waved back. They went closer to you and sungmin and ryeowook.

“hey guys what’s up” siwon asked the 3 of you.

“we’re fine but ahzie ah! Is not” ryeowook said.

“why princess? Any problem?” eunhyuk asked you with a concern expression.

“yup I do but I hate my partner I have other classmates why does he have to be ,my partner?” you said disappointed.

“it’s okey princess just cope up with it, it’s just few days and if he do something wrong to hurt you, tell me okey and I will hit him just for you” eunhyuk said while hugging you and kissing your forehead but he didn’t know that kyu is your partner is kyu who is he’s cousin.

“if he hurs my sister I will kill him” siwon said while hugging you.

“we have to go know princess I love you” eunhyuk said after kissing you in the forehead and handed you a jar of cookies and siwon hugs you and waved goodbye to the 3 of you.

After that you all headed to the main hall and mr.kim announces something.

“class were going to have a treasure hunt, you must work with your partner to find the treasure inside the forest all of you are given a map to know your location and some clues” mr kim said.

After that he handed each and every one of you a map and clues. And started to walk to the forest to look for the treasure.

“ahzie ah! Take care” sungmin and ryeowook said while hugging you.

“don’t worry guys I can take care of myself, you should also be careful guys” you said while pulling out of the hug and walk behind kyu who is holding the map and the clue.

You walk for about 30 minutes because of the tiring walk you asked kyu.

“hey do you know where we are going?” you ask him.

“I think were lost” kyun said while looking unto the map.

“what? Were lost?” you ask him with a shocked expression.

 ‘yes I think” kyu said while his hands on his temple.

“you’re such and idiot, how can we be lost? You have the map right?” you said to him.

“it’s not my fault that I can’t understand this stupid map” kyu said as he throw the map and it flew away, both of you run after it but failed to get it.

“ you’re so stupid!!!!” you shout to kyu.

‘why do keep insisting that I’m stupid?’ kyu said.

‘cause you are!, it’s just a simple map but you can’t read  it even grade school can do that” you said while glaring at him.

“I’m sorry I’m not smart like you!!!” kyu shouts at you

“ you don’t have to be smart to understand a simple map, if you are having a hard time understanding it you should have ask for my help” you said to him.

“well I’m sorry, I thought I can manage it” kyu said and walk away.

“ where do you think your going?” you ask him

“looking for a way to get out here’ he said.

While walking kyu saw a falls and run to it.

“hey where are you going?” you said and follow him and saw where he’s going you saw a beautiful falls.

When you saw the falls you saw falls and put out your dslr nikkon d7000 and started taking pictures, while taking pictures you saw kyu getting leaving him with only his boxers on.

“hey! What do you think your doing?” you asked him while turning your back against him.

“taking a swim can’t you see it? Duh!?” he said and started swimming.

You saw his dress every where so you pick it up and put it on one side. Kyu saw you seating on the edge of the rock and approaches you.

“hey, aren’t you going to take a swim?” he ask you.

“nope! I wouldn’t like” you said.

“haha, why? Do you think that I’m going to do something to you? Oh pls you’re not even my type and you’re nothing compares to my love” he said and splash you with water.

“hey stop it!” you said “your not even my type” you fired back.

“really? Why so why aren’t you taking a swim? The water is great” kyu said “or maybe your shy cause you don’t have a beautiful body like me” kyu said while smirking.

“what? No I don’t and 2nd you so skinny for a guy” you said to him

while watching him seeing him enjoying his swim, you stand up and walk to the back of a three and pull out your shirt leaving you with your shorts and sports bra type tank top. Kyu saw you and look up to you from head to toe. He blushes automatically when he saw how y you were, he just turn his back at you and climbed at the falls and jump after it. Leaving you splashed with water.

“hey why did you that for?” you asked him while protecting yourself from getting wet.

“ nothing he said” and swims away from you.

After taking a swim both of changed and started walking to find you way back to camp.

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my top biases.. lucky to Ahzie though..

update soon~
Ashazeki #2
@thanks purplekpop hope you like it
my one and my two<br />
this should be interesting...<br />