Music that speaks about us...


Another random story.. hahaha just ignore everything


Music that speaks about us…


Do you have a playlist in for your life?


Does this song represent who really you are?


Or these songs represent your love one to someone else?


In my case all the songs in my playlist it’s all about the people I loved and I can’t tell them the real feeling  have to them so I put in a song so that it could be easier for me to tell my own feelings.


I always suggested some songs to people I care and special to me. But I don’t know if they know what the meaning of that song. Sometimes I wish I could find someone who can give me also a song. A Song that has a meaning on but I guess I’m the only who’s digging in to a lyrics of the songs.


Years passed I thought I just found someone but then I was wrong they are suggesting a song for the sake of what you called conversation. So once I feel that way I escape from the called boring conversation. I want someone who can understand my passion in music, How music change me and how the beautiful their lyrics are.


Spring time I was unemployed and I have nothing to do. I met strangers online talk to them how I obsess I am to kpop and in Kdrama. There is a one stranger who has sons already. They look so handsome so we start talking about it and make a competition who will be the lucky girl for this young handsome guy.


I was hesitant to send him a message because it’s really awkward to message a guy for the first time but then I give it a shot. So here’s my intro “Hi nothing just want to say Hi to you. And give you this song because your melt my heart from the moment I saw you”. (hahaha yeah I did that crazy isn’t hahaha). So he’s a nice guy response to me politely but I forgot his reply to me hahaha. And then that the start of our conversation.


We share what he’s favorite song and how he choose a song. And then I realize I think he’s the person I’m looking for (, there this one time we are sending each other our fave song with lyrics on it so he can read it. 


That was the moment every morning I woke up an instant smile came into my lips. It’s feels like every day is a perfect day because of him. We sometimes talk about personal stuff about us. What he like? What doesn’t like? Or any random topic we can brought up.


I wasn’t really expecting that everything will be ok because sometimes guys don’t like girls are the one approaching them, So vacation time I need to go to province because the whole family is going so I told him I might not be able to message him from time to time because we have a poor signal in my province. But I will message him in case I have signal or stable connection.

It’s really hard getting a stable connection to our province but I can still manage to post of message him from time to time. There was this time he was saying he wants to see our province because he don’t have some. He want to experience how life in province, I told him he can go here whenever he want because our house if open for everyone.


There’s also a moment wherein he just send me a laughing emoticon and I said “what’s with that emoticon all about?” he said, “Nothing I just saw your post regarding pastillas and you look cute there”, said, “You know here in province if you are craving for something you need to make it by your own hands hahaha”, he said, “Ahh I really like to go there I want to experience province life”,.


Then I came back to Manila and our non-stop conversation starts again but me I need to go to sleep early because of the province time I’m still adjusting but he said I’m just really getting old that’s why I need to sleep early.. (He’s so mean right.. hahaha). 


Her mom is having a birthday party and I am invited well all of our fandom friends will be there. So I was this thought I will meet him for the first time. What would be his reaction if he see me? Maybe after he saw me he won’t talk to me anymore? I have a lot of crazy idea in mind because im just really scared that he gets disappointed if he saw me.


Dday her eomma’s bday I was really stress that day because I already have a new work and it’s giving me a hard time. So I felt like I don’t look presentable and yet I don’t used on commute travel hence I get stressed during our travel because of the sun heat.


We already arrived in their house and my heart is beating so hard. I don’t know what to do. And them we are about to enter their house he was on the receiving area looking at us and when he saw me. he gave me a big smile and a little wave. And then my heart really beat like it will explode to death. So I manage to enter to their house without looking at him because I’m shy. 


We arrived at the resort where in we will stay for a night. But then too bad for me I got fever and migraine maybe because of the travel we did my body is not really into it. So instead of enjoying it with everyone I stayed in room to rest. I woke up after a long sleep and he asked me to join to them in swimming pool but I feel so dizzy all of a sudden so I decided not. (It was like a turn off to him I told to myself). So I continue sleeping until the following morning. (Just really a turn off).


Then after I arrived at home I message him on how I feel sorry for what happened because we are not able to talk and bond that day. He just said its fine that I really look sick that day and he said I need to take vitamins so that I won’t feel sick again.


After few days of our meeting i’ve become busy at work and wasn’t able to talk to him. And then I saw a message from him. He said, “I saw this while watching music show and I looked in the lyrics it’s beautiful”, and then he attached the link the title of the song is “You’re beautiful” it’s a Korean songs because we like Korean songs hahhaa..


Please see the lyrics of the song.


Because you’re beautiful
Because that face is so beautiful
I couldn’t say what I planned to say
When you smile, the whole world stops


When you call my name with those lips
Only I can hear the next words, I love you

Beautiful day, beautiful love
The day our love began
Every moment shyly stopped
I think this is love

Beautiful girl, beautiful love
Under the sky that shines with dazzling sunlight
Out of all the things I’ve seen
You are the most beautiful
Because you are beautiful

You’re beautiful, that’s enough
I already know about how beautiful you are
You can show your heart for me
You have the passport to ride the airplane that is me
We’ll fly high in the sky
First class ticket, you can comfortably sit
Just comfortably come into my arms,
I’ll be your arm pillow
Get it? You will hug me
It ain’t hard to tell

When we’re looking at each other, I keep smiling
I wanna hug you again because you’re so beautiful

Beautiful girl, beautiful love
Under the sky that shines with dazzling sunlight
Out of all the things I’ve seen
You are the most beautiful

You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful

Nothing had meaning before
I was running behind in this suffocating life
I didn’t even laugh during comedies
I was struggling against the crashing waves
Just a drifting boat that had been wrecked
Then your eyes became my compass
(I wanna hug you)
So I started to row towards you
As I looked at new days
You make me live and breathe
It ain’t hard to tell

Beautiful day, beautiful love
The day our love began
Every moment shyly stopped
I think this is love

Beautiful girl, beautiful love
Under the sky that shines with dazzling sunlight
Out of all the things I’ve seen
You are the most beautiful
Because you are beautiful



When I read the lyrics sorry to assume but I guess this is the most beautiful I’ve ever received in my life. It feels like he gave me this song together with his heart (like I said I just really assume that we have mutual feelings). Then every night this song is on repeat mode it feels like I can fall in love with him all over again. 


But then sometimes life is very unfair the gap between us become larger and larger because I didn’t message him anymore because of work is so busy and my best friend died I want to tell him that but I might be a burden to him so I keep it to myself. From then on I haven’t talk to him I only message him when he finally passed in board and his bday after that no communication at all.


I was thinking  that we are maybe in a pick when we are in good terms but I guess it’s really me why everything don’t get well.


But for me we will always be the person who can give a beautiful meaning to a beautiful music. He adds a beautiful harmony in life and gave me beautiful words to remember.


We might not be ending up together I still owe him because my dream comes true. To have someone that can give me a beautiful song with a beautiful meaning of it. 



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