best brother

tong kids

"  chris diana come and eat " liyan shouted 

chris came over but diana did not 

" i want ice cream " diana replied 

" hey its lunch time no ice cream until you finish your lunch and not eating is not an option so you either sit and have your lunch or you have no ice cream " liyan said to diana 

ben came in 

" ma i am home " ben shouted 

" hey son come and eat " liyan replied 

liyan looked at a angry diana 

" diana i am counting to 3 if you don come and eat there will be no more food for you and you will not get your ice cream " liyan shouted 

diana started crying ben went over and carried his sister 

" diana don cry come kor kor will give you your ice cream ok " ben said to diana 

liyan watched as diana stopped crying 

" you always spoil your sister " liyan said to ben as she shook her head 

"its ok she is still small give her some time  " ben replied 

liyan just shook her head 

after that was done 

" come ma i help you " ben asked 

" its ok i can do it on my own you go do your homework " liyan replied 

" yes ma " ben asked 

" ma where is mr teddy " diana shouted 

" you left him here on the sofa when u were sulking " liyan handed mr teddy to diana 

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