Chapter 1 & 2

‘Okay, this is it Jeonghan. No going back now. You promised yourself a new start. A new life.’
Jeonghan told himself, while holding that very familiar little paper box in his hand, clenching the edge of the sink so hard his knuckles were turning white.
‘It’s gonna be okay. What are you so afraid of? It’s not like you haven’t dyed your hair before.’
“It’s not the dying my hair part that I’m scared of, damnit!” He exclaimed out loud, throwing the box of black hair dye down on the ground in a fit of rage before turning around to look at his own reflection. He examined his long, bright red hair that framed his face perfectly. Flowing down in small waves that wrapped around his broad shoulders and ending in choppy, dead ends. He sighed as he pushed his bangs backwards and out of his face.
“It’s the fact that I’m actually going through with this that’s scary.” He sighed again before quickly turning on his heels and walking towards the black hair dye that’s still lying on the ground.
‘I can do this. I can do this.’ He chanted like a mantra inside his head as he swiftly bent over to grasp the small box in his long, slender fingers. He grabbed a chair from his ty and obviously worn down kitchen before heading back to the bathroom where he faces his impending doom.
Gasoline Chapter 2
Jeonghan feels cold. At first, he thought it was just the weather. But then he realized his neck is more exposed then it has been in years. Like, whose ing idea was it to cut his hair this short. Oh yeah, his. And he regrets it. He regrets it a lot.
Oh yeah! On top of his neck feeling way to bare for his liking, he managed to decide to run away in the middle of a ing cold front. He is officially pissed off. Because not only will he be homeless for God knows how long, but he will also be freezing his ing off the entire goddamn time. He always makes the worst decisions it seems. Like, how was he supposed to know it would be this freaking cold? He wasn’t. He doesn’t have a phone. And either way why would he actually believe it was going to be 30° degrees outside? I mean c’mon, it’s the middle of May! It’s not supposed to be this ing freezing!
Well anyways, putting both issues aside, the worst part would have to be that he somehow managed to end up on the ing hell-bus. He’s a simple guy that doesn’t really ever expect the best out of everything, but this is ing chaos. The bus is overcrowded, children screaming, parents frantically trying to calm them down, and of course he gets paired up with the creepiest person imaginable. The kid doesn’t exactly look scary. Tamed brown hair, chubby cheeks, oddly shaped eyes but we won’t talk about that, and a wide smile. He couldn’t be any older than 17. And Jeonghan wouldn't have any problem with sitting next to him if he wasn’t staring him down and watching his every move. I mean, Jeonghan knows he doesn’t exactly look normal. With his plain t-shirt and ripped up jeans that were a size to small, he couldn’t exactly blame the kid. And let’s not get started on his hair. Short and choppy, obviously done unprofessionally, the color isn’t even. When Jeonghan actually thinks about it, he kind of looks like a homeless person. Well I mean, he is technically a homeless person once he steps foot out of the bus, but that’s not really the point. He wasn’t planning on doing anything rash. He didn’t want to hurt the kid. But when he moved his face even more uncomfortably to Jeonghan, he ing blew it.
“I’m sorry but do you know what personal space is?” Asked Jeonghan somehow remaining calm even though on the inside he wanted to kill himself, but of course not before he killed whoever this little brat is.
“Hi I’m Soonyoung, but you can call me Hoshi!”
‘I asked if he knew what personal space was not for his ing name. Who does this brat think he is? I swear his stop better be soon or I will beat the ing out of this little cu-‘
“Uhm...hello?” The feeling of a small breeze made Jeonghan snap out of it and realize that he had been staring at the ki- Soonyoung for he doesn’t know how long. He lets out a small sigh before realizing Soonyoung is still expecting for him to say something.
‘Well, considering he introduced himself I guess this won’t be that ha- .’ Jeonghan said to himself going from calm to frantic in a split second.
“Uhm…Right sorry, I’m SoonHan..?” ‘Very creative Jeonghan.’
“Oh cool! So where are you heading?” Soonyoung said with so much enthusiasm Jeonghan now has headache.
“I-I don’t really know?” He said, the sentence coming out as more of a question then a statement.
Soonyoung let out a small sound almost like he was contemplating something.
“Oh! How about you come with me!” He stated with a big grin that kind creeped Jeonghan out. Okay, so it really creeped Jeonghan out. He does not in any way want to go anywhere with Soonyoung. No offense to him but not only is he creepy but he’s annoying too.
But then again, maybe he could benefit off of this. Soonyoung seems to be a teenager and if he knows anything about teenagers it’s that they most likely have some sort of part-time job. This also means that Soonyoung could get him a job or hell, even give him a place to stay until he gets back on his feet.
“Sure! That would be nice!” Jeonghan said with more enthusiasm then he’s had in 15 years. Soonyoung definitely seems to like this answer seeing as he continuously bounces up and down on the creaky, old bus seat that hasn’t been changed in years.
“Yay! This’ll be great! I don’t think I’ve seen you on this bus before which must mean that you’re new. And I would know if you’ve been on this bus before. Y’see I’ve been riding on this-“ That’s when Jeonghan zoned out again.
When Jeonghan regained his ‘consciousness’ it was when Soonyoung eagerly stood- more like jumped up from his seat, latched his fingers onto Jeonghan’s wrist and literally dragged him out of the bus.
As Jeonghan finally managed to free himself from Soonyoung’s death grip, he looked up to see a large building. And by large, Jeonghan means large. The funny thing is he’s pretty sure it’s some sort of restaurant or café. Who the would need- or want a restaurant to be this big.
“Ay, c’mon!” Jeonghan looked over to Soonyoung in awe as the teen waved his hand eagerly over at Jeonghan to come with him. And something in him told him not to go with Soonyoung. And for the second time today, he decided not to trust his instincts.
‘Eh, it’
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