Joke's on us?

Memories; Conversations
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I looked up at the sky. It was surprisingly full of stars, sparkling with all its glory. His arm was looped around my waist, gesturing for me to scoot over a little closer. We sat in silence for awhile, immersed in our own thoughts like we usually did when we came up to our favorite cafe’s rooftop. He would order a cup of hot chocolate, and I would have the same cup of coffee every time. Because the cafe was open for 24 hours, we would go here at the most impossible times, for it was quiet, cold but oddly comfortable at 2 in the morning, with ballad tunes playing softly in the background. His hot chocolate would have gone cold after 20 minutes on the chilly weather, and so did my half-drank coffee. That was when we would start talking. About life, his and mine. About possibilities. About memories, and about stuff we had talk about over and over again. How we met, things we loved, lame jokes and stupid banters.


“Do you remember the first time I took you home, and it was after midnight but you insisted to go inside a drive-thru because you were craving burger and fries?”


I cringed at the memory. He always had this tendency to remember ridiculous things I dragged him into. I pursed my lips in response. “I have my bad days, okay.”


He grinned and squeezed my waist lightly. “You keep me on my toes with your surprises, I like that.”


“You should be grateful I let you stay despite all your sarcastic, sassy remarks.” I scoffed, wriggling free from his embrace.


He let me move aside but his hands were adjusting the thick jacket draped over my shoulder to keep me warm. The wind blew stronger than most nights, but he didn’t seem to mind, nor did I.


“Hey, do you love me?” He blurted out of the blue. His deep gaze was piercing right through my eyes, waiting for an answer to come out of my mouth.


“What are you talking about, Sehun-ah, of course I do.”


He bit his lip, hesitated. “Then can we stay like this forever?”


I wanted so bad to gave him a yes for an answer, but forever was such a heavy word to deal with. Forever would be a very long time, and we all knew the universe liked to play cruel jokes on people. I didn’t like to make promises I could not keep, and I was not even sure about it myself. I contemplated on things for a long time before I did something about it. I made life decisions with rational mind. I never let my heart got in the way, but I knew he was an exception from the first time I saw him. If we were to talk according to my heart, I would have said yes a long time ago. I would have said it first before he did, because I had never felt something so strong before. This thing that constantly fluttered at the bottom of my stomach, sometimes even stomping furiously when he told me nice things about myself. This thing that made my heart almost jumped out of my chest at gestures as simple as touching my hand or my hair. Of course the ideal thing was to never stopped loving him. To made sure that death was the only reason of our separation. But this was a real world, and ideal things were nonexistent. You can’t always get what you want. For most of the time, things don’t always turned out like how you wished it would be.


“Hey…” He muttered, breaking the silence.


“I don’t know, Sehun…”


“Just stay.”


If only everything could be as simple as we planned it out ourselves.


    “You know you’re very important to me and we should leave it at that.” I ran my fingers through his soft, short black hair. He closed his eyes behind the thin-framed glasses and sighed.


The sky gave you everything, and the world gave me you

So your heart won’t get hurt, so it can’t even be harmed

I’ll protect you, I’ll live for you

I promise you that


He was the kind of man I was always looking for. How he made me feel warm just by his presence near me. How we could talk about anything, and everything. Things that mattered like asking about our days; a great milestone he achieved at work, or someone from the well-known entertainment company offered me a position in team for its upcoming new group band debut. And there are things that didn’t really matter, like why he couldn’t stop eating sweet stuffs or the start of my obsession towards kittens. Throwing banters and lame jokes at each other without feeling embarrassed by it. Singing on top of our lungs to our favorite music with him being off-tuned halfway through the song and me trying to stop myself from laughing too much. It was liberating. Sometimes you met a person and just clicked; never even saw them before, but you got comfortable easily in no time. Like you have known them all your life, and you didn’t have to pretend being someone you’re not. He was that person for me.



I liked to relate songs to different occasions happened in my life. It reserved memories, that every time I listened to a particular song, I would be reminded of an event in the past. There was this thing about relating songs to a person, too. So that every time you listened to the song, the person’s face would pop out on your mind, making you remember.


“Sehun-ah. What song remi

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GriffinEvanescent #1
Chapter 1: It's 3 am, with Stay by Blackpink playing and I wasn't ready for that ending.... I felt my heart just break... let me just curl up in bed and try to piece my heart back together now